SQL::SyntaxModel - An abstract syntax tree for all types of SQL


This file is part of the SQL::SyntaxModel library (libSQLSM).

SQL::SyntaxModel is Copyright (c) 1999-2003, Darren R. Duncan. All rights reserved. Address comments, suggestions, and bug reports to, or visit "" for more information.

SQL::SyntaxModel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation ( You should have received a copy of the GPL as part of the SQL::SyntaxModel distribution, in the file named "LICENSE"; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

Any versions of SQL::SyntaxModel that you modify and distribute must carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any changes, in addition to preserving this original copyright notice and other credits. SQL::SyntaxModel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GPL for more details.

Linking SQL::SyntaxModel statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on SQL::SyntaxModel. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GPL cover the whole combination.

As a special exception, the copyright holders of SQL::SyntaxModel give you permission to link SQL::SyntaxModel with independent modules that are interfaces to or implementations of databases, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting combined work under terms of your choice, provided that every copy of the combined work is accompanied by a complete copy of the source code of SQL::SyntaxModel (the version of SQL::SyntaxModel used to produce the combined work), being distributed under the terms of the GPL plus this exception. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on SQL::SyntaxModel, and which is fully useable when not linked to SQL::SyntaxModel in any form.

Note that people who make modified versions of SQL::SyntaxModel are not obligated to grant this special exception for their modified versions; it is their choice whether to do so. The GPL gives permission to release a modified version without this exception; this exception also makes it possible to release a modified version which carries forward this exception.

While it is by no means required, the copyright holders of SQL::SyntaxModel would appreciate being informed any time you create a modified version of SQL::SyntaxModel that you are willing to distribute, because that is a practical way of suggesting improvements to the standard version.


Perl Version:


Standard Modules:


Nonstandard Modules:



use strict;
use warnings;

use SQL::SyntaxModel;

my $model = SQL::SyntaxModel->new();

$model->create_nodes( [ map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'data_type', 'ATTRS' => $_ } } (
	{ 'id' =>  1, 'name' => 'bin1k' , 'basic_type' => 'bin', 'size_in_bytes' =>  1_000, },
	{ 'id' =>  2, 'name' => 'bin32k', 'basic_type' => 'bin', 'size_in_bytes' => 32_000, },
	{ 'id' =>  3, 'name' => 'str4'  , 'basic_type' => 'str', 'size_in_chars' =>  4, 'store_fixed' => 1, 
		'str_encoding' => 'asc', 'str_trim_white' => 1, 'str_latin_case' => 'uc', 
		'str_pad_char' => ' ', 'str_trim_pad' => 1, },
	{ 'id' =>  4, 'name' => 'str10' , 'basic_type' => 'str', 'size_in_chars' => 10, 'store_fixed' => 1, 
		'str_encoding' => 'asc', 'str_trim_white' => 1, 'str_latin_case' => 'pr', 
		'str_pad_char' => ' ', 'str_trim_pad' => 1, },
	{ 'id' =>  5, 'name' => 'str30' , 'basic_type' => 'str', 'size_in_chars' =>    30, 
		'str_encoding' => 'asc', 'str_trim_white' => 1, },
	{ 'id' =>  6, 'name' => 'str2k' , 'basic_type' => 'str', 'size_in_chars' => 2_000, 'str_encoding' => 'u16', },
	{ 'id' =>  7, 'name' => 'byte' , 'basic_type' => 'num', 'size_in_bytes' => 1, 'num_precision' => 0, }, #  3 digits
	{ 'id' =>  8, 'name' => 'short', 'basic_type' => 'num', 'size_in_bytes' => 2, 'num_precision' => 0, }, #  5 digits
	{ 'id' =>  9, 'name' => 'int'  , 'basic_type' => 'num', 'size_in_bytes' => 4, 'num_precision' => 0, }, # 10 digits
	{ 'id' => 10, 'name' => 'long' , 'basic_type' => 'num', 'size_in_bytes' => 8, 'num_precision' => 0, }, # 19 digits
	{ 'id' => 11, 'name' => 'ubyte' , 'basic_type' => 'num', 'size_in_bytes' => 1, 
		'num_unsigned' => 1, 'num_precision' => 0, }, #  3 digits
	{ 'id' => 12, 'name' => 'ushort', 'basic_type' => 'num', 'size_in_bytes' => 2, 
		'num_unsigned' => 1, 'num_precision' => 0, }, #  5 digits
	{ 'id' => 13, 'name' => 'uint'  , 'basic_type' => 'num', 'size_in_bytes' => 4, 
		'num_unsigned' => 1, 'num_precision' => 0, }, # 10 digits
	{ 'id' => 14, 'name' => 'ulong' , 'basic_type' => 'num', 'size_in_bytes' => 8, 
		'num_unsigned' => 1, 'num_precision' => 0, }, # 19 digits
	{ 'id' => 15, 'name' => 'float' , 'basic_type' => 'num', 'size_in_bytes' => 4, },
	{ 'id' => 16, 'name' => 'double', 'basic_type' => 'num', 'size_in_bytes' => 8, },
	{ 'id' => 17, 'name' => 'dec10p2', 'basic_type' => 'num', 'size_in_digits' =>  10, 'num_precision' => 2, },
	{ 'id' => 18, 'name' => 'dec255' , 'basic_type' => 'num', 'size_in_digits' => 255, },
	{ 'id' => 19, 'name' => 'boolean', 'basic_type' => 'bool', },
	{ 'id' => 20, 'name' => 'datetime', 'basic_type' => 'datetime', 'datetime_calendar' => 'abs', },
	{ 'id' => 21, 'name' => 'dtchines', 'basic_type' => 'datetime', 'datetime_calendar' => 'chi', },
	{ 'id' => 22, 'name' => 'str1'  , 'basic_type' => 'str', 'size_in_chars' =>     1, },
	{ 'id' => 23, 'name' => 'str20' , 'basic_type' => 'str', 'size_in_chars' =>    20, },
	{ 'id' => 24, 'name' => 'str100', 'basic_type' => 'str', 'size_in_chars' =>   100, },
	{ 'id' => 25, 'name' => 'str250', 'basic_type' => 'str', 'size_in_chars' =>   250, },
	{ 'id' => 26, 'name' => 'entitynm', 'basic_type' => 'str', 'size_in_chars' =>  30, },
	{ 'id' => 27, 'name' => 'generic' , 'basic_type' => 'str', 'size_in_chars' => 250, },
) ] );

