DBIx::Portable - Framework for RDBMS-generic apps and schemas
The DBIx::Portable class currently has no functionality of its own, but rather contains the collective POD documentation for how to use the DBIx::Portable::* modules as an integrated but extensible framework. Any documentation in this file should be considered to always refer to the aforementioned framework as a single entity, unless explicitely stated otherwise. While DBIx::Portable can be 'used' and it does declare the $VERSION global variable, that variable is only meant to indicate the version of the whole distribution. Do not try to instantiate an object of DBIx::Portable itself or call its functions, but rather use the other modules as appropriate.
Perl Version
5.004 (by intent; tested with 5.6)
Standard Modules
Nonstandard Modules
DBI (used by various DBIx::Portable::PDBD::* modules; minimum version unknown)
DBD::* (used by various DBIx::Portable::PDBD::* modules; minimum versions unknown)
Content of settings file "", used by script below:
my $rh_prefs = {
pdbi_connect_args => {
driver => 'DBIx::Portable::PDBD::MySQL-3-23',
server => 'survey1',
user => 'joebloe',
pass => 'fdDF9X0sd7zy',
question_list => [
visible_title => "What's your name?",
type => 'str',
name => 'name',
is_required => 1,
}, {
visible_title => "What's the combination?",
type => 'int',
name => 'words',
}, {
visible_title => "What's your favorite colour?",
type => 'str',
name => 'color',
Content of a simple CGI script for implementing a web survey:
use strict;
sub script_main {
my $base_url = 'http://'.($ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} || '').$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};
my ($curr_mode) = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ m/mode=([^&]*)/;
my $form_data_str = '';
read( STDIN, $form_data_str, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} );
chomp( $form_data_str );
my %form_values = ();
foreach my $pair (split( '&', $form_data_str )) {
my ($key, $value) = split( '=', $pair, 2 );
next if( $key eq "" );
$key =~ tr/+/ /;
$key =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$form_values{$key} = $value;
my $fn_prefs = '';
"Status: 200 OK\n",
"Content-type: text/html\n\n",
"<title>Simple Web Survey</title>\n",
"<p><a href=\"$base_url?mode=install\">Install Schema</a>\n",
" | <a href=\"$base_url?mode=remove\">Remove Schema</a>\n",
" | <a href=\"$base_url?mode=fillin\">Fill In Form</a>\n",
" | <a href=\"$base_url?mode=report\">See Report</a></p>\n",
"<hr />\n",
"<form method=\"POST\" action=\"$base_url?mode=$curr_mode\">\n",
(&script_make_screen( $fn_prefs, $curr_mode, \%form_values )),
"<p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"OK\" value=\"Do It Now\" /></p>\n",
sub script_make_screen {
my ($fn_prefs, $curr_mode, $form_values) = @_;
my $prefs = do $fn_prefs;
unless( ref( $prefs ) eq 'HASH' ) {
return( "Error: can't obtain required preferences hash from '$fn_prefs': ".
(defined( $prefs ) ? "result not a hash ref, but '$prefs'" :
$@ ? "compilation or runtime error of '$@'" : $!) );
eval {
require DBIx::Portable::PDBI; # also compiles ...::* modules
if( $@ ) {
return( "Error: can't compile DBIx::Portable::PDBI/::* modules: $@" );
my $engine = DBIx::Portable::PDBI->new();
$engine->throw_error( 0 ); # on error, ret result obj, do not throw exception
my $dbh = $engine->execute_command( {
'type' => 'database_connect',
'args' => $prefs->{pdbi_connect_args}, # includes what driver to use
} );
if( $dbh->is_error() ) {
return( "Error: can't connect to database: ".$dbh->get_error() );
my $html_output = &script_while_connected( $prefs, $dbh, $curr_mode, $form_values );
my $rv = $dbh->execute_command( {
'type' => 'database_disconnect',
} );
if( $rv->is_error() ) {
return( "Error: can't disconnect from database: ".$rv->get_error() );
return( $html_output );
sub script_while_connected {
my ($prefs, $dbh, $curr_mode, $form_values) = @_;
if( $curr_mode eq 'install' ) {
return( &script_do_install( $prefs, $dbh, $form_values ) );
if( $curr_mode eq 'remove' ) {
return( &script_do_remove( $prefs, $dbh, $form_values ) );
if( $curr_mode eq 'fillin' ) {
return( &script_do_fillin( $prefs, $dbh, $form_values ) );
if( $curr_mode eq 'report' ) {
return( &script_do_report( $prefs, $dbh, $form_values ) );
return( "This is a simple demo. Click on the menu items to do them." );
sub script_to_install {
my ($prefs, $dbh, $form_values) = @_;
sub script_to_remove {
my ($prefs, $dbh, $form_values) = @_;
sub script_to_fillin {
my ($prefs, $dbh, $form_values) = @_;
sub script_to_report {
my ($prefs, $dbh, $form_values) = @_;
# TO DO:
The DBIx::Portable framework is intended to support complex (or simple) database-using applications that are easily portable across databases because common product-specific details are abstracted away. These include the RDBMS product and vendor name, what dialect of SQL its scripting or query interface uses, whether the product uses SQL at all or some other method of querying, how query results are returned, what features the RDBMS supports, how to manage connections, how to manage schema, how to manage stored procedures, and perhaps how to manage users. The main thing that this framework will not be doing in the forseeable future is managing the installation and configuration of the RDBMS itself, which may be on the same machine or a different one.
