Oak::Web::Additional::PageNavigator - A navigator for paged data (like goooooooogle)
Creates a navigation panel with links to help in the control of paged information, like reports or any other search feature.
This component will do exactly the same job that the Goooooooogle links does.
The HTML representation of this component is a DIV with a lot of A inside.
- form_name
The name of the form component that this navigator is inside.
- reverse_count
Reverse the counter. The first page will appear as the last.
- current_page
The current page. When the users click on a link this attribute is updated.
- total_pages
Used to control the links and when to hide the "next" ( << ) link. If you do not define this property, the navigator will not be shown.
- class
The class for the DIV element
- class_previous
The class for the "previous" link ( << )
- class_page_link
The class for the link on the page numbers
- class_this_page
The class for the number of the current page (the current page does not have a link)
- class_next
The class for the "next" link ( >> )
- ev_onClick
when one of the links is clicked.