my $database = $model->create_node( { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'database', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 1, } } ); 

my $namespace = $database->add_child_node( { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'namespace', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 1, } } ); 

my $tbl_person = $namespace->add_child_node( { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table', 
		'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 4, 'name' => 'person', 'order' => 4, 'public_syn' => 'person', 
		'storage_file' => 'person', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
	( map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table_col', 'ATTRS' => $_ } } (
			'id' => 20, 'name' => 'person_id', 'order' => 1, 'data_type' => 9, 'required_val' => 1,
			'default_val' => 1, 'auto_inc' => 1,
		{ 'id' => 21, 'name' => 'alternate_id', 'order' => 2, 'data_type' => 23, 'required_val' => 0, },
		{ 'id' => 22, 'name' => 'name'        , 'order' => 3, 'data_type' => 24, 'required_val' => 1, },
		{ 'id' => 23, 'name' => 'sex'         , 'order' => 4, 'data_type' => 22, 'required_val' => 0, },
		{ 'id' => 24, 'name' => 'father_id'   , 'order' => 5, 'data_type' =>  9, 'required_val' => 0, },
		{ 'id' => 25, 'name' => 'mother_id'   , 'order' => 6, 'data_type' =>  9, 'required_val' => 0, },
	) ),
	( map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table_ind', 'ATTRS' => $_->[0], 
			'CHILDREN' => { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table_ind_col', 'ATTRS' => $_->[1] } } } (
		[ { 'id' =>  9, 'name' => 'primary'        , 'order' => 1, 'ind_type' => 'unique', }, 
			{ 'id' => 10, 'table_col' => 20, 'order' => 1, }, ], 
		[ { 'id' => 10, 'name' => 'ak_alternate_id', 'order' => 2, 'ind_type' => 'unique', }, 
			{ 'id' => 11, 'table_col' => 21, 'order' => 1, }, ], 
		[ { 'id' => 11, 'name' => 'fk_father', 'order' => 3, 'ind_type' => 'foreign', 'f_table' => 4, }, 
			{ 'id' => 12, 'table_col' => 24, 'order' => 1, 'f_table_col' => 20 }, ], 
		[ { 'id' => 12, 'name' => 'fk_mother', 'order' => 4, 'ind_type' => 'foreign', 'f_table' => 4, }, 
			{ 'id' => 13, 'table_col' => 25, 'order' => 1, 'f_table_col' => 20 }, ], 
	) ),
] } );

my $vw_person = $namespace->add_child_node( { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 4, 
		'name' => 'person', 'may_write' => 1, 'view_type' => 'caller', 'match_table' => 4 }, } );

