Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use base qw(Oak::Filer);
use Error qw(:try);
use strict;
=head1 NAME
Oak::Filer::Component - Filer to save/load data into/from Components
require Oak::Filer::Component;
my $filer = new Oak::Filer::Component(
FILENAME => "tralala.xml", # mandatory, any supported by DBI
my $hr_props = $filer->load("mine");
my $hr_owned = $filer->load("owned");
mine => $hr_props,
owned => $hr_owned
This module provides access for saving and reading data into a Component XML, to be used by
components. Must pass XML FILENAME
=item constructor
Overwrited to test the existance of XML file.
sub constructor{
my $self = shift;
my %parms = @_;
throw Oak::Filer::Component::Error::XMLInexistent unless -f $parms{FILENAME};
$self->set('FILENAME' => $parms{FILENAME});
return $self->SUPER::constructor(%parms);
=item load
Load the information from the XML file and return one of the following properties
"mine" => the properties of the owner of this XML
"owned" => a hash with all the owned components and their properties
Throws a Oak::Filer::Component::Error::ErrorReadingXML when there was something wrong
when trying to read the XML file.
sub load {
my $self = shift;
my $what = shift;
require XML::Parser;
my ($xml, $xml_hash);
try {
$xml = new XML::Parser(Style => 'Oak::Filer::Component::XMLHandlers');
$xml_hash = $xml->parsefile($self->get('FILENAME'));
} except {
throw Oak::Filer::Component::Error::ErrorReadingXML;
throw Oak::Filer::Component::Error::ErrorReadingXML unless ref $xml_hash eq "HASH";
$self->{__MINE__} = $xml_hash->{mine};
$self->{__OWNED__} = $xml_hash->{owned};
return $self->{__MINE__} if $what eq 'mine';
return $self->{__OWNED__} if $what eq 'owned';
=item store
Store the information into the XML file. You can pass any of these parameters,
but you have to pass ALL the parameters, because the hash you pass as a parameter
will overwrite the old hash.
"mine" => the properties of the owner of this XML
"owned" => a hash with all the owned components and their properties
Throws a Oak::Filer::Component::Error::ErrorReadingXML when there was something wrong
when trying to read the XML file.
sub store {
my $self = shift;
my %parms = @_;
$self->{__MINE__} = $parms{mine} if ref $parms{mine} eq "HASH";
$self->{__OWNED__} = $parms{owned} if ref $parms{owned} eq "HASH";
require IO;
require XML::Writer;
my ($output, $writer);
$output = new IO::File(">".$self->get('FILENAME')) || throw Oak::Filer::Component::Error::ErrorWritingXML;
$writer = new XML::Writer(OUTPUT => $output) || throw Oak::Filer::Component::Error::ErrorWritingXML;
for (keys %{$self->{__MINE__}}) {
$writer->startTag('prop', 'name' => $_, 'value' => $self->{__MINE__}{$_});
for my $element (keys %{$self->{__OWNED__}}) {
$writer->startTag('owned', 'name' => $element);
for (keys %{$self->{__OWNED__}{$element}}) {
$writer->startTag('prop', 'name' => $_, 'value' => $self->{__OWNED__}{$element}{$_});
return 1;
$Oak::Filer::Component::XMLHandlers::OWNEDNAME = '';
%Oak::Filer::Component::XMLHandlers::OWNED = ();
%Oak::Filer::Component::XMLHandlers::MINE = ();
sub Start {
my $p = shift;
my $elem = shift;
my %vars = @_;
if ($elem eq "prop") {
if ($Oak::Filer::Component::XMLHandlers::OWNEDNAME) {
$Oak::Filer::Component::XMLHandlers::OWNED{$Oak::Filer::Component::XMLHandlers::OWNEDNAME}{$vars{name}} = $vars{value};
} else {
$Oak::Filer::Component::XMLHandlers::MINE{$vars{name}} = $vars{value}
} elsif ($elem eq "owned") {
$Oak::Filer::Component::XMLHandlers::OWNEDNAME = $vars{name};
$Oak::Filer::Component::XMLHandlers::OWNED{$vars{name}}{name} = $vars{name};
sub End {
my $p = shift;
my $elem = shift;
if ($elem eq "owned") {
$Oak::Filer::Component::XMLHandlers::OWNEDNAME = ''
sub Final {
return {
mine => \%Oak::Filer::Component::XMLHandlers::MINE,
owned => \%Oak::Filer::Component::XMLHandlers::OWNED
The following exceptions are introduced by Oak::Filer::Component
=item Oak::Filer::Component::Error::XMLInexistent
This error is throwed when the XML FILE does not exist.
sub stringify {
return "Missing XML File";
=item Oak::Filer::Component::Error::ErrorReadingXML
This error is throwed when there is some problem with the XML while trying to read it.
sub stringify {
return "There was something wrong when trying to read the XML file";
=item Oak::Filer::Component::Error::ErrorWritingXML
This error is throwed when there is some problem with the XML while trying to read it.
sub stringify {
return "There was something wrong when trying to write the XML file";