Language::MuldisD::Core::Functions_Scalar - Muldis D general purpose scalar functions


This document is Language::MuldisD::Core::Functions_Scalar version 0.19.1.


This document is part of the Muldis D language specification, whose root document is Language::MuldisD; you should read that root document before you read this one, which provides subservient details. Moreover, you should read the Language::MuldisD::Core document before this current document, as that forms its own tree beneath a root document branch.


This document contains one or more sections that were moved here from Language::MuldisD::Core so that that other document would not be too large.


These functions are applicable to just one or more specific system-defined core scalar data type.

Functions for sys.Core.Bool.Bool

These functions select values of the Bool enumeration.

function sys.Core.Bool.(false|true) result Bool params {}

This selector function results in the Bool:(false|true) value.

These functions implement commonly used boolean operations.

function sys.Core.Bool.not result Bool params { topic(Bool) }

This function results in the logical not of its argument.

function sys.Core.Bool.and result Bool params { topic(SetOfBool) }

This function is a reduction operator that recursively takes each pair of its N input element values and does a logical and (which is both commutative and associative) on them until just one is left, which is the function's result. If topic has zero values, then and results in Bool:true, which is the identity value for logical and.

function sys.Core.Bool.or result Bool params { topic(SetOfBool) }

This function is a reduction operator that recursively takes each pair of its N input element values and does a logical inclusive-or (which is both commutative and associative) on them until just one is left, which is the function's result. If topic has zero values, then or results in Bool:false, which is the identity value for logical inclusive-or.

function sys.Core.Bool.xor result Bool params { topic(BagOfBool) }

This function is a reduction operator that recursively takes each pair of its N input element values and does a logical exclusive-or (which is both commutative and associative) on them until just one is left, which is the function's result. If topic has zero values, then xor results in Bool:false, which is the identity value for logical exclusive-or.

Functions for sys.Core.Int.Int

These functions implement commonly used integer numeric operations.

function sys.Core.Int.increment result Int params { topic(Int) }

This function results in its argument incremented by 1.

function sys.Core.Int.decrement result Int params { topic(Int) }

This function results in its argument decremented by 1.

function sys.Core.Int.abs result UInt params { topic(Int) }

This function results in the absolute value of its argument.

function sys.Core.Int.sum result Int params { addends(BagOfInt) }

This function results in the sum of the N element values of its argument; it is a reduction operator that recursively takes each pair of input values and adds (which is both commutative and associative) them together until just one is left, which is the result. If addends has zero values, then sum results in the integer zero, which is the identity value for addition.

function sys.Core.Int.difference result Int params { minuend(Int), subtrahend(Int) }

This function results in the difference when its subtrahend argument is subtracted from its minuend argument.

function sys.Core.Int.product result Int params { factors(BagOfInt) }

This function results in the product of the N element values of its argument; it is a reduction operator that recursively takes each pair of input values and multiplies (which is both commutative and associative) them together until just one is left, which is the result. If factors has zero values, then product results in the integer 1, which is the identity value for multiplication.

function sys.Core.Int.quotient result Int params { dividend(Int), divisor(Int) }

This function results in the quotient when its dividend argument is divided by its divisor argument using integer division. This function will fail if divisor is zero.

function sys.Core.Int.remainder result UInt params { dividend(Int), divisor(Int) }

This function results in the remainder when its dividend argument is divided by its divisor argument using integer division. This function will fail if divisor is zero.

function sys.Core.Int.maybe_quotient result MaybeOfInt params { dividend(Int), divisor(Int) }

This function is exactly the same as sys.Core.Int.quotient except that it results in a Maybe of what is otherwise the result, and that result has zero elements if divisor is zero.

function sys.Core.Int.maybe_remainder result MaybeOfUInt params { dividend(Int), divisor(Int) }

This function is exactly the same as sys.Core.Int.remainder except that it results in a Maybe of what is otherwise the result, and that result has zero elements if divisor is zero.

function sys.Core.Int.range result Int params { topic(SetOfInt) }

This function results in the difference between the lowest and highest element values of its argument. If topic has zero values, then range results in the integer zero.