my $vw_person_with_parents = $namespace->add_child_node( { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 2, 
		'name' => 'person_with_parents', 'may_write' => 0, 'view_type' => 'caller', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
	( map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_col', 'ATTRS' => $_ } } (
		{ 'id' => 16, 'name' => 'self_id'    , 'order' => 1, 'data_type' =>  9, },
		{ 'id' => 17, 'name' => 'self_name'  , 'order' => 2, 'data_type' => 24, 'sort_priority' => 1, },
		{ 'id' => 18, 'name' => 'father_id'  , 'order' => 3, 'data_type' =>  9, },
		{ 'id' => 19, 'name' => 'father_name', 'order' => 4, 'data_type' => 24, 'sort_priority' => 2, },
		{ 'id' => 20, 'name' => 'mother_id'  , 'order' => 5, 'data_type' =>  9, },
		{ 'id' => 21, 'name' => 'mother_name', 'order' => 6, 'data_type' => 24, 'sort_priority' => 3, },
	) ),
	{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_rowset', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 2, 'p_rowset_order' => 1, }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'self'  , 'order' => 1, 
				'match_table' => 4, }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 17, 'match_table_col' => 20, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 18, 'match_table_col' => 22, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 25, 'match_table_col' => 24, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 26, 'match_table_col' => 25, }, },
		] },
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 4, 'name' => 'father', 'order' => 2, 
				'match_table' => 4, }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 19, 'match_table_col' => 20, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 20, 'match_table_col' => 22, }, },
		] },
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 5, 'name' => 'mother', 'order' => 3, 
				'match_table' => 4, }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 21, 'match_table_col' => 20, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 22, 'match_table_col' => 22, }, },
		] },
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_join', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 2, 'lhs_src' => 3, 
				'rhs_src' => 4, 'join_type' => 'left', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_join_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 2, 'lhs_src_col' => 25, 'rhs_src_col' => 19, } },
		] },
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_join', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 3, 'lhs_src' => 3, 
				'rhs_src' => 5, 'join_type' => 'left', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_join_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 3, 'lhs_src_col' => 26, 'rhs_src_col' => 21, } },
		] },
		( map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_col_def', 'ATTRS' => $_ } } (
			{ 'id' => 16, 'view_col' => 16, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 17, },
			{ 'id' => 17, 'view_col' => 17, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 18, },
			{ 'id' => 18, 'view_col' => 18, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 19, },
			{ 'id' => 19, 'view_col' => 19, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 20, },
			{ 'id' => 20, 'view_col' => 20, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 21, },
			{ 'id' => 21, 'view_col' => 21, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 22, },
		) ),
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 'view_part' => 'where', 
				'id' => 4, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'sfunc', 'sfunc' => 'and', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 
					'id' => 5, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'sfunc', 'sfunc' => 'like', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
				{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 
					'id' => 6, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 20, }, },
				{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 
					'id' => 7, 'p_expr_order' => 2, 'expr_type' => 'var', 'command_var' => 'srchw_fa', }, },
			] },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 
					'id' => 8, 'p_expr_order' => 2, 'expr_type' => 'sfunc', 'sfunc' => 'like', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
				{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 
					'id' => 9, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 22, }, },
				{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 
					'id' => 10, 'p_expr_order' => 2, 'expr_type' => 'var', 'command_var' => 'srchw_mo', }, },
			] },
		] },
	] },
] } );

my $tbl_user_auth = $namespace->add_child_node( { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table', 
		'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'user_auth', 'order' => 1, 'public_syn' => 'user_auth', 
		'storage_file' => 'user', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
	( map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table_col', 'ATTRS' => $_ } } (
			'id' => 1, 'name' => 'user_id', 'order' => 1, 'data_type' => 9, 'required_val' => 1,
			'default_val' => 1, 'auto_inc' => 1,
		{ 'id' => 2, 'name' => 'login_name'   , 'order' => 2, 'data_type' => 23, 'required_val' => 1, },
		{ 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'login_pass'   , 'order' => 3, 'data_type' => 23, 'required_val' => 1, },
		{ 'id' => 4, 'name' => 'private_name' , 'order' => 4, 'data_type' => 24, 'required_val' => 1, },
		{ 'id' => 5, 'name' => 'private_email', 'order' => 5, 'data_type' => 24, 'required_val' => 1, },
		{ 'id' => 6, 'name' => 'may_login'    , 'order' => 6, 'data_type' => 19, 'required_val' => 1, },
			'id' => 7, 'name' => 'max_sessions', 'order' => 7, 'data_type' => 7, 'required_val' => 1, 
			'default_val' => 3, 
	) ),
	( map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table_ind', 'ATTRS' => $_->[0], 
			'CHILDREN' => { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table_ind_col', 'ATTRS' => $_->[1] } } } (
		[ { 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'primary'         , 'order' => 1, 'ind_type' => 'unique', }, 
			{ 'id' => 1, 'table_col' => 1, 'order' => 1, }, ], 
		[ { 'id' => 2, 'name' => 'ak_login_name'   , 'order' => 2, 'ind_type' => 'unique', }, 
			{ 'id' => 2, 'table_col' => 2, 'order' => 1, }, ], 
		[ { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'ak_private_email', 'order' => 3, 'ind_type' => 'unique', }, 
			{ 'id' => 3, 'table_col' => 5, 'order' => 1, }, ], 
	) ),
] } );

