Oak::Web::Session - Object that holds the session attributes
This object is used by Oak::Web::Application to provide a Session behavior. When you set a parameter for the Session of an application this parameter will be passed as a cookie to the clients browser and it will be available during the rest of the session.
The properties of the session are the attributes of this object
- constructor
The constructor is overwrited to retrieve the session attributes
Returns an array ref with the CGI::Cookie objects defining the properties that were set in this iteration.
All the parameters passed to this function will be repassed on the creation of the Cookies. Please see CGI::Cookie documentation to see what parameters can be passed.
P.S.: The name and value properties are defined by Oak::Web::Session
This function makes all the cookies to be sent to the client again. This can be usefull to expire all the cookies of this session.
Copyright (c) 2001 Daniel Ruoso <> All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.