There are two main types of functionality that the DBIx::Portable framework is designed to implement; this functionality may be better described in different groupings.
The first functionality type is the management (creation, modification, deletion) of the schema in a database, including: tables, keys, constraints, relations, sequences, views, stored procedures, triggers, and users. This type of functionality typically is used infrequently and sets things up for the main functionality of your database-using application(s). In some cases, typically with single-user desktop applications, the application may install its own schema, and/or create new database files, when it starts up or upon the user's prompting; this can be analogous to the result of a "New..." (or "Save As...") command in a desktop financial management or file archiving application; the application would then carry on to use the schema as its personal working space. In other cases, typically with multiple-user client-server applications, one "Installer" or "Manager" type application or process with exclusive access will be run once to create the schema, and then a separate application or process will be run to make use of it as a shared working space.
The second functionality type is the management (creation, modification, deletion) of the data in a database, including such operations as: direct selects from single or multiple tables or views, direct inserts or updates or deletes of records, calling stored procedures, using sequences, managing temporary tables, managing transactions, managing data integrity. This type of functionality typically is used frequently and comprises the main functionality of your database-using application(s). In some cases, typically with public-accessible websites or services, all or most users will just be viewing data and not changing anything; everyone would use the same database user and they would not be prompted for passwords or other security credentials. In other cases, typically with private or restricted-access websites or services, all or most users will also be changing data; everyone would have their own real or application-simulated database user, whom they log in as with a password or other credentials; as the application implements, these users can have different activity privileges, and their actions can be audited.
The DBIx::Portable framework can be considered a low-level service because it allows a fine level of granularity or detail for the commands you can make of it and the results you get back; you get a detailed level of control. But it is not low-level in the way that you would be entering any raw SQL, or even small fragments of raw SQL; that is expressly avoided because it would expose implementation details that aren't true on all databases. Rather, this framework provides the means for you to specify in an RDBMS-generic fashion exactly what it is you want to happen, and your request is mapped to native or emulated functionality for the actual RDBMS that is being used, to do the work. The implementation or mapping is different for each RDBMS being abstracted away, and makes maximum use of that database's built-in functionality. Thereby, the DBIx::Portable framework achieves the greatest performance possible while still being 100% RDBMS-generic.
This differs from other database abstraction modules or frameworks that I am aware of on CPAN, since the others tend to either work towards the lowest-common-denominator database while emulating more complex functionality, which is very slow, or more often they provide a much more limited number of abstracted functions and expect you to do things manually (which is specific to single databases or non-portable) with any other functionality you need. With many modules, even the abstracted functions tend to accept sql fragments as part of their input, which in the broadest sense makes those non-portable as well. With my framework I am attempting the "holy grail" of maximum portability with maximum features and maximum speed, which to my knowledge none of the existing solutions on CPAN are doing, or would be able to do short of a full rewrite. This is largely why I am starting a new module framework rather than trying to help patch an existing solution; I believe a rewrite is needed.
In an effort to keep things simpler for development, the first few releases of this distribution will contain some of the intended features, while others will be left out for now, but be dealt with later at an appropriate time.
The first few releases should allow you to: connect to (or open) an existing database, create tables, views, stand-alone stored procedures, and stand-alone stored functions in the schema of the database user that you connect as, validate said schema, select from multiple tables or views, modify (IUD) data in tables, call stand-alone stored procedures and functions, create and use temporary tables.
The first few releases will likely not provide the means to: create a new database, create database users or modify their privileges, see schema of users that you didn't connect as (unless there are public synonyms), pay attention to or enforce user privileges that the underlying RDBMS product doesn't implement itself, implement transactional data integrity where the underlying RDBMS product doesn't do it, enforce foreign key constraints or other data constraints where the underlying RDBMS doesn't do it, support multiple transaction contexts on a single database connection.
The first few releases might but not necessarily: obtain read locks for data consistency, lock records for update, pay attention to or start and end transactions (commit or rollback), create or call database packages containing stored procedures and functions, create triggers, create or use sequences.
On databases that don't support sub-selects (eg: MySQL before 4.1.x) or unions (eg: MySQL before 4.0.x) natively, DBIx::Portable::PDBD::* will try to emulate complex select commands by creating temporary tables in the database to hold results of inner selects. This would keep all the implementation work inside the RDBMS product where it should be, with only the final resulting row-set being returned to the Perl application. However, it is possible that this will only work if the database user being connected as has the privileges to create tables, which isn't always the case for DML-only users; on the other hand, temporary tables may not require said permissions. There may also be problems with reliability of the results if someone else is modifying the inputs for the temporary tables before they are all built; this may change later when proper read locks are used.
These classes do not export any functions or methods, so you need to call them using object notation. This means using Class->function() for functions and $object->method() for methods. If you are inheriting any class for your own modules, then that often means something like $self->method().
The modules composing the DBIx::Portable framework are grouped into two main categories, which can be called "Portable RDBMS Interface" and "Portable RDBMS Drivers". The first group is in some ways the core of the framework, since it is always used to coordinate activities, and it is what stands squarely between the second group and the main logic of your applications; the second group requires the first, but the latter is not technically true. There potentially are a third group of modules, which can be called "Portable RDBMS Wrappers"; this group sits on top of the first group and provides alternative interfaces; the third group would never talk directly to the second group.