function sys.Core.Int.median result SetOfInt params { topic(BagOfInt) }

This function results in the 1 or 2 median values of the N element values of its argument; they are returned as a set. It is equivalent to first arranging the input values from least to greatest, and then taking the single middle value, if the count of input values is odd, or taking the 2 middle values, if the count of input values is even (but if the 2 middle values are the same value, the output has one element). If topic has zero values, then the result set is empty.

function sys.Core.Int.mode result SetOfInt params { topic(BagOfInt) }

This function results in the mode of the N element values of its argument; it is the set of values that appear the most often as input elements, and all have the same count of occurrances. As a trivial case, if all input elements have the same count of occurrances, then they will all be in the output. If topic has zero values, then the result set is empty.

function sys.Core.Int.power result Int params { radix(Int), exponent(UInt) }

This function results in its radix argument taken to the power of its (unsigned integer) exponent argument. This function will fail if radix and exponent are both zero.

function sys.Core.Int.factorial result PInt params { topic(UInt) }

This function results in the factorial of its argument (it is defined for an argument of zero to result in 1, as per the identity value for multiplication of an empty set).

These functions convert between Int values and canonically formatted representations of integers as character strings.

function sys.Core.Int.Int_from_NEText result Int params { text(NEText), radix(Cat.PInt2_36) }

This selector function results in the Int value that its text argument maps to when the whole character string is evaluated as a base-radix integer. Extending the typical formats of [base-2, base-8, base-10, base-16], this function supports base-2 through base-36; to get the latter, the characters 0-9 and A-Z represent values in 0-35. This function will fail if text can't be mapped as specified.

function sys.Core.Int.NEText_from_Int result NEText params { int(Int), radix(Cat.PInt2_36) }

This selector function results in the NEText value where its int argument is formatted as a base-radix integer.

These functions convert between Int values and canonically formatted representations of integers as binary strings. Conjecture: These may not actually be useful, and perhaps only operators that take an argument specifying a fixed-length field size, with big and little endian versions, would be appropriate instead. Or maybe both kinds are necessary.

function sys.Core.Int.Int_from_Blob_S_VBE result Int params { blob(NEBlob) }

This selector function results in the Int value that its blob argument maps to when the whole bit string is treated literally as a variable-length binary (two's complement) signed integer of 1 or more bits in length. The first bit is taken as the sign bit, and any other bits provide greater precision than the -1 thru 0 range. The bit string is assumed to be big-endian, since it may not be possible to use little-endian in situations where the bit length isn't a multiple of 8.

function sys.Core.Int.Blob_S_VBE_from_Int result NEBlob params { int(Int) }

This selector function results in the Blob value where its int argument is formatted as a variable-length binary (two's complement) signed integer of 1 or more bits in length; the smallest number of bits necessary to store int is used.

function sys.Core.Int.Int_from_Blob_U_VBE result UInt params { blob(NEBlob) }

This function is the same as sys.Core.Int.Int_from_Blob_S_VBE but that it does unsigned integers.

function sys.Core.Int.Blob_U_VBE_from_Int result UInt params { blob(NEBlob) }

This function is the same as sys.Core.Int.Blob_S_VBE_from_Int but that it does unsigned integers.

Functions for sys.Core.Rat.Rat

These functions are essentially selectors and attribute extractors for the conceptual possrep of a rational in terms of an integral numerator plus denominator.

function sys.Core.Rat.Rat_from_Int_pair result Rat params { numerator(Int), denominator(PInt) }

This selector function results in the Rat value that arguments collectively map to as the attributes of the result's ratio possrep; however, the arguments do not have to be the canonical/normalized attribute values, but constitute any other pair that denotes the same rational value.

function sys.Core.Rat.Rat_from_Int_triple result Rat params { mantissa(Int), radix(Cat.PInt2_N), exponent(Int) }

This selector function results in the Rat value that arguments collectively map to as the attributes of the result's float possrep; however, the arguments do not have to be the canonical/normalized attribute values, but constitute any other triple that denotes the same rational.

function sys.Core.Rat.(numerator|mantissa|exponent) result Int params { topic(Rat) }

This function results in the canonical numerator|mantissa|exponent of its argument.

function sys.Core.Rat.denominator result PInt params { topic(Rat) }

This function results in the canonical denominator of its argument.

function sys.Core.Rat.radix result Cat.PInt2_N params { topic(Rat) }

This function results in the canonical radix of its argument.

