Muldis::D::Ext::Rational - Muldis D extension for rational data types and operators
This document is Muldis::D::Ext::Rational version 0.27.0.
This document is part of the Muldis D language specification, whose root document is Muldis::D; you should read that root document before you read this one, which provides subservient details.
Muldis D has a mandatory core set of system-defined (eternally available) entities, which is referred to as the Muldis D core or the core; they are the minimal entities that all Muldis D implementations need to provide; they are mutually self-describing and are used to bootstrap the language; any entities outside the core, called Muldis D extensions, are non-mandatory and are defined in terms of the core or each other, but the reverse isn't true.
This current Rational
document describes the system-defined Muldis D Rational Extension, which consists of rational data types and operators in general, and not just integers such as the language core has.
This current document does not describe the polymorphic operators that all types, or some types including core types, have defined over them; said operators are defined once for all types in Muldis::D::Core.
This documentation is pending.
Following are all the data types described in this document, arranged in a type graph according to their proper sub|supertype relationships (but that a few of them just reappear from the core set to provide a similar context, and aren't re-described here):
# The following are all regular ordered scalar types.
# These are all integer types.
# These are all finite integer types.
# The following are all regular non-ordered scalar types.
# The following are all regular tuple types.
This documentation is pending.
A PInt2_N
is a proper subtype of PInt
where all member values are greater than 1. Its default and minimum value is 2.
A PInt2_36
is a proper subtype of PInt2_N
where all member values are between 2 and 36. (The significance of the number 36 is 10 digits plus 26 letters.) Its maximum value is 36. The cardinality of this type is 35.
A Rat
(scalar) is a single exact rational number of any magnitude and precision. It is conceptually a composite type with 2 main system-defined possreps, called ratio
and float
, both of which are defined over several Int
The ratio
possrep consists of 2 attributes: numerator
(an Int
), denominator
(a PInt
); the conceptual value of a Rat
is the result of rational-dividing its numerator
by its denominator
. Because in the general case there are an infinite set of [numerator
] integer pairs that denote the same rational value, the ratio
possrep carries the normalization constraint that numerator
and denominator
must be coprime, that is, they have no common integer factors other than 1.
The float
possrep consists of 3 attributes: mantissa
(an Int
), radix
(a PInt2_N
), exponent
(an Int
); the conceptual value of a Rat
is the result of multiplying its mantissa
by the result of taking its radix
to the power of its exponent
. The float
possrep carries the normalization constraint that among all the [mantissa
] triples which would denote the same rational value, the only allowed triple is the one having both the radix
with the lowest value (that is closest to or equal to 2) and the exponent
with the highest value (that is closest to positive infinity). Note: this constraint could stand to be rephrased for simplification or correction, eg if somehow the sets of candidate triples sharing the lowest radix and sharing the highest exponent have an empty intersection.
The default value of Rat
is zero; its minimum and maximum values are conceptually infinities and practically impossible. The cardinality of this type is infinity; to define a most-generalized finite Rat
subtype, you must specify the greatest magnitude value denominator, plus the the 2 integer end-points of the inclusive range of the value numerator; or alternately you must specify the greatest magnitude value mantissa (the maximum precision of the number), and specify the greatest magnitude value radix, plus the the 2 integer end-points of the inclusive range of the value exponent (the maximum scale of the number). Common subtypes specify that the normalized radixes of all their values are either 2 or 10; types such as these will easily map exactly to common human or physical numeric representations, so they tend to perform better.
The Rat
type has a default ordering algorithm which is conceptually the same as for Int
; for 2 distinct Rat
values, the value closer to negative infinity is ordered before the value closer to positive infinity.
A URat
(unsigned / non-negative rational) is a proper subtype of Rat
where all member values are greater than or equal to zero (that is, the numerator
is greater than or equal to zero). Its minimum value is zero.
A PRat
(positive rational) is a proper subtype of URat
where all member values are greater than zero (that is, the numerator
is greater than zero). Its default value is 1.
A BRat
(binary rational) is a proper subtype of Rat
where the radix
is 2; it is the best option to exactly represent rational numbers that are conceptually binary or octal or hexadecimal.
A DRat
(decimal rational) is a proper subtype of Rat
where the radix
is 10 (or if it could be without the float
possrep normalization constraint); it is the best option to exactly represent rational numbers that are conceptually the decimal numbers that humans typically work with.
