The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
use Error qw(:try);
=head1 NAME
Oak::Web::Page - Top level component of a web application
This class is the web page itself.
The Oak::Web::Page object has the following properties:
=item lang
Language of the HTML code
=item dir
Text direction (left to right or right to left
=item title
The title of this web page
=item meta
This property contains the text to include as meta information (as is, including the tag, but not < nor >)
=item linkrel
This property contains the text to include as linkrel (as is, including the tag, but not < nor >)
=item style
Space for stylesheet
=item expire_cookies
Boolean. If set will expire all the cookies of this session
=item script
Space for javascript
=head1 EVENTS
=item ev_onSyntaxError
This event is launched when some "check_syntax" has failed. If you do syntax check, you probably
wants to define this event.
=item ev_onUncaughtError
This event is launched when some error occours when dispatching the events of the child components.
If this is not set and an uncaught error occours, the error will be propagated.
=head1 METHODS
=item message(NAME => VALUE)
receives a message from the application.
In this module the only message is POST which receives the CGI object.
sub message {
my $self = shift;
my %parms = @_;
if ($parms{POST}) {
my $cgi = $parms{POST};
my $err = 0;
foreach my $k ($self->list_childs) {
my $child = $self->get_child($k);
try {
foreach my $k ($self->list_childs) {
my $child = $self->get_child($k);
} catch Oak::Web::Page::Error::Syntax with {
my $err = shift;
if ($self->get('ev_onSyntaxError')) {
} else {
throw $err;
} otherwise {
my $err = shift;
if ($self->get('ev_onUncaughtError')) {
} else {
throw $err;
return 1;
=item check_syntax(NAME,NAME,NAME,NAME)
Check the syntax of the components.
If some exception occours, the name of the
component that generated the exception will be added
in $self->{__ERRORS__}{name} = {error} and a
Oak::Web::Page::Error::Syntax will be thrown.
sub check_syntax {
my $self = shift;
my @names = shift;
my $err = 0;
foreach my $k (@names) {
my $child = $self->get_child($k);
try {
} otherwise {
my $e = shift;
$err = 1;
$self->{__ERRORS__}{$k} = $e->stringify;
if ($err) {
throw Oak::Web::Page::Error::Syntax;
} else {
return 1;
sub start_container {
my $self = shift;
my %cookies_params = $self->get_cookies_properties;
if ($self->get('expire_cookies')) {
$cookies_params{"-expires"} = "-1d";
my $ar_cookies = $::SESSION->get_cookies(%cookies_params);
$ar_cookies ||= [];
foreach my $c (@{$ar_cookies}) {
print "Set-Cookie: $c\n";
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"\n";
print "<HTML";
if ($self->get('lang')) {
print " lang=\"".$self->get('lang')."\"";
if ($self->get('dir')) {
print " dir=\"".$self->get('dir')."\"";
print ">\n";
print "<HEAD>\n";
print "<TITLE>".$self->get('title')."</TITLE>\n";
print "<".$self->get('meta').">\n" if $self->get('meta');
print "<".$self->get('linkrel').">\n" if $self->get('linkrel');
print "<STYLE>".$self->get('style')."</STYLE>\n" if $self->get('style');
print "<SCRIPT><!--\n".$self->get('script')."\n--></SCRIPT>\n" if $self->get('script');
print "</HEAD>\n";
sub end_container {
print "</HTML>\n";
=item get_cookies_properties
Return a HASH with the default properties of the cookies
sub get_cookies_properties {
The following exceptions are introduced by Oak::Component
=item Oak::Web::Page::Error::Syntax
This error is thrown by check_syntax telling that some test was wrong.
sub stringify {
return "Syntax Error";
=head1 BUGS
Too early to determine. :)
Copyright (c) 2001
Daniel Ruoso <>
All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.