These functions implement commonly used rational numeric operations.

function sys.Core.Rat.abs result URat params { topic(Rat) }

This function results in the absolute value of its argument.

function sys.Core.Rat.sum result Rat params { addends(BagOfRat) }

This function results in the sum of the N element values of its argument; it is a reduction operator that recursively takes each pair of input values and adds (which is both commutative and associative) them together until just one is left, which is the result. If addends has zero values, then sum results in the rational zero, which is the identity value for addition.

function sys.Core.Rat.difference result Rat params { minuend(Rat), subtrahend(Rat) }

This function results in the difference when its subtrahend argument is subtracted from its minuend argument.

function sys.Core.Rat.product result Rat params { factors(BagOfRat) }

This function results in the product of the N element values of its argument; it is a reduction operator that recursively takes each pair of input values and multiplies (which is both commutative and associative) them together until just one is left, which is the result. If factors has zero values, then product results in the rational 1, which is the identity value for multiplication.

function sys.Core.Rat.quotient result Rat params { dividend(Rat), divisor(Rat) }

This function results in the quotient when its dividend argument is divided by its divisor argument using rational division. This function will fail if divisor is zero.

function sys.Core.Rat.maybe_quotient result MaybeOfRat params { dividend(Rat), divisor(Rat) }

This function is exactly the same as sys.Core.Rat.quotient except that it results in a Maybe of what is otherwise the result, and that result has zero elements if divisor is zero.

function sys.Core.Rat.range result Rat params { topic(SetOfRat) }

This function results in the difference between the lowest and highest element values of its argument. If topic has zero values, then range results in the rational zero.

function sys.Core.Rat.mean result Rat params { topic(BagOfRat) }

This function results in the mean or arithmetic average of the N element values of its argument. It is equivalent to first taking the sum of the input values, and dividing that sum by the count of the input values. If topic has zero values, then this function will fail.

function sys.Core.Rat.maybe_mean result MaybeOfRat params { topic(BagOfRat) }

This function is exactly the same as sys.Core.Rat.mean except that it results in a Maybe of what is otherwise the result, and that result has zero elements if topic has zero values.

function sys.Core.Rat.median result SetOfRat params { topic(BagOfRat) }

This function results in the 1 or 2 median values of the N element values of its argument; they are returned as a set. It is equivalent to first arranging the input values from least to greatest, and then taking the single middle value, if the count of input values is odd, or taking the 2 middle values, if the count of input values is even (but if the 2 middle values are the same value, the output has one element). If topic has zero values, then the result set is empty.

function sys.Core.Rat.mean_of_median result Rat params { topic(BagOfRat) }

This function is a wrapper over sys.Core.Rat.median that will result in the mean of its result elements; it will fail if there are zero elements.

function sys.Core.Rat.mode result SetOfRat params { topic(BagOfRat) }

This function results in the mode of the N element values of its argument; it is the set of values that appear the most often as input elements, and all have the same count of occurrances. As a trivial case, if all input elements have the same count of occurrances, then they will all be in the output. If topic has zero values, then the result set is empty.

function sys.Core.Rat.round result Rat params { topic(Rat), round_rule(Cat.RatRoundRule) }

This function results in the rational that is equal to or otherwise nearest to its topic argument, where the nearest is determined by the rational rounding rule specified by the round_rule argument.

function sys.Core.Rat.power result PRat params { radix(PRat), exponent(Rat) }

This function results in its (positive rational) radix argument taken to the power of its exponent argument. Note that, while this function might conceptually have multiple real number results for some fractional exponent, it will always only result in the one that is positive.

