Language::MuldisD - Formal spec of Muldis D relational DBMS lang
This document is Language::MuldisD version 0.4.0.
This distribution is the formal specification of the Muldis D language.
This documentation is pending.
For one manner of introduction to it, see the included Language::MuldisD::Basics file, which has the start of the specification itself.
For another manner of introduction, see the separately distributed Muldis::DB file, which is the first main implementation of Muldis D.
This documentation is pending.
Go to the Language::MuldisD::SeeAlso file for the majority of external references.
Darren Duncan (
This file is part of the formal specification of the Muldis D language.
Muldis D is Copyright © 2002-2007, Darren Duncan. All rights reserved.
Muldis D is free documentation for software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation (; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received copies of the GPL as part of the Language::MuldisD distribution, in the file named "LICENSE/GPL"; if not, see
Any versions of Muldis D that you modify and distribute must carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any changes, in addition to preserving this original copyright notice and other credits.
While it is by no means required, the copyright holder of Muldis D would appreciate being informed any time you create a modified version of Muldis D that you are willing to distribute, because that is a practical way of suggesting improvements to the standard version.
None yet.
Several public email-based forums exist whose main topic is all implementations of the Muldis D language, especially the Muldis::DB project, which they are named for. All of these you can reach via; go there to manage your subscriptions to, or view the archives of, the following:
This low-volume list is mainly for official announcements from the Muldis::DB developers, though developers of Muldis::DB extensions can also post their announcements here. This is not a discussion list.
This list is for general discussion among people who are using Muldis::DB, which is not concerned with the implementation of Muldis::DB itself. This is the best place to ask for basic help in getting Muldis::DB installed on your machine or to make it do what you want. You could also submit feature requests or report perceived bugs here, if you don't want to use CPAN's RT system.
This list is for discussion among people who are designing or implementing the Muldis::DB core API (including Muldis D language design), or who are implementing Muldis::DB Engines, or who are writing core documentation, tests, or examples. It is not the place for non-implementers to get help in using said.
An official IRC channel for Muldis::DB is also intended, but not yet started.
Alternately, you can purchase more advanced commercial support for various Muldis D implementations, particularly Muldis::DB, from its author; contact
for details.