Rosetta::SimilarModules - Compare and contrast Rosetta with other modules


Many thousands of reusable Perl modules have been created and shared by as many generous programmers, with CPAN being the most popular repository. These modules serve a wide variety of functions, and demonstrate the great power and flexability of Perl for solving day to day problems. One of the most popular tasks that module authors make them do is work with databases, which is certainly reasonable given that databases are one of the primary or popular functions of computers in general. The Rosetta framework comprises only a handful of modules out of the good hundred or more available. A so common question that application or script writers would ask is, with so many options to choose from, which option is the best fit for them? This choice is made more complicated, and yet in some ways easier, by the fact that there is a fair amount of redundant functionality between the options.

This document is meant to help you by briefly outlining the main features and scope of each of the other database-related frameworks and modules out there as I see them, and mainly showing how they compare and contrast with the Rosetta framework. Given that Rosetta is intended to be very comprehensive, it is reasonable to guess that most existing modules will have at least some overlap in functionality upon which to base a comparison. This includes modules that are drivers to connect to specific databases through which queries can be executed, and modules that model or generate database schema, and modules that generate SQL, and modules that simulate functionality for databases that don't have it, and modules that abstract multiple databases behind one interface.

All database-related modules that I can find will be listed here, whether they are on CPAN or not, in at least two groups: the first is for frameworks of multiple modules that work together; the second is for individual modules that are standalone offerings. For each framework of module I have provided 3 main types of information: the first is a few sentences summarizing the module or framework on its own; the second is a list of commonalities it shares with Rosetta; the third is a list of differences between it and Rosetta.

Each module has a one-liner about it in CPAN Module List format; if there is an actual Module List entry, I use that; otherwise I construct one using the module's NAME. Note that not all modules mentioned below are on CPAN or in the official Module List.

Please note that given the large number, I have only actually tried executing a few of these. Most of my notes I am making based just on the documentation that the module authors have provided, and from looking at the source code.

As a further note, given that the Rosetta framework is relatively new and still under construction, the comparisons in this document are intended to be relative to where Rosetta will be when it is done, and not where it is *now*.


Note that this list is new and is mostly incomplete.

DBI and DBD::*

Module List - DBI Core Framework:

Name            DSLIP Description                                  Info
------------    ----- -------------------------------------------- ----
DBI             MmcOp Generic Database Interface (see DBD modules) DBIML

::DBD                 Perl DBI Database Driver Writer's Guide
::FAQ                 The Frequently Asked Questions for the Perl5 Database Interface
::Profile             Performance profiling and benchmarking for the DBI
::ProfileData         manipulate DBI::ProfileDumper data dumps
::ProfileDumper       profile DBI usage and output data to a file
::ProxyServer         a server for the DBD::Proxy driver

::GetInfoReturn       Data and functions for describing GetInfo results
::GetInfoType         Data describing GetInfo type codes

::ANSI                ISO/IEC SQL/CLI Constants for GetInfo
::ODBC                ODBC Constants for GetInfo

::Metadata            Generate the code and data for some DBI metadata methods

::Apache              capture DBI profiling data from Apache/mod_perl

::Proxy               A proxy driver for the DBI

Module List - Official DBI Driver Extensions (in their own distributions):