function sys.Core.Rat.log result Rat params { topic(PRat), radix(PRat), round_rule(Cat.RatRoundRule) }

This function results in the logarithm of its topic argument to the base given in its (positive rational) radix argument. Since the result would be an irrational number in the general case, the round_rule argument specifies how to coerce the conceptual result into a rational number that is the actual result.

function sys.Core.Rat.natural_power result PRat params { exponent(Rat), round_rule(Cat.RatRoundRule) }

This function results in the special mathematical constant e (which is the base of the natural logarithm) taken to the power of its exponent argument. The round_rule parameter is as per log.

function sys.Core.Rat.natural_log result Rat params { topic(PRat), round_rule(Cat.RatRoundRule) }

This function results in the natural logarithm of its topic argument. The round_rule parameter is as per log.

These functions convert between Rat values and canonically formatted representations of rationals as character strings.

function sys.Core.Rat.Rat_from_NEText result Rat params { text(NEText), radix(Cat.PInt2_36) }

This selector function results in the Rat value that its text argument maps to when the whole character string is evaluated as a base-radix rational. Extending the typical formats of [base-2, base-8, base-10, base-16], this function supports base-2 through base-36; to get the latter, the characters 0-9 and A-Z represent values in 0-35. This function will fail if text can't be mapped as specified.

function sys.Core.Rat.NEText_from_Rat result NEText params { rat(Rat), radix(Cat.PInt2_36) }

This selector function results in the NEText value where its rat argument is formatted as a base-radix rational.

These functions convert between Rat values and equal or nearly equal Int values.

function sys.Core.Rat.Rat_from_Int result Rat params { int(Int) }

This selector function results in the Rat value that is conceptually equal to its Int argument.

function sys.Core.Rat.Int_from_Rat result Int params { rat(Rat), round_meth(Cat.E_RM) }

This selector function results in the Int value that is conceptually equal to or otherwise nearest to its rat argument, where the nearest is determined by the rounding method specified by the round_meth argument.

Functions for sys.Core.Blob.Blob

These functions implement commonly used binary string operations.

function sys.Core.Blob.catenation result Blob params { topic(SeqOfBlob) }

This function results in the catenation of the N element values of its argument; it is a reduction operator that recursively takes each consecutive pair of input values and catenates (which is associative) them together until just one is left, which is the result. If topic has zero values, then catenate results in the empty string value, which is the identity value for catenate.

function sys.Core.Blob.repeat result Blob params { topic(Blob), count(UInt) }

This function results in the catenation of count instances of topic.

function sys.Core.Blob.length_in_bits result UInt params { topic(Blob) }

This function results in the length of its argument in bits.

function sys.Core.Blob.is_substr result Bool params { look_in(Blob), look_for(Blob), fixed_start(Bool), fixed_end(Bool) }

This function results in Bool:true iff its look_for argument is a substring of its look_in argument as per the optional fixed_start and fixed_end constraints, and Bool:false otherwise. If fixed_start or fixed_end are Bool:true, then look_for must occur right at the start or end, respectively, of look_in in order for contains to results in Bool:true; if either flag is Bool:false, its additional constraint doesn't apply.

function sys.Core.Blob.is_not_substr result Bool params { look_in(Blob), look_for(Blob), fixed_start(Bool), fixed_end(Bool) }

This function is exactly the same as sys.Core.Blob.is_substr except that it results in the opposite boolean value when given the same arguments.

function sys.Core.Blob.not result Blob params { topic(Blob) }

This function results in the bitwise not of its argument.

function sys.Core.Blob.and result Blob params { topic(SetOfBlob) }

This function is a reduction operator that recursively takes each pair of its N input element values and does a bitwise and (which is both commutative and associative) on them until just one is left, which is the function's result. This function's argument values must all be of the same length in bits, that length being part of the argument's declared type (that is, Blob subtype) definition, and that is also the length in bits of the function's result. If topic has zero values, then and will result in an appropriate-length string of identity/1 valued bits.

function sys.Core.Blob.or result Blob params { topic(SetOfBlob) }

This function is the same as sys.Core.Blob.and but that it recursively does a bitwise inclusive-or rather than a bitwise and, and its identity value is composed of zero valued bits.

function sys.Core.Blob.xor result Blob params { topic(BagOfBlob) }

This function is the same as sys.Core.Blob.or but that it recursively does a bitwise exclusive-or rather than a bitwise inclusive-or.

