Oak::AAS::Session - Authentication and Authorization Service Session
This class implements the Client side for the Oak Authentication and Authorization Service.
- service
The service to be consulted. composed by:
aas_service => One of the AAS services See L<Oak::AAS::Service|Oak::AAS::Service> for information about services. params => Parameters to the aas service
The AAS Service is instanciated only once, after that a cache copy will be used.
- user
The user login
- session_id
The unique id of this session
- start(user => $login, password => $passwd);
Check user and password and start a new session. The session id will be defined in the session_id property. Throws an Oak::AAS::AuthenticationError if the password is invalid
- validate(user => $login, session_id => $sid);
Check if this is a valid session. Throws an Oak::AAS::AuthenticationError if not.
- restricted $sessionobj "/path/to/a/service", sub { "do_something" }
Test if the current user is allowed to access the specified service. If so, the block will be executed. Else an Oak::AAS::AuthorizationError will be thrown.
The syntax is:
restricted $session "/service", sub { # do something; print "Hello World!"; }; # DO NOT FORGET THE ;
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