The "Portable RDBMS Interface", or "PDBI" for short, is a framework unto itself which defines its own programming language if you will. This language could be considered a new SQL variant, in that it has the features to represent a non-ambiguous structured definition of any task that you would want a database to do. But it is different in that one should always be using it in a "fully parsed" form, which is a multi-dimensional data structure, and usually encapsulated by a few objects; the PDBI framework is comprised mainly of these objects.
The main reason for having no serialized representation, or "SQL statement", is that this framework is intended primarily for a data-driven application programming model, where the applications use a "data dictionary" to control what work it is doing. The PDBI framework is intended to save these applications from having to convert their data dictionaries into SQL manually; the various "attributes" or "nodes" of a PDBI object can often correspond directly to individual attributes stored in a data dictionary, so applications can simply copy them over as simple scalar values. But even non-data-driven programs would benefit from the PDBI framework, since it still is a convenient way to define exactly what you want to happen without you having to know any SQL. For cases when you want a less verbose interface, it is easy to add new ones on top.
Also, serialized SQL representations are avoided in the core because they can add a lot of processing overhead and can be a lot more error prone; it is like having to write a paragraph from scratch rather than just filling in some blanks. That said, it should be easy enough to add a layer on top of the existing interface that does SQL parsing.
Each of the PDBI modules is one of two types, which can be called "active" and "container". Methods of an "active" class will or might interact with a database while they are executing (which is generally an external environment), and that interaction may alter the current state of the database (eg: open or close connection, read or write data, read or write schema). Methods of a "container" class, by contrast, will only alter Perl data structures within objects of that class, or create new container objects (they do not read from or write to the environment). Container objects are often used as input to active object methods, to help describe what the active method should be doing. Container objects can be serialized into a settings file or database for later use if desired, but it doesn't make sense to do this with active objects; the latter can usually be cached in memory during the short term, however. All active class objects must be instantiated from other active class object methods; use DBIx::Portable::PDBI->new() to get the first active object.
These are the main PDBI classes:
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DBIx::Portable::PDBI - This active class is inherited by all other active PDBI classes, and it provides functionality to talk to or manage PDBD modules. Its main task is to define the execute_command() method, which takes a Command object saying what should be done next and returns or throws a Result object saying what actually was done (or what errors there were). For some command types, execute_command() may only start the process that needs doing (eg: get a select cursor), and invoking execute_command() again on the Result object (which is a subclass) will continue or finish the process (eg: fetch a row). Instantiated by itself, this class stores globals that are shared by all drivers or connections. Subclasses include: Result, Connection.
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DBIx::Portable::PDBI::Command - This container class describes an action that needs to be done against a database; the action may include several steps, and all of them must be done when executing the Command. A Command object has one mandatory string property named 'type' (eg: 'database_connect', 'table_create', 'data_insert'), which sets the context for all of its other properties, which are in a hash property named 'args'. Elements of 'args' often include other PDBI class objects like 'Table' or 'DataType'.
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DBIx::Portable::PDBI::Result - This active class is inherited by all PDBI classes that would be returned from or thrown by an execute_command() method, and it contains the return values or errors of a Command. Its main task is to implement the is_error() and get_error() methods, which say whether the Command failed or not, and if so then why. Some commands (eg: 'database_disconnect') have no other meta-data or data to return, while others do (eg: 'data_select'). Subclasses include: Connection.
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DBIx::Portable::PDBI::Connection - This active class represents a connection to a database instance, and the simplest database applications use only one. You instantiate a Connection object by executing a Command of type 'database_connect'; that command usually takes 4 arguments, the first of which is mandatory: 'driver' is a string having the name of the PDBD module to use, which also defines what RDBMS product is being used; 'server' is the name of the specific database instance to use; 'user' is the username to authenticate yourself against a multi-user database as; 'pass' is the associated password.
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DBIx::Portable::PDBI::Cursor - This active class represents a cursor over a rowset that is being selected from a database. You instantiate a Cursor object by executing a command of type 'data_select'; that command usually takes 1 argument, which is mandatory: 'view' is a View object that describes the select statement being run, including what columns it has and their datatypes, what the source tables are, how they are joined, what the row filters are, sort order, and row limiting or paging.
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DBIx::Portable::PDBI::DataType - This container class describes a simple data type, which serves as meta-data for a single scalar unit of data, or a column whose members are all of the same data type, such as is in a regular database table or in row-sets read from or to be written to one. This class would be used both when manipulating database schema and when manipulating database data.
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DBIx::Portable::PDBI::Table - This container class describes a single database table, and would be used for such things as managing schema for the table (eg: create, alter, destroy), and describing the table's "public interface" so other functionality like views or various DML operations know how to use the table. In its simplest sense, a Table object consists of a table name, a list of table columns, a list of keys, a list of constraints, and a few other implementation details. This class does not describe anything that is changed by DML activity, such as a count of stored records, or the current values of sequences attached to columns. This class can generate Command objects having types of: 'table_verify', 'table_create', 'table_alter', 'table_destroy'.