my $tbl_user_profile = $namespace->add_child_node( { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table', 
		'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 2, 'name' => 'user_profile', 'order' => 2, 'public_syn' => 'user_profile', 
		'storage_file' => 'user', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
	( map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table_col', 'ATTRS' => $_ } } (
		{ 'id' =>  8, 'name' => 'user_id'     , 'order' => 1, 'data_type' =>  9, 'required_val' => 1, },
		{ 'id' =>  9, 'name' => 'public_name' , 'order' => 2, 'data_type' => 25, 'required_val' => 1, },
		{ 'id' => 10, 'name' => 'public_email', 'order' => 3, 'data_type' => 25, 'required_val' => 0, },
		{ 'id' => 11, 'name' => 'web_url'     , 'order' => 4, 'data_type' => 25, 'required_val' => 0, },
		{ 'id' => 12, 'name' => 'contact_net' , 'order' => 5, 'data_type' => 25, 'required_val' => 0, },
		{ 'id' => 13, 'name' => 'contact_phy' , 'order' => 6, 'data_type' => 25, 'required_val' => 0, },
		{ 'id' => 14, 'name' => 'bio'         , 'order' => 7, 'data_type' => 25, 'required_val' => 0, },
		{ 'id' => 15, 'name' => 'plan'        , 'order' => 8, 'data_type' => 25, 'required_val' => 0, },
		{ 'id' => 16, 'name' => 'comments'    , 'order' => 9, 'data_type' => 25, 'required_val' => 0, },
	) ),
	( map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table_ind', 'ATTRS' => $_->[0], 
			'CHILDREN' => { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table_ind_col', 'ATTRS' => $_->[1] } } } (
		[ { 'id' => 4, 'name' => 'primary'       , 'order' => 1, 'ind_type' => 'unique', }, 
			{ 'id' => 4, 'table_col' => 8, 'order' => 1, }, ], 
		[ { 'id' => 5, 'name' => 'ak_public_name', 'order' => 2, 'ind_type' => 'unique', }, 
			{ 'id' => 5, 'table_col' => 9, 'order' => 1, }, ], 
		[ { 'id' => 6, 'name' => 'fk_user'       , 'order' => 3, 'ind_type' => 'foreign', 'f_table' => 1, }, 
			{ 'id' => 6, 'table_col' => 8, 'order' => 1, 'f_table_col' => 1 }, ], 
	) ),
] } );

my $vw_user = $namespace->add_child_node( { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 1, 
		'name' => 'user', 'may_write' => 1, 'view_type' => 'caller', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
	( map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_col', 'ATTRS' => $_ } } (
		{ 'id' =>  1, 'name' => 'user_id'      , 'order' =>  1, 'data_type' =>  9, },
		{ 'id' =>  2, 'name' => 'login_name'   , 'order' =>  2, 'data_type' => 23, 'sort_priority' => 1, },
		{ 'id' =>  3, 'name' => 'login_pass'   , 'order' =>  3, 'data_type' => 23, },
		{ 'id' =>  4, 'name' => 'private_name' , 'order' =>  4, 'data_type' => 24, },
		{ 'id' =>  5, 'name' => 'private_email', 'order' =>  5, 'data_type' => 24, },
		{ 'id' =>  6, 'name' => 'may_login'    , 'order' =>  6, 'data_type' => 19, },
		{ 'id' =>  7, 'name' => 'max_sessions' , 'order' =>  7, 'data_type' =>  7, },
		{ 'id' =>  8, 'name' => 'public_name'  , 'order' =>  8, 'data_type' => 25, },
		{ 'id' =>  9, 'name' => 'public_email' , 'order' =>  9, 'data_type' => 25, },
		{ 'id' => 10, 'name' => 'web_url'      , 'order' => 10, 'data_type' => 25, },
		{ 'id' => 11, 'name' => 'contact_net'  , 'order' => 11, 'data_type' => 25, },
		{ 'id' => 12, 'name' => 'contact_phy'  , 'order' => 12, 'data_type' => 25, },
		{ 'id' => 13, 'name' => 'bio'          , 'order' => 13, 'data_type' => 25, },
		{ 'id' => 14, 'name' => 'plan'         , 'order' => 14, 'data_type' => 25, },
		{ 'id' => 15, 'name' => 'comments'     , 'order' => 15, 'data_type' => 25, },
	) ),
	{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_rowset', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 1, 'p_rowset_order' => 1, }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'user_auth', 'order' => 1, 
				'match_table' => 1, }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' =>  1, 'match_table_col' =>  1, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' =>  2, 'match_table_col' =>  2, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' =>  3, 'match_table_col' =>  3, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' =>  4, 'match_table_col' =>  4, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' =>  5, 'match_table_col' =>  5, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' =>  6, 'match_table_col' =>  6, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' =>  7, 'match_table_col' =>  7, }, },
		] },
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 2, 'name' => 'user_profile', 'order' => 2, 
				'match_table' => 2, }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' =>  8, 'match_table_col' =>  8, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' =>  9, 'match_table_col' =>  9, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 10, 'match_table_col' => 10, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 11, 'match_table_col' => 11, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 12, 'match_table_col' => 12, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 13, 'match_table_col' => 13, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 14, 'match_table_col' => 14, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 15, 'match_table_col' => 15, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 16, 'match_table_col' => 16, }, },
		] },
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_join', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 1, 'lhs_src' => 1, 
				'rhs_src' => 2, 'join_type' => 'left', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_join_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 1, 'lhs_src_col' => 1, 'rhs_src_col' => 8, } },
		] },
		( map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_col_def', 'ATTRS' => $_ } } (
			{ 'id' =>  1, 'view_col' =>  1, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' =>  1, },
			{ 'id' =>  2, 'view_col' =>  2, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' =>  2, },
			{ 'id' =>  3, 'view_col' =>  3, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' =>  3, },
			{ 'id' =>  4, 'view_col' =>  4, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' =>  4, },
			{ 'id' =>  5, 'view_col' =>  5, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' =>  5, },
			{ 'id' =>  6, 'view_col' =>  6, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' =>  6, },
			{ 'id' =>  7, 'view_col' =>  7, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' =>  7, },
			{ 'id' =>  8, 'view_col' =>  8, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' =>  9, },
			{ 'id' =>  9, 'view_col' =>  9, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 10, },
			{ 'id' => 10, 'view_col' => 10, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 11, },
			{ 'id' => 11, 'view_col' => 11, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 12, },
			{ 'id' => 12, 'view_col' => 12, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 13, },
			{ 'id' => 13, 'view_col' => 13, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 14, },
			{ 'id' => 14, 'view_col' => 14, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 15, },
			{ 'id' => 15, 'view_col' => 15, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 16, },
		) ),
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 'view_part' => 'where', 
				'id' => 1, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'sfunc', 'sfunc' => 'eq', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 
				'id' => 2, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 1, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 
				'id' => 3, 'p_expr_order' => 2, 'expr_type' => 'var', 'command_var' => 'curr_uid', }, },
		] },
	] },
] } );