Name           DSLIP Description                                  Info
------------   ----- -------------------------------------------- ----
::ADO          bmpO? Database interface modules of MS ADO for DBI TLOWERY
::ASAny        adcO? Adaptive Server Anywhere Driver for DBI      SMIRNIOS
::Altera       bdpO? Altera SQL Server for DBI - pure Perl code   DSOUFLIS
::CSV          adcO? SQL engine and DBI driver for CSV files      JZUCKER
::DB2          adcO? DB2 Driver for DBI                           MHM
::DtfSQLmac    RdpO? dtF/SQL (Mac OS edition) driver for DBI      TWEGNER
::Empress      adcO? Empress RDBMS Driver                         SWILLIAM
::Excel        adpO? Excel database driver for the DBI module     KWITKNR
::FreeTDS      adcO? DBI driver for MS SQLServer and Sybase       SPANNRING
::Illustra     bmcO? Illustra Driver for DBI                      PMH
::Informix     MmcO? Informix Driver for DBI                      JOHNL
::Informix4    adcO? DBI driver for Informix SE 4.10              GTHYNI
::Ingres       bmcO? Ingres Driver for DBI                        HTOUG
::InterBase    bmcO? DBI driver for InterBase RDBMS server        EDPRATOMO
::Multiplex    RmpO? Spreading database load across servers       TKISHEL
::ODBC         amcO? ODBC Driver for DBI                          DBIML
::Oracle       MmcO? Oracle Driver for DBI                        DBIML
::PgPP         bdpOp Pure Perl PostgreSQL driver for the DBI      OYAMA
::PrimeBase    bmc?p A primeBase database interface               PRIMEBASE
::QBase        amcO? QBase Driver for DBI                         BENLI
::RAM          bmpO? a DBI driver for files and data structures   JZUCKER
::RDB          Rdof? DBI driver for Oracle RDB (OpenVMS only)     ASTILLER
::Recall       adpOp Transparent database replication layer       AGUL
::SQLrelay     bdpO? SQLrelay driver for DBI                      DMOW
::SearchServer cdcO? PCDOCS/Fulcrum SearchServer Driver for DB    SHARI
::Solid        amcO? Solid Driver for DBI                         TWENRICH
::Sprite       RdpO? Sprite driver                                TURNERJW
::Sqlflex      RdcO? SQLFLEX driver for DBI                       INFOFLEX
::Sybase       bmcO? Sybase Driver for DBI                        MEWP
::Unify        bdcO? Unify driver for DBI                         HMBRAND
::XBase        RmpO? XBase driver for DBI                         JANPAZ
::mSQL         RmcO? Msql Driver for DBI                          JWIED
::mysql        RmcO? Mysql Driver for DBI                         JWIED
::mysqlPP      bdpOp Pure Perl MySQL driver for the DBI           OYAMA
::pNET         amcO? DBD proxy driver                             JWIED


Module List:

Name               DSLIP Description                                  Info
------------       ----- -------------------------------------------- ----
Alzabo             RdpOp A data modelling tool and RDBMS-OO mapper    DROLSKY

::BackCompat             Convert old data structuresÊ 
::ChangeTracker          Saves a set of changes as callbacks that can be backed out if neededÊ 
::Column                 Column objectsÊ 
::ColumnDefinition       Holds the type attribute for a columnÊ 
::Config                 Alzabo configuration informationÊ 
::Create                 Loads all Alzabo::Create::* classesÊ 
::Debug                  Creates constants used to turn on debuggingÊ    Ê
::Driver                 Alzabo base class for RDBMS driversÊ 
::Exceptions             Creates all exception subclasses used in Alzabo.Ê 
::ForeignKey             Foreign key (relation) objectsÊ 
::Index                  Index objectsÊ 
::MethodMaker            Auto-generate useful methods based on an existing schemaÊ 
::ObjectCache            A simple in-memory cache for row objects.Ê 
::RDBMSRules             Base class for Alzabo RDBMS rulesetsÊ 
::Runtime                Loads all Alzabo::Runtime::* classesÊ 
::SQLMaker               Alzabo base class for RDBMS driversÊ 
::Schema                 Schema objectsÊ 
::Table                  Table objectsÊ 

::Column                 Column objects for use in schema creationÊ 
::ColumnDefinition       Column definition object for schema creationÊ 
::ForeignKey             Foreign key objects for schema creation.Ê 
::Index                  Index objects for schema creationÊ 
::Schema                 Schema objects for schema creationÊ 
::Table                  Table objects for schema creationÊ 

::MySQL                  MySQL specific Alzabo driver subclassÊ 
::PostgreSQL             PostgreSQL specific Alzabo driver subclassÊ 

::Sync                   Base class for syncing classesÊ 

::BerkeleyDB             Cache objects in a BerkeleyDB fileÊ 
::LRU                    Make any storage module an LRUÊ 
::Memory                 Cache objects in memoryÊ 
::Null                   Doesn't really store anythingÊ 
::RDBMS                  Cache objects in an RDBMS backendÊ 