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DBIx::Portable::PDBI::DataSet - This container class is meta-data from which DML command templates can be generated. Conceptually, a DataSet looks like a Table, since both represent or store a matrix of data, which has uniquely identifiable columns, and rows which can be uniquely identifiable but may not be. But unlike a Table, a DataSet does not have a name. In its simplest use, a DataSet is an interface to a single database table, and its public interface is identical to that of said table; this interface can be used to fetch or modify data stored in the table. This class can generate Command objects having types of: 'data_select', 'data_insert', 'data_update', 'data_delete', 'data_lock', 'data_unlock'. Note: this paragraph was a rough draft.
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DBIx::Portable::PDBI::View - This container class describes a single database view, and would be used for such things as managing schema for the view (eg: create, alter, destroy), and describing the view's "public interface" (it looks like a table, with columns and rows) so other functionality like various DML operations or other views know how to use the view. Conceptually speaking, a database view is an abstracted interface to one or more database tables which are related to each other in a specific way; a view has its own name and can generally be used like a table. A View object has only two properties, which are a name and a DataSet object; put another way, a View object simply associates a name with a DataSet object. This class does not describe anything that is changed by DML activity, such as a count of stored records, or the current values of sequences attached to columns. This class can generate Command objects having types of: 'view_verify', 'view_create', 'view_alter', 'view_destroy'.
Other classes that may be added later include: Transaction (action for separate transaction contexts within a connection); Driver (action for globals shared by all connections implemented with the same PDBD); Database (container for database details not specific to tables); Procedure (container for details about stored procedures); other descriptors for triggers, users, whatever.
The "Portable RDBMS Drivers", or "PDBD" for short, is a pseudo-framework which implements all of the commands that the PDBI describes. For the most part, each of the PDBD modules is specialized for a particular RDBMS product. Each would generate SQL, send those statements to the database, and return the results. It is possible that the SQL generation will be put in separate modules from those that call the database, but it remains to be seen.
There is no strict rule that says there has to be a single PDBD module per database product; there could be several that implement the PDBI commands in different ways, or each one could be specialized for different versions of a product, which have different features to make use of. For example, there could be separate modules for MySQL version 3.x (the current "stable" release), version 4.0.x (which adds unions), and version 4.1.x (which adds subselects); most of their code would likely be shared. Similarly, Oracle 7 and 8 and 9 could have different modules optimized for their built-in features.
While the DBIx::Portable framework doesn't specifically require it, most PDBD modules will likely be implemented using the popular and mature "DBI" and "DBD::*" modules found on CPAN. These modules provide the actual binary interfaces to the database product, so all DBIx::Portable has to do is generate SQL and add features which each product doesn't natively support, where possible. Only the PDBD modules would contain any "use DBI" or "DBI->connect()" statements; the PDBI modules would never talk to DBI objects directly and they would never expose a DBI object to the application code that calls the PDBI methods (this is unlike practically every other database abstraction module). This means, if for some reason there is a database whose binary interface is only implemented by a module on CPAN that isn't a DBD::* module, you can still use that database with DBIx::Portable. Of course, what you can talk to is entirely up to the discression of the PDBD module implementers; it is quite possible that nothing but the DBI/DBD::* modules will ever be used, as they continue to add their own support for new databases.
All PDBD modules need to have a specific public interface, which certain PDBI modules will call them with, but they don't have to personally implement all of it. Any PDBD module can be defined to inherit from a different one, and just override any unique functionality. Most likely, there will be a single PDBD module that defines all of the required public modules but each of those does little or nothing, perhaps just printing out a debugging message saying they were called. All of the other PDBD modules would inherit from this one and override its methods. It is quite possible that there will be multiple levels of inheritence. For example, a middle level may implement ANSI-complient SQL, and the others only override where their RDBMS differs from the ANSI SQL standard. Or, the code for initializing DBI objects or some thin wrappers for its methods may be in a middle module.
These are the main PDBD classes:
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DBIx::Portable::PDBD - This class defines the specific public API that all PDBD classes must have, which is what the appropriate PDBI classes will call them with; it is an error condition if you pass a module as a driver and that module doesn't subclass this one; also, do not instantiate this class directly, as it doesn't implement the methods it declares.
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DBIx::Portable::PDBD::ANSI - This class implements most PDBD methods using SQL that is compliant to the ANSI SQL standard. It is not intended to be used by itself, but rather subclassed by another PDBD module for a specific RDBMS product. This class assumes that DBI and DBD::* modules will be used for implementation, so it uses DBI objects and methods internally. It currently does not implement the 'database_connect' command because subclasses should be choosing which DBD::* module to use internally.
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DBIx::Portable::PDBD::MySQL-3-23 - This class implements a driver for talking to MySQL 3.23.x databases. This version of MySQL does not support most kinds of sub-selects and unions, so this driver emulates that functionality by creating temporary tables; you can only use those features if you connect as a user with privileges to make temporary tables. Note that 3.23.54 is the latest release and is considered production-quality (stable) since 2001.01.22.
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DBIx::Portable::PDBD::MySQL-4-0 - This class implements a driver for talking to MySQL 4.0.x databases. This version of MySQL does not support most kinds of sub-selects, so this driver emulates that functionality by creating temporary tables; you can only use those features if you connect as a user with privileges to make temporary tables. Note that 4.0.7 is the latest release and is considered gamma-quality (soon to be stable?).
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DBIx::Portable::PDBD::MySQL-4-1 - This class implements a driver for talking to MySQL 4.1.x databases. This version of MySQL does support most kinds of sub-selects and unions, so this driver does not need to emulate them, and you can use these features even when you connect as a user that can not create temporary tables. Note that 4.1.0 is the latest release and is considered alpha-quality (perhaps stable in a year?).