my $tbl_user_pref = $namespace->add_child_node( { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table', 
		'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 3, 'name' => 'user_pref', 'order' => 3, 'public_syn' => 'user_pref', 
		'storage_file' => 'user', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
	( map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table_col', 'ATTRS' => $_ } } (
		{ 'id' => 17, 'name' => 'user_id'   , 'order' => 1, 'data_type' =>  9, 'required_val' => 1, },
		{ 'id' => 18, 'name' => 'pref_name' , 'order' => 2, 'data_type' => 26, 'required_val' => 1, },
		{ 'id' => 19, 'name' => 'pref_value', 'order' => 3, 'data_type' => 27, 'required_val' => 0, },
	) ),
	( map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table_ind', 'ATTRS' => $_->[0], 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'table_ind_col', 'ATTRS' => $_ } } @{$_->[1]}
			] } } (
		[ { 'id' => 7, 'name' => 'primary', 'order' => 1, 'ind_type' => 'unique', },
			[ { 'id' => 7, 'table_col' => 17, 'order' => 1, }, 
			{ 'id' => 8, 'table_col' => 18, 'order' => 2, }, ],
		[ { 'id' => 8, 'name' => 'fk_user', 'order' => 2, 'ind_type' => 'foreign', 'f_table' => 1, }, 
			[ { 'id' => 9, 'table_col' => 17, 'order' => 1, 'f_table_col' => 1 }, ],
	) ),
] } );

my $vw_user_theme = $namespace->add_child_node( { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 3, 
		'name' => 'user_theme', 'may_write' => 0, 'view_type' => 'caller', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
	( map { { 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_col', 'ATTRS' => $_ } } (
		{ 'id' => 22, 'name' => 'theme_name' , 'order' => 1, 'data_type' => 27, },
		{ 'id' => 23, 'name' => 'theme_count', 'order' => 2, 'data_type' =>  9, },
	) ),
	{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_rowset', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 3, 'p_rowset_order' => 1, }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 6, 'name' => 'user_pref', 'order' => 1, 
			'match_table' => 3, }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 23, 'match_table_col' => 18, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_src_col', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 24, 'match_table_col' => 19, }, },
		] },
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_col_def', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 22, 'view_col' => 22, 
			'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 24, }, },
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_col_def', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 23, 'view_col' => 23, 
				'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'sfunc', 'sfunc' => 'gcount', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_col_def', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 24, 
				'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 24, }, },
		] },
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 'view_part' => 'where', 
				'id' => 11, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'sfunc', 'sfunc' => 'eq', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 
				'id' => 12, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 23, }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 
				'id' => 13, 'p_expr_order' => 2, 'expr_type' => 'lit', 'lit_val' => 'theme', }, },
		] },
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 'view_part' => 'group', 
			'id' => 14, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'col', 'src_col' => 24, }, },
		{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 'view_part' => 'havin', 
				'id' => 15, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'sfunc', 'sfunc' => 'gt', }, 'CHILDREN' => [ 
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 
				'id' => 16, 'p_expr_order' => 1, 'expr_type' => 'sfunc', 'sfunc' => 'gcount', }, },
			{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'view_part_def', 'ATTRS' => { 
				'id' => 17, 'p_expr_order' => 2, 'expr_type' => 'lit', 'lit_val' => '1', }, },
		] },
	] },
] } );


This Perl 5 object class is intended to be a powerful but easy to use replacement for SQL strings (including support for placeholders), which you can use to make queries against a database. Each SQL::SyntaxModel object can represent a non-ambiguous structured command for a database to execute, or one can be a non-ambiguous structured description of a database schema object. This class supports all types of database operations, including both data manipulation and schema manipulation, as well as managing database instances and users. You typically construct a database query by setting appropriate attributes of these objects, and you execute a database query by evaluating the same attributes. SQL::SyntaxModel objects are designed to be equivalent to SQL in both the type of information they carry and in their conceptual structure. This is analagous to how XML DOMs are objects that are equivalent to XML strings, and they can be converted back and forth at will. If you know SQL, or even just relational database theory in general, then this module should be easy to learn.