These functions convert between Blob values and canonically formatted representations of binary strings as character strings.

function sys.Core.Blob.Blob_from_Text result Blob params { text(Text), size(Cat.PInt1_4) }

This selector function results in the Blob value that its text argument maps to when each input character represents a sequence of 1-4 bits, the number of bits per character being determined by the size argument; for example, if size is 1, then each input character is a [0-1] and represents a bit; or, if size is 4, then each input character is a [0-9A-F] and represents 4 bits. This function will fail if text can't be mapped as specified.

function sys.Core.Blob.Text_from_Blob result Text params { blob(Blob), size(Cat.PInt1_4) }

This selector function results in the Text value where its argument is encoded using a character for each sequence of 1-4 bits, the number of bits per character being determined by the size argument. This function will fail if blob doesn't have a length in bits which is a multiple of size.

Functions for sys.Core.Text.Text

These functions implement commonly used character string operations.

function sys.Core.Text.catenation result Text params { topic(SeqOfText) }

This function results in the catenation of the N element values of its argument; it is a reduction operator that recursively takes each consecutive pair of input values and catenates (which is associative) them together until just one is left, which is the result. If topic has zero values, then catenate results in the empty string value, which is the identity value for catenate.

function sys.Core.Text.repeat result Text params { topic(Text), count(UInt) }

This function results in the catenation of count instances of topic.

function sys.Core.Text.length_in_nfd_graphs result UInt params { topic(Text) }

This function results in the length of its argument in Unicode Normalization Form D graphemes.

function sys.Core.Text.length_in_nfc_graphs result UInt params { topic(Text) }

This function results in the length of its argument in Unicode Normalization Form C graphemes.

function sys.Core.Text.length_in_nfd_codes result UInt params { topic(Text) }

This function results in the length of its argument in Unicode Normalization Form D code points.

function sys.Core.Text.length_in_nfc_codes result UInt params { topic(Text) }

This function results in the length of its argument in Unicode Normalization Form C code points.

function sys.Core.Text.is_substr result Bool params { look_in(Text), look_for(Text), fixed_start(Bool), fixed_end(Bool) }

This function results in Bool:true iff its look_for argument is a substring of its look_in argument as per the optional fixed_start and fixed_end constraints, and Bool:false otherwise. If fixed_start or fixed_end are Bool:true, then look_for must occur right at the start or end, respectively, of look_in in order for contains to result in Bool:true; if either flag is Bool:false, its additional constraint doesn't apply.

function sys.Core.Text.is_not_substr result Bool params { look_in(Text), look_for(Text), fixed_start(Bool), fixed_end(Bool) }

This function is exactly the same as sys.Core.Text.is_substr except that it results in the opposite boolean value when given the same arguments.

function sys.Core.Text.case_folded_to_upper result Text { topic(Text) }

This function results in the transformation of its argument where any letters considered to be (small) lowercase are folded to (capital) uppercase.

function sys.Core.Text.case_folded_to_lower result Text { topic(Text) }

This function results in the transformation of its argument where any letters considered to be (capital) uppercase are folded to (small) lowercase.

function sys.Core.Text.whitespace_trimmed result Text { topic(Text) }

This function results in the value of its argument but that any leading or trailing whitespace characters are trimmed.


Go to Language::MuldisD for the majority of distribution-internal references, and Language::MuldisD::SeeAlso for the majority of distribution-external references.


Darren Duncan (


This file is part of the formal specification of the Muldis D language.

Muldis D is Copyright © 2002-2008, Darren Duncan.

See the LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT of Language::MuldisD for details.


The ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in Language::MuldisD apply to this file too.