::BerkeleyDB             Uses a DBM file to sync object cachesÊ 
::DBM                    Base class for syncing modules that use DBM filesÊ 
::DB_File                Uses a Berkeley DB file to sync object cachesÊ 
::IPC                    Uses a IPC file to sync object cachesÊ 
::Mmap                   Uses a Mmap file to sync object cachesÊ 
::Null                   No inter-process cache syncingÊ 
::RDBMS                  Uses an RDBM backend to sync object cachesÊ 
::SDBM_File            Ê 

::MySQL                  MySQL specific database rules.Ê 
::PostgreSQL             PostgreSQL specific database rulesÊ 

::CachedRow              Cached row objectsÊ 
::Column                 Column objectsÊ 
::ColumnDefinition       Column definition objectsÊ 
::Cursor                 Base class for Alzabo cursorsÊ 
::ForeignKey             Foreign key objectsÊ 
::Index                  Index objectsÊ 
::JoinCursor             Cursor that returns arrays of Alzabo::Runtime::Row objectsÊ 
::PotentialRow           Row objects that aren't yet in the databaseÊ 
::Row                    Row objectsÊ 
::RowCursor              Cursor that returns Alzabo::Runtime::Row objectsÊ 
::Schema                 Schema objectsÊ 
::Table                  Table objectsÊ 

::MySQL                  Alzabo SQL making class for MySQLÊ 
::PostgreSQL             Alzabo SQL making class for PostgreSQLÊ 


Note that this list is new and is mostly incomplete.


Module List:

Name            DSLIP Description                                  Info
------------    ----- -------------------------------------------- ----
::SearchBuilder ????? Perl extension for easy SQL SELECT Statement generation  JESSE

::Handle              Perl extension which is a generic DBI handle
::Record              Perl extension for subclassing, so you can deal with a Record

::Oracle              an oracle specific Handle object
::mysql               a mysql specific Handle object



Module List:

Name         DSLIP Description                                  Info
------------ ----- -------------------------------------------- ----
::Schema     bdpO? Convert a data dictionary to SQL statements  TODD

::Constraint       A constraint of a database tableÊ 
::Function         A function stored within the databaseÊ 
::Package          A package stored within the databaseÊ 
::Procedure        A procedure stored within the databaseÊ 
::Sequence         An Oracle sequenceÊ 
::Source           A source stored within the databaseÊ 
::Table            A database tableÊ 
::Trigger          A database triggerÊ 
::View             A database viewÊ 

::Body             A package's body stored within the databaseÊ 

::Column           A column of a database tableÊ 


Note that this list is new and is mostly incomplete.


Module List:

Name       DSLIP Description                                  Info
---------- ----- -------------------------------------------- ----
::Abstract RmpO? Wrapper for DBI that generates SQL           TURNERA


Module List:

Name      DSLIP Description                                  Info
--------- ----- -------------------------------------------- ----
::AnyDBD  bdpO? Module to make cross db applications easier  MSERGEANT

::DB            Example class for DBIx::AnyDBD usageÊ 	Ê



Module List:

Name     DSLIP Description                                  Info
-------- ----- -------------------------------------------- ----
::Browse bdpOg A class to browse related tables via CGI/Web EJDRS

::CGI 	       Perl extension to browse tables with a CGI interface.


It appears that the Pod::Man with Perl 5.6.0 (and perhaps other versions) doesn't support the "head3" directive. I would have liked to use this, but can't so my level 3 headings are one-line paragraphs instead.


Copyright (c) 1999-2003, Darren R. Duncan. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. However, I do request that this copyright information and credits remain attached to the file. If you modify this module and redistribute a changed version then please attach a note listing the modifications. This module is available "as-is" and the author can not be held accountable for any problems resulting from its use.

I am always interested in knowing how my work helps others, so if you put this module to use in any of your own products or services then I would appreciate (but not require) it if you send me the website url for said product or service, so I know who you are. Also, if you make non-proprietary changes to the module because it doesn't work the way you need, and you are willing to make these freely available, then please send me a copy so that I can roll desirable changes into the main release.

Address comments, suggestions, and bug reports to


perl(1), Rosetta::Framework, DBI, DBD::*, Alzabo, DBIx::SearchBuilder, SQL::Schema, DBIx::Abstract, DBIx::AnyDBD, DBIx::Browse, and various other modules.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 142:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'structuresÊ'. Assuming CP1252