SQL::SyntaxModels are intended to represent all kinds of SQL, both DML and DDL, both ANSI standard and RDBMS vendor extensions. Unlike basically all of the other SQL generating/parsing modules I know about, which are limited to basic DML and only support table definition DDL, this class supports arbitrarily complex select statements, with composite keys and unions, and calls to stored functions; this class can also define views and stored procedures and triggers. Some of the existing modules, even though they construct complete SQL, will take/require fragments of SQL as input (such as "where" clauses) By contrast, SQL::SyntaxModel takes no SQL fragments. All of its inputs are atomic, which means it is also easier to analyse the objects for implementing a wider range of functionality than previously expected; for example, it is much easier to analyse any select statement and generate update/insert/delete statements for the virtual rows fetched with it (a process known as updateable views).

Considering that each database product has its own dialect of SQL which it implements, you would have to code SQL differently depending on which database you are using. One common difference is the syntax for specifying an outer join in a select query. Another common difference is how to specify that a table column is an integer or a boolean or a character string. Moreover, each database has a distinct feature set, so you may be able to do tasks with one database that you can't do with another. In fact, some databases don't support SQL at all, but have similar features that are accessible thorough alternate interfaces. SQL::SyntaxModel is designed to represent a normalized superset of all database features that one may reasonably want to use. "Superset" means that if even one database supports a feature, you will be able to invoke it with this class. You can also reference some features which no database currently implements, but it would be reasonable for one to do so later. "Normalized" means that if multiple databases support the same feature but have different syntax for referencing it, there will be exactly one way of referring to it with SQL::SyntaxModel. So by using this class, you will never have to change your database-using code when moving between databases, as long as both of them support the features you are using (or they are emulated). That said, it is generally expected that if a database is missing a specific feature that is easy to emulate, then code which evaluates SQL::SyntaxModels will emulate it (for example, emulating "left()" with "substr()"); in such cases, it is expected that when you use such features they will work with any database. For example, if you want a model-specified boolean data type, you will always get it, whether it is implemented on a per-database-basis as a "boolean" or an "int(1)" or a "number(1,0)". Or a model-specified "str" data type you will always get it, whether it is called "text" or "varchar2" or "sql_varchar".

SQL::SyntaxModel is intended to be just a stateless container for database query or schema information. It does not talk to any databases by itself and it does not generate or parse any SQL; rather, it is intended that other third party modules or code of your choice will handle this task. In fact, SQL::SyntaxModel is designed so that many existing database related modules could be updated to use it internally for storing state information, including SQL generating or translating modules, and schema management modules, and modules which implement object persistence in a database. Conceptually speaking, the DBI module itself could be updated to take SQL::SyntaxModel objects as arguments to its "prepare" method, as an alternative (optional) to the SQL strings it currently takes. Code which implements the things that SQL::SyntaxModel describes can do this in any way that they want, which can mean either generating and executing SQL, or generating Perl code that does the same task and evaling it, should they want to (the latter can be a means of emulation). This class should make all of that easy.

SQL::SyntaxModel is especially suited for use with applications or modules that make use of data dictionaries to control what they do. It is common in applications that they interpret their data dictionaries and generate SQL to accomplish some of their work, which means making sure generated SQL is in the right dialect or syntax, and making sure literal values are escaped correctly. By using this module, applications can simply copy appropriate individual elements in their data dictionaries to SQL::SyntaxModel properties, including column names, table names, function names, literal values, bind variable names, and they don't have to do any string parsing or assembling.

Now, I can only imagine why all of the other SQL generating/parsing modules that I know about have excluded privileged support for more advanced database features like stored procedures. Either the authors didn't have a need for it, or they figured that any other prospective users wouldn't need it, or they found it too difficult to implement so far and maybe planned to do it later. As for me, I can see tremendous value in various advanced features, and so I have included privileged support for them in SQL::SyntaxModel. You simply have to work on projects of a significant size to get an idea that these features would provide a large speed, reliability, and security savings for you. Look at many large corporate or government systems, such as those which have hundreds of tables or millions of records, and that may have complicated business logic which governs whether data is consistent/valid or not. Within reasonable limits, the more work you can get the database to do internally, the better. I believe that if these features can also be represented in a database-neutral format, such as what SQL::SyntaxModel attempts to do, then users can get the full power of a database without being locked into a single vendor due to all their investment in vendor-specific SQL stored procedure code. If customers can move a lot more easily, it will help encourage database vendors to keep improving their products or lower prices to keep their customers, and users in general would benefit. So I do have reasons for trying to tackle the advanced database features in SQL::SyntaxModel.