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DBIx::Portable::PDBD::Oracle-8 - This class implements a driver for talking to Oracle 8.x databases.
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DBIx::Portable::PDBD::Oracle-9 - This class implements a driver for talking to Oracle 9.x databases. Note that Oracle 9 is the first version of the Oracle database that runs under Mac OS X (10.2 and later).
All other databases in common use should be supported as well; the ones in the above module list are vendors that I have used personally; I need to research others to know what versions exist or are stable or are in common use. Other RDBMS products include: Sybase, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL-Server, OpenBase, FrontBase, Valentina, Informix, ODBC, and others.
The "Portable RDBMS Wrappers", or "PDBW" for short, is a set of independant modules which provide an alternative to the highly verbose PDBI interface. These modules would probably take one of several different forms.
One form of PDBW is a value-added extension, possibly more application-specific, such as an interpreter for data dictionaries. For example, a data dictionary could say that an application is composed of screens or forms that are related in a certain way; each screen would contain several controls of various types, and some controls may correspond to specific columns in database tables. The module in question would determine from the data dictionary what needs to be retrieved from the database to support a particular screen, and ask the PDBI modules to go get it. Similarly, if the application user edits data on the screens that should then be saved back to the database, the PDBW module would ask the PDBI modules to save it. On the other side of things, it is quite possible that the data dictionary for the application is itself stored in the database, and so the PDBI modules can be asked to fetch portions of it as the PDBW module requires.
Another form of PDBW is an interface customizer or simplifier. if you know that certain details of your commands to PDBI will always be the same, or you just like to express your needs in a different way, you can take care of the default values in a wrapper module, so that the rest of your application simply has to provide inputs that aren't always the same.
Another form of PDBW is a data parser or serializer. For example, to convert database output to XML or convert XML to a database command (although, certain kinds of XML processing may be better implemented in the PDBI/PDBD layers for performance reasons, but if so it would still be an extension).
Another form of PDBW is a command parser for various SQL dialects. For example, if you want to quickly port an application, which already includes SQL statements that are tailored to a specific database product, to a different database for which it is incompatible, a PDBW module could parse that statement into the object representation that PDBI uses. This is effectively an SQL-to-SQL translator. I would expect that, citing reasons of performance or application code simplicity, one wouldn't want to use this functionality long-term, but replace the SQL with PDBI object definitions later.
Finally, one could also make PDBWs which emulate other database abstraction solutions for similar reasons to the above, which is a different type of quick porting. Since the intended feature set of DBIx::Portable should be a superset of existing solutions' feature sets, it should be possible to emulate them with it.
A possible namespace for non-application-specific PDBW classes could be DBIx::Portable::PDBW::*, but none are included with this distribution.
Below is some more detailed documentation for a few classes, as they have been written. These are by no means complete and are subject to change.
This PDBI module is a container class that describes a simple data type, which serves as meta-data for a single scalar unit of data, or a column whose members are all of the same data type, such as is in a regular database table or in row-sets read from or to be written to one. This class would be used both when manipulating database schema and when manipulating database data.
Here is some sample code for defining common data types with this class:
my %data_types = map {
( $_->{name}, DBIx::Portable::PDBI::DataType->new( $_ ) )
} (
{ 'name' => 'boolean', 'base_type' => 'boolean', },
{ 'name' => 'byte' , 'base_type' => 'int', 'size' => 1, }, # 3 digits
{ 'name' => 'short', 'base_type' => 'int', 'size' => 2, }, # 5 digits
{ 'name' => 'int' , 'base_type' => 'int', 'size' => 4, }, # 10 digits
{ 'name' => 'long' , 'base_type' => 'int', 'size' => 8, }, # 19 digits
{ 'name' => 'float' , 'base_type' => 'float', 'size' => 4, },
{ 'name' => 'double', 'base_type' => 'float', 'size' => 8, },
{ 'name' => 'datetime', 'base_type' => 'datetime', },
{ 'name' => 'str4' , 'base_type' => 'str', 'size' => 4, 'store_fixed' => 1, },
{ 'name' => 'str10', 'base_type' => 'str', 'size' => 10, 'store_fixed' => 1, },
{ 'name' => 'str30', 'base_type' => 'str', 'size' => 30, },
{ 'name' => 'str2k', 'base_type' => 'str', 'size' => 2_000, },
{ 'name' => 'bin1k' , 'base_type' => 'binary', 'size' => 1_000, },
{ 'name' => 'bin32k', 'base_type' => 'binary', 'size' => 32_000, },
These are the main class properties:
- 0
name - This mandatory string property is a convenience for calling code or users to easily know when multiple pieces of data are of the same type. Its main programatic use is for hashing DataType objects. That is, if the same data type is used in many places, and those places don't want to have their own DataType objects or share references to one, they can store the 'name' string instead, and separately have a single DataType object in a hash to lookup when the string is encountered in processing. Only the other class properties are what the PDBD modules actually use when mapping the PDBI data types to native RDBMS product data types. This property is case-sensitive.
- 0
base_type - This mandatory string property is the starting point for PDBD modules to map this data type to a native RDBMS product data type. It is limited to a pre-defined set of values which are what any DBIx::Portable modules should know about: 'boolean', 'int', 'float', 'datetime', 'str', 'binary'. More base types could be added later, but it should be possible to define what you want by setting other appropriate class properties along with one of the above base types. This property is set case-insensitive but it is stored and returned in lower-case.