A RatRoundMeth
(rounding method) is a scalar enumeration consisting of the 7 values half_down
, half_up
, half_even
, to_floor
, to_ceiling
, to_zero
, to_inf
. A RatRoundMeth
has 1 system-defined possrep whose name is the empty string, which has 1 Cat.Name
-typed attribute whose name is the empty string. When a value of some ordered type needs to be mapped into a proper subtype that doesn't contain that value, such as when mapping an arbitrary number to one with less precision, some rounding method is applied to determine which value of the subtype is to be mapped to while most accurately reflecting the original value. The RatRoundMeth
type enumerates the rounding methods that Muldis D operators can typically apply. With half_down
, half_up
, and half_even
(aka unbiased rounding, convergent rounding, statistician's rounding, or bankers' rounding), the original value will be mapped to the single target value that it is closest to, if there is one; otherwise, if it is exactly half-way between 2 adjacent target values, then half_down
will round towards negative infinity, half_up
will round towards positive infinity, and half_even
will round towards the nearest "even" target. With to_floor
, to_ceiling
, to_zero
(aka truncate), to_inf
, the original value will always be mapped to the single adjacent value that is lower than it, or higher than it, or towards "zero" from it, or towards the nearer infinity from it, respectively. The default value of RatRoundMeth
is half_up
, since that is the most commonly used method of rounding. The RatRoundMeth
type does not have a default ordering algorithm.
A RatRoundRule
is a Tuple
. It specifies a controlled (and typically degrading) coercion of a real number into a rational number having a specific radix and precision. It is mainly used to deterministically massage an operation, whose conceptual result is generally an irrational number, so that its actual result is a best approximating rational number. It is also used to define a generic rounding operation on a rational number that derives a typically less precise rational. A RatRoundRule
has these 3 attributes: radix
(a PInt2_N
), max_denom
(a PInt
), and round_meth
(a RatRoundMeth
). The rational resulting from the operation is as close as possible to the conceptual result but that its denominator is a non-negative power of radix
and said denominator is not larger than max_denom
; if rounding is needed, then round_meth
dictates the rounding method. The default value of RatRoundRule
specifies a coersion to a whole number using the half_up
rounding method (its radix is 2 and its max denom is 1).
These functions implement commonly used rational numeric operations.
function sys.std.Rational.abs result URat params { topic(Rat) }
This function results in the absolute value of its argument.
function sys.std.Rational.sum result Rat params { addends(bag_of.Rat) }
This function results in the sum of the N element values of its argument; it is a reduction operator that recursively takes each pair of input values and adds (which is both commutative and associative) them together until just one is left, which is the result. If
has zero values, thensum
results in the rational zero, which is the identity value for addition. function sys.std.Rational.difference result Rat params { minuend(Rat), subtrahend(Rat) }
This function results in the difference when its
argument is subtracted from itsminuend
argument. function sys.std.Rational.product result Rat params { factors(bag_of.Rat) }
This function results in the product of the N element values of its argument; it is a reduction operator that recursively takes each pair of input values and multiplies (which is both commutative and associative) them together until just one is left, which is the result. If
has zero values, thenproduct
results in the rational 1, which is the identity value for multiplication. function sys.std.Rational.quotient result Rat params { dividend(Rat), divisor(Rat) }
This function results in the quotient when its
argument is divided by itsdivisor
argument using rational division. This function will fail ifdivisor
is zero. function sys.std.Rational.maybe_quotient result maybe_of.Rat params { dividend(Rat), divisor(Rat) }
This function is exactly the same as
except that it results in aMaybe
of what is otherwise the result, and that result has zero elements ifdivisor
is zero. function sys.std.Rational.range result Rat params { topic(set_of.Rat) }
This function results in the difference between the lowest and highest element values of its argument. If
has zero values, thenrange
results in the rational zero. function sys.std.Rational.mean result Rat params { topic(bag_of.Rat) }
This function results in the mean or arithmetic average of the N element values of its argument. It is equivalent to first taking the sum of the input values, and dividing that sum by the count of the input values. If
has zero values, then this function will fail. function sys.std.Rational.maybe_mean result maybe_of.Rat params { topic(bag_of.Rat) }
This function is exactly the same as
except that it results in aMaybe
of what is otherwise the result, and that result has zero elements iftopic
has zero values. function sys.std.Rational.median result set_of.Rat params { topic(bag_of.Rat) }