The internal structure of a SQL::SyntaxModel object is conceptually a cross between an XML DOM and an object-relational database, with a specific schema. This module is implemented with two main classes that work together, Containers and Nodes. The Container object is an environment or context in which Node objects must live. A typical application will only need to create one Container object (returned by the module's 'new' function), and then a set of Nodes which live within that Container. The Nodes are related sometimes with single or multiple cardinality to each other.

SQL::SyntaxModel is expressly designed so that its data is easy to convert between different representations, mainly in-memory data structures linked by references, and multi-table record sets stored in relational databases, and node sets in XML documents. A Container corresponds to an XML document or a complete database, and each Node corresponds to an XML node or a database record. Each Node has a specific node_type (a case-sensitive string), which corresponds to a database table or an XML tag name. See the BRIEF NODE TYPE LIST main documentation section to see which ones exist. The node_type is set when the Node is created and it can not be changed later.

A Node has a specific set of allowed attributes that are determined by the node_type, each of which corresponds to a database table column or an XML node attribute. Every Node of a common node_type has a unique 'id' attribute (a positive integer) by which it is referenced; that attribute corresponds to the database table's single-column primary key. Each other Node attribute is either a scalar value of some data type, or an enumerated value, or a reference to another Node of a specific node_type, which has a foreign-key constraint on it. Foreign-key constraints are enforced by this module, so you will have to add Nodes in the appropriate order, just as when adding records to a database. Any Node which is referenced in an attribute (cited in a foreign-key constraint) of another is a parent of the other; as a corollary, the second Node is a child of the first. The order of child Nodes under a parent is the same as that in which the parent-child relationship was assigned; however, for Node types that form part of a data dictionary where an explicit order is important, they also have an 'order' attribute to define that.

When SQL::SyntaxModels are converted to XML, one referencing attribute is given higher precedence than the others and becomes the single parent XML node. For example, the XML parent of a 'table_col' Node is always a 'table' Node, even though a 'data_type' Node is also referenced. While Nodes of most types always have Nodes of a single other type as their parents, there are some exceptions. Nodes of certain types, such as view_rowset or *_expr, may have either another Node of the same type as itself, or of a specific other type as its parent, depending on the context; these Nodes form trees of their own type, and it is the root Node of each tree which has a different Node type as its parent.

Finally, any Node of certain types will always have a specific super-node as its single parent, which it does not reference in an attribute, and which can not be changed. All 4 super-nodes have no attributes, even 'id', and only one of each exists; they are created by default with the Container they are part of, forming the top 2 levels of the Node tree, and can not be removed. They are: 'root' (the single level-1 Node which is parent to the other super-nodes but no normal Nodes), 'type_list' (parent to 'data_type' Nodes), 'database_list' (parent to 'database' Nodes), and 'application_list' (parent to 'application' Nodes). All other Node types have normal Nodes as parents.

Note that this module does not support the concept of 'document fragments', which is a set of Nodes not linked to the main tree. Every Node (save the super-node root) must have a primary parent Node at all times. However, Node trees can still be moved around at any time by reassigning their primary parent attribute. Also, individual Nodes can still always be referred to externally.

You should look at the POD-only files named SQL::SyntaxModel::DataDictionary and SQL::SyntaxModel::XMLSchema, which came with this distribution. They serve to document all of the possible Node types, with attributes, constraints, and allowed relationships with other Node types, by way of describing either a suitable database schema or XML schema for storing these nodes in, such as was mentioned in the previous paragraphs. As the SQL::SyntaxModel class itself has very few properties and methods, all being highly generic (much akin to an XML DOM), the POD of this PM file will only describe how to use said methods, and will not list all the allowed inputs or constraints to said methods. With only simple guidance in, you should be able to interpret DataDictionary.pod and XMLSchema.pod to get all the nitty gritty details. You should also look at the tutorial or example files which will be in the distribution when ready, or any SYNOPSIS code here.


Here is a diagram showing just the conceptually high-level Node types, grouped in their logical parent-child relationships (which may go through lower level Node types that aren't shown here); a complete diagram is in XMLSchema.pod:

+-root (may or may not actually be used; a convenience)
   +-data_type (describes a table column or a view interface or a block variable)
   +-database (contains everything that is "in the database schema"; what you connect to)
   |  +-namespace (akin to an Oracle "schema", or can just be name prefix for following)
   |  |  +-table
   |  |  |  +-trigger (an un-named block that fires on a table event)
   |  |  |     +-block (the body of the trigger)
   |  |  +-view (a named view)
   |  |  |  +-view (a subquery)
   |  |  +-sequence    
   |  |  +-block (a named global procedure, function, or "package")
   |  |     +-block (a block nested or declared inside one of the above)
   |  |     +-view (a cursor declaration)
   |  +-user
      +-command (SQL that is not "part of a schema", although it includes DML for schema)
         +-view (a select statement usually)
         +-block (an anonymous block or set of normal SQL to run in sequence)


This is a brief list of all the valid types that a SQL::SyntaxModel Node can be. Descriptions can be found by looking up the corresponding table names in SQL::SyntaxModel::DataDictionary, although a more detailed summary is planned to be added here. The list is subject to be revised, of course.




