- 0
size - This integer property is recommended for use with all base_type values except 'boolean' and 'datetime', for which it has no effect. With the base types of 'int' and 'float', it is the fixed size in bytes used to store a numerical data, which also determines the maximum storable number. With the 'binary' base_type, it is the maximum size in bytes that can be stored, but the actual size is only as large as the binary data being stored. With the 'str' base_type, it is the maximum size in characters that can be stored, but the actual size is only as large as the string data being stored; however, if the boolean property 'store_fixed' is true then a fixed size of characters is always allocated even if it isn't filled, where possible. If 'size' is not defined then it will default to 4 for 'int' and 'float', and to 250 for 'str' and 'boolean'. This behaviour may be changed to default to the largest value possible for the base data type in question, but that wasn't done because the maximum varies based on the implementing RDBMS product, and maximum may not be what is usually desired.
- 0
store_fixed - This boolean property is optional for use with the 'str' base_type, and it has no effect for the other base types. While string data is by default stored in a flexible and space-saving format (like 'varchar'), if this property is true, then the PDBD modules will attempt to map to a fixed size type instead (like 'char') for storage. With most database products, fixed-size storage is only applicable to fields with smaller size limits, such as 255 or less. Setting this property won't necessarily change what value is stored or retrieved, but with some products the returned values may be padded with spaces.
Other class properties may be added in the future where appropriate. Some such properties can describe constraints that would apply to all data of this type, such as that it must match the format of a telephone number or postal code or ip address, or it has to be one of a specific set of pre-defined (not looked up in an external list) values; however, this functionality may be too advanced to do until later, or would be implemented elsewhere. Other possible properties might be 'hints' for certain PDBDs to use an esoteric native data type for greater efficiency or compatability. This class would be used both when manipulating database schema and when manipulating database data.
This PDBI module is a container class that describes a single database table, and would be used for such things as managing schema for the table (eg: create, alter, destroy), and describing the table's "public interface" so other functionality like views or various DML operations know how to use the table. In its simplest sense, a Table object consists of a table name, a list of table columns, a list of keys, a list of constraints, and a few other implementation details. This class does not describe anything that is changed by DML activity, such as a count of stored records, or the current values of sequences attached to columns. This class can generate Command objects having types of: 'table_verify', 'table_create', 'table_alter', 'table_destroy'.
Here is sample code for defining a few tables with this class:
my %table_info = map {
( $_->{name}, DBIx::Portable::PDBI::Table->new( $_ ) )
} (
'name' => 'user_auth',
'column_list' => [
'name' => 'user_id', 'data_type' => 'int', 'is_req' => 1,
'default_val' => 1, 'auto_inc' => 1,
{ 'name' => 'login_name' , 'data_type' => 'str20' , 'is_req' => 1, },
{ 'name' => 'login_pass' , 'data_type' => 'str20' , 'is_req' => 1, },
{ 'name' => 'private_name' , 'data_type' => 'str100' , 'is_req' => 1, },
{ 'name' => 'private_email', 'data_type' => 'str100' , 'is_req' => 1, },
{ 'name' => 'may_login' , 'data_type' => 'boolean', 'is_req' => 1, },
'name' => 'max_sessions', 'data_type' => 'byte', 'is_req' => 1,
'default_val' => 3,
'unique_key_list' => [
{ 'name' => 'PRIMARY' , 'column_list' => [ 'user_id' , ], },
{ 'name' => 'sk_login_name' , 'column_list' => [ 'login_name' , ], },
{ 'name' => 'sk_private_email', 'column_list' => [ 'private_email', ], },
'primary_key' => 'PRIMARY', # from unique keys list, others are surrogate
'name' => 'user_profile',
'column_list' => [
{ 'name' => 'user_id' , 'data_type' => 'int' , 'is_req' => 1, },
{ 'name' => 'public_name' , 'data_type' => 'str250', 'is_req' => 1, },
{ 'name' => 'public_email', 'data_type' => 'str250', 'is_req' => 0, },
{ 'name' => 'web_url' , 'data_type' => 'str250', 'is_req' => 0, },
{ 'name' => 'contact_net' , 'data_type' => 'str250', 'is_req' => 0, },
{ 'name' => 'contact_phy' , 'data_type' => 'str250', 'is_req' => 0, },
{ 'name' => 'bio' , 'data_type' => 'str250', 'is_req' => 0, },
{ 'name' => 'plan' , 'data_type' => 'str250', 'is_req' => 0, },
{ 'name' => 'comments' , 'data_type' => 'str250', 'is_req' => 0, },
'unique_key_list' => [
{ 'name' => 'PRIMARY' , 'column_list' => [ 'user_id' , ], },
{ 'name' => 'sk_public_name', 'column_list' => [ 'public_name', ], },
'primary_key' => 'PRIMARY', # from unique keys list, others are surrogate
'foreign_key_list => [
'name' => 'fk_user',
'foreign_table' => 'user_auth',
'column_list' => [
{ 'name' => 'user_id', 'foreign_column' => 'user_id' },
'name' => 'user_pref',
'column_list' => [
{ 'name' => 'user_id' , 'data_type' => 'int' , 'is_req' => 1, },
{ 'name' => 'pref_name' , 'data_type' => 'entitynm', 'is_req' => 1, },
{ 'name' => 'pref_value', 'data_type' => 'generic' , 'is_req' => 0, },
'unique_key_list' => [
{ 'name' => 'PRIMARY', 'column_list' => [ 'user_id', 'pref_name', ], },
'primary_key' => 'PRIMARY', # from unique keys list, others are surrogate
'foreign_key_list => [
'name' => 'fk_user',
'foreign_table' => 'user_auth',
'column_list' => [