This function results in the 1 or 2 median values of the N element values of its argument; they are returned as a set. It is equivalent to first arranging the input values from least to greatest, and then taking the single middle value, if the count of input values is odd, or taking the 2 middle values, if the count of input values is even (but if the 2 middle values are the same value, the output has one element). If
has zero values, then the result set is empty. function sys.std.Rational.mean_of_median result Rat params { topic(bag_of.Rat) }
This function is a wrapper over
that will result in the mean of its result elements; it will fail if there are zero elements. function sys.std.Rational.mode result set_of.Rat params { topic(bag_of.Rat) }
This function results in the mode of the N element values of its argument; it is the set of values that appear the most often as input elements, and all have the same count of occurrances. As a trivial case, if all input elements have the same count of occurrances, then they will all be in the output. If
has zero values, then the result set is empty. function sys.std.Rational.round result Rat params { topic(Rat), round_rule(RatRoundRule) }
This function results in the rational that is equal to or otherwise nearest to its
argument, where the nearest is determined by the rational rounding rule specified by theround_rule
argument. function sys.std.Rational.power result PRat params { radix(PRat), exponent(Rat) }
This function results in its (positive rational)
argument taken to the power of itsexponent
argument. Note that, while this function might conceptually have multiple real number results for some fractionalexponent
, it will always only result in the one that is positive. function sys.std.Rational.log result Rat params { topic(PRat), radix(PRat), round_rule(RatRoundRule) }
This function results in the logarithm of its
argument to the base given in its (positive rational)radix
argument. Since the result would be an irrational number in the general case, theround_rule
argument specifies how to coerce the conceptual result into a rational number that is the actual result. function sys.std.Rational.natural_power result PRat params { exponent(Rat), round_rule(RatRoundRule) }
This function results in the special mathematical constant e (which is the base of the natural logarithm) taken to the power of its
argument. Theround_rule
parameter is as perlog
. function sys.std.Rational.natural_log result Rat params { topic(PRat), round_rule(RatRoundRule) }
This function results in the natural logarithm of its
argument. Theround_rule
parameter is as perlog
These functions convert between Rat
values and canonically formatted representations of rationals as character strings.
function sys.std.Rational.Rat_from_Text result Rat params { text(Text), radix(PInt2_36) }
This selector function results in the
value that its (not-empty)text
argument maps to when the whole character string is evaluated as a base-radix
rational. Extending the typical formats of [base-2, base-8, base-10, base-16], this function supports base-2 through base-36; to get the latter, the characters 0-9 and A-Z represent values in 0-35. This function will fail iftext
can't be mapped as specified. function sys.std.Rational.Text_from_Rat result Text params { rat(Rat), radix(PInt2_36) }
This selector function results in the (not-empty)
value where itsrat
argument is formatted as a base-radix
These functions convert between Rat
values and equal or nearly equal Int
function sys.std.Rational.Rat_from_Int result Rat params { int(Int) }
This selector function results in the
value that is conceptually equal to itsInt
argument. function sys.std.Rational.Int_from_Rat result Int params { rat(Rat), round_meth(RatRoundMeth) }
This selector function results in the
value that is conceptually equal to or otherwise nearest to itsrat
argument, where the nearest is determined by the rounding method specified by theround_meth
These system service routines provide ways to get random numbers from the system. Where the results are in the range between truly random and pseudo-random is, for the moment, an implementation detail, but the details of these functions is subject to become more formalized later.
system_service sys.std.Rational.fetch_random update { target(Rat) } read { radix(PInt2_N), max_denom(PInt), min(Rat), max(Rat), exclude_min(Bool)?, exclude_max(Bool)? }
This system service routine will update the variable supplied as its
argument so that it holds a randomly generated rational value in the range whose bounds are defined by itsmin
arguments. The denominator attribute of the generated value will be a non-negative power ofradix
that is not larger thanmax_denom
. Ifexclude_min
, then the randomly generated value will not be equal tomin
, respectively; otherwise, the generated value might be equal tomin
. This function will fail ifmax
is beforemin
. Each of theexclude_m(in|ax)
parameters is optional and defaults toBool:false
if no explicit argument is given to it.
Go to Muldis::D for the majority of distribution-internal references, and Muldis::D::SeeAlso for the majority of distribution-external references.
Darren Duncan (
This file is part of the formal specification of the Muldis D language.
Muldis D is Copyright © 2002-2008, Darren Duncan.
See the LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT of Muldis::D for details.
The TRADEMARK POLICY in Muldis::D applies to this file too.
The ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in Muldis::D apply to this file too.