{ 'name' => 'user_id', 'foreign_column' => 'user_id' },
'name' => 'person',
'column_list' => [
'name' => 'person_id', 'data_type' => 'int', 'is_req' => 1,
'default_val' => 1, 'auto_inc' => 1,
{ 'name' => 'alternate_id', 'data_type' => 'str20' , 'is_req' => 0, },
{ 'name' => 'name' , 'data_type' => 'str100', 'is_req' => 1, },
{ 'name' => 'sex' , 'data_type' => 'str1' , 'is_req' => 0, },
{ 'name' => 'father_id' , 'data_type' => 'int' , 'is_req' => 0, },
{ 'name' => 'mother_id' , 'data_type' => 'int' , 'is_req' => 0, },
'unique_key_list' => [
{ 'name' => 'PRIMARY' , 'column_list' => [ 'person_id' , ], },
{ 'name' => 'sk_alternate_id', 'column_list' => [ 'alternate_id', ], },
'primary_key' => 'PRIMARY', # from unique keys list, others are surrogate
'foreign_key_list => [
'name' => 'fk_father',
'foreign_table' => 'person',
'column_list' => [
{ 'name' => 'father_id', 'foreign_column' => 'person_id' },
'name' => 'fk_mother',
'foreign_table' => 'person',
'column_list' => [
{ 'name' => 'mother_id', 'foreign_column' => 'person_id' },
These are the main class properties:
- 0
name - This mandatory string property is a unique identifier for this table within a single database, or within a single schema in a multiple-schema database. This property is case-sensitive so it works with database products that have case-sensitive schema (eg: MySQL), but it is still a good idea to never name your tables such that they would conflict if case-insensitive, so that the right thing can happen with a case-insensitive database product (eg: Oracle in standard usage).
- 0
column_list - This mandatory array property is a list of the column definitions that constitute this table. Each array element is a hash (or pseudo-object) having these properties:
- 0
name - This mandatory string property is a unique identifier for this column within the table currently being defined. It has the same case-sensitivity rules governing the table name itself.
- 0
data_type - This mandatory property is either a DataType object or a string having the name of a DataType object, which can be used to lookup said object that was defined somewhere else but near-by. It is case-sensitive.
- 0
is_req - This boolean property is optional but recommended; if not explicitely set, it will default to false, unless the column has been marked as part of a unique key, in which case it will default to true. If this property is true, then the column will require a value, and any DML operations that try to set the column to null will fail. (A true value is like 'not null' and a false value is like 'null'.)
- 0
default_val - This scalar property is optional and if set its value must be something that is valid for the data type of this column. The current behaviour for what would happen if it isn't is undefined.
- 0
auto_inc - This boolean property is optional for use when the base_type of this column's data type is 'int', and it has no effect for the other base types (but support for other base types may be added). If this property is true, then the PDBD modules will attempt to mark this column as auto-incrementing; its value will be set from a special table-specific numerical sequence that increments by 1. This property may be replaced with a different feature.
- 0
unique_key_list - This array property is a list of the unique keys (or keys or unique constraints) that apply to this table. Each array element is a hash (or pseudo-object) for describing a single key and has these properties: 'name', 'column_list'. The 'name' property is a mandatory string and is a unique identifier for this key within the table; it has the same case-sensitivity rules governing table and column names. The 'column_list' property is an array with at least one element; each element is a string that must match the name of a column declared in this table. A key can be composed of one or more columns, and more than one key may use the same column.
- 0
primary_key - This string property is optional and if it is set then it must match the 'name' of an 'unique_key_list' element in the current table. This property is for identifying the primary key of the table; any other elements of 'unique_key_list' that exist will become surrogate (alternate) keys. Additionally, any columns used in a primary key must have their 'is_req' properties set to true (as required by either ANSI SQL or some databases).
- 0
foreign_key_list - This array property is a list of the foreign key constraints that are on column sets. Given that foreign keys define a relationship between two tables where values must be present in table A in order to be stored in table B, this class is defined to describe a relationship between said two tables in the object representing table B. Each array element is a hash (or pseudo-object) for describing a single constraint and has these properties: 'name', 'foreign_table', 'column_list'. The 'name' property is a mandatory string and is a unique identifier for this constraint within the table; it has the same case-sensitivity rules governing table and column names. The 'foreign_table' property is a mandatory string which must match the 'name' of a previously defined table. The 'column_list' property is an array with at least one element; each element is a hash having two values; the 'name' value is a mandatory string that must match the name of a column declared in this table; the 'foreign_column' value is a mandatory string that must match the name of a column declared in the table whose name is in 'foreign_table'. A foreign key constraint can be composed of one or more columns, and more than one constraint may use the same column; for each column used in this table, a separate column must be matched in the other table, and the other column needs to have the same data type.
- 0
index_list - This array property has the same format as 'unique_key_list' but it is not for creating unique constraints; rather, it is for indicating that we will often be doing DML operations that lookup records by values in specific column-sets, and we want to index those columns for better fetch performance (but slower modify performance). Note that indexing already happens with column-sets used for unique or presumably foreign keys, so specifying them here as well is probably redundant.
This PDBI module is a container class that is meta-data from which DML command templates can be generated. Conceptually, a DataSet looks like a Table, since both represent or store a matrix of data, which has uniquely identifiable columns, and rows which can be uniquely identifiable but may not be. But unlike a Table, a DataSet does not have a name. In its simplest use, a DataSet is an interface to a single database table, and its public interface is identical to that of said table; this interface can be used to fetch or modify data stored in the table. This class can generate Command objects having types of: 'data_select', 'data_insert', 'data_update', 'data_delete', 'data_lock', 'data_unlock'. Note: this paragraph was a rough draft.
This PDBI module is a container class that describes a single database view, and would be used for such things as managing schema for the view (eg: create, alter, destroy), and describing the view's "public interface" (it looks like a table, with columns and rows) so other functionality like various DML operations or other views know how to use the view. Conceptually speaking, a database view is an abstracted interface to one or more database tables which are related to each other in a specific way; a view has its own name and can generally be used like a table. A View object has only two properties, which are a name and a DataSet object; put another way, a View object simply associates a name with a DataSet object. This class does not describe anything that is changed by DML activity, such as a count of stored records, or the current values of sequences attached to columns. This class can generate Command objects having types of: 'view_verify', 'view_create', 'view_alter', 'view_destroy'.
Here is sample code for defining a few views with this class (rough draft):
my %view_info = map {
( $_->{name}, DBIx::Portable::PDBI::View->new( $_ ) )
} (
'name' => 'user',
'source_list' => [
{ 'name' => 'user_auth', 'source' => $table_info{user_auth}, },
{ 'name' => 'user_profile', 'source' => $table_info{user_profile}, },
'column_list' => [
{ 'name' => 'user_id' , 'source' => 'user_auth' , },
{ 'name' => 'login_name' , 'source' => 'user_auth' , },
{ 'name' => 'login_pass' , 'source' => 'user_auth' , },
{ 'name' => 'private_name' , 'source' => 'user_auth' , },
{ 'name' => 'private_email', 'source' => 'user_auth' , },
{ 'name' => 'may_login' , 'source' => 'user_auth' , },
{ 'name' => 'max_sessions' , 'source' => 'user_auth' , },
{ 'name' => 'public_name' , 'source' => 'user_profile', },
{ 'name' => 'public_email' , 'source' => 'user_profile', },
{ 'name' => 'web_url' , 'source' => 'user_profile', },
{ 'name' => 'contact_net' , 'source' => 'user_profile', },
{ 'name' => 'contact_phy' , 'source' => 'user_profile', },
{ 'name' => 'bio' , 'source' => 'user_profile', },
{ 'name' => 'plan' , 'source' => 'user_profile', },
{ 'name' => 'comments' , 'source' => 'user_profile', },
'join_list' => [
'lhs_source' => 'user_auth',
'rhs_source' => 'user_profile',
'join_type' => 'left',
'column_list' => [
{ 'lhs_column' => 'user_id', 'rhs_column' => 'user_id', },
'name' => 'person_with_parents',
'source_list' => [
{ 'name' => 'self', 'source' => $table_info{person}, },
{ 'name' => 'father', 'source' => $table_info{person}, },
{ 'name' => 'mother', 'source' => $table_info{person}, },
'column_list' => [
{ 'name' => 'self_id' , 'source' => 'self' , 'column' => 'person_id', },
{ 'name' => 'self_name' , 'source' => 'self' , 'column' => 'name' , },
{ 'name' => 'father_id' , 'source' => 'father', 'column' => 'person_id', },
{ 'name' => 'father_name', 'source' => 'father', 'column' => 'name' , },
{ 'name' => 'mother_id' , 'source' => 'mother', 'column' => 'person_id', },
{ 'name' => 'mother_name', 'source' => 'mother', 'column' => 'name' , },
'foreign_key_list => [
'lhs_source' => 'self',
'rhs_source' => 'father',
'join_type' => 'left',
'column_list' => [
{ 'lhs_column' => 'person_id', 'rhs_column' => 'person_id', },
'lhs_source' => 'self',
'rhs_source' => 'mother',
'join_type' => 'left',
'column_list' => [
{ 'lhs_column' => 'person_id', 'rhs_column' => 'person_id', },
Copyright (c) 1999-2003, Darren R. Duncan. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. However, I do request that this copyright information and credits remain attached to the file. If you modify this module and redistribute a changed version then please attach a note listing the modifications. This module is available "as-is" and the author can not be held accountable for any problems resulting from its use.
I am always interested in knowing how my work helps others, so if you put this module to use in any of your own products or services then I would appreciate (but not require) it if you send me the website url for said product or service, so I know who you are. Also, if you make non-proprietary changes to the module because it doesn't work the way you need, and you are willing to make these freely available, then please send me a copy so that I can roll desirable changes into the main release.
Address comments, suggestions, and bug reports to
perl(1), DBI, DBD::*.
26 POD Errors
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- Around line 423:
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- Around line 992:
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- Around line 1001:
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- Around line 1023:
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