This class does not export any functions or methods, so you need to call them using object notation. This means using Class->function() for functions and $object->method() for methods. If you are inheriting this class for your own modules, then that often means something like $self->method().



my $model = SQL::SyntaxModel->new();

This function creates a new SQL::SyntaxModel (or subclass) object/container and returns it. This object has contains a set of super-nodes, and nothing else.


my $model->initialize();

This method resets the Container to the state it was in when it was returned by new(). All of its member Nodes are destroyed, and new super-nodes are created.


my $root = $model->get_root_node();

This method returns a reference to this object's single root Node.

get_node( NODE_TYPE[, NODE_ID] )

my $database_node = $model->get_node( 'database', 1 );
my $database_list_supernode = $model->get_node( 'database_list' );

This method returns a reference to one of this object's member Nodes, which has a Node type of NODE_TYPE, and an 'id' attribute of NODE_ID. The NODE_ID argument is ignored if the requested type is one of the 4 super-nodes; otherwise it is required.

create_node( { NODE_TYPE, ATTRS[, PARENT][, CHILDREN] } )

my $node = $model->create_node( 
	{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'database', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 1, } } ); 

This function creates a new Node object within the context of the current Container and returns it. It takes a hash ref containing up to 4 named arguments: NODE_TYPE, ATTRS, PARENT, CHILDREN. The first argument, NODE_TYPE, is a string which specifies the "node_type" property of the new Node. Only specific values are allowed, which you can see in the previous POD section "BRIEF NODE TYPE LIST". A Node's type must be set on instantiation and it can not be changed afterwards. The second argument, ATTRS, is a hash ref whose elements will go in the "attributes" property of the new Node; at least one attribute, 'id', is mandatory and must be provided. Any attributes which will refer to another Node can be passed in as either a Node object reference or an integer which matches the 'id' attribute of an already created Node. The third (optional) argument, PARENT, is a ref or integer matching an existing Node that you want to explicitely set as the new Node's primary parent; it will go in the "parent_node" property. The fourth (optional) argument, CHILDREN, is an array ref whose elements will go in the "child_nodes" property of the new object. Elements in CHILDREN are always processed after the other arguments.

create_nodes( LIST )

$model->create_nodes( [{ ... }, { ... }] );
$model->create_nodes( { ... } );

This function takes an array ref in its single LIST argument, and calls create_node() for each element found in it.



my $model = $node->get_container();

This method returns the SQL::SyntaxModel object which this Node belongs to.


my $type = $node->get_node_type();

This method returns the "node_type" scalar property of this object. You can not change this property on an existing Node, but you can set it on a new one.


my $parent = $node->get_parent_node();

This method returns the parent Node of this object, if there is one.

set_parent_node( PARENT )

$node->set_parent_node( $parent );

This method allows you to replace this object's parent Node with a new Node. The argument PARENT must either be a Node ref that can be a parent or an 'id' number that would match the current Node's default parent Node type.

attribute( KEY[, VALUE] )

my $curr_val = $node->attribute( 'name' );
my $curr_val = $node->attribute( 'name', $new_val );

This method is an accessor for the "node_attrs" hash property of this object, and allows you to retrieve or set the one hash element that is matched by KEY. If VALUE is defined, the element is set to that value. The current value is then always returned.


my $rh_attrs = $node->get_attributes();

This method returns a shallow copy of the "node_type" hash property of this object, which is returned as a hash ref.

add_attributes( ATTRS )

$node->add_attributes( $rh_attrs );

This method allows you to add key/value pairs to the "node_attrs" hash property of this object, as provided in the ATTRS hash ref argument; any like-named keys will overwrite existing ones, but different-named ones will coexist.

get_child_nodes([ NODE_TYPE ])

my $ra_node_list = $node->get_child_nodes();
my $ra_node_list = $node->get_child_nodes( 'table' );

This method returns a list of this object's child Nodes, in a new array ref. If the optional argument NODE_TYPE is defined, then only child Nodes of that node type are returned; otherwise, all child Nodes are returned. All Nodes are returned in the same order they were added.

add_child_node( CHILD || { NODE_TYPE, ATTRS[, CHILDREN] } )

$node->add_child_node( $child );
my $child = $node->add_child_node( 
	{ 'NODE_TYPE' => 'namespace', 'ATTRS' => { 'id' => 1, } } ); 

This method allows you to add a new child Node to this object, which is provided as the single method argument. The new child Node is appended to the list of existing Nodes; all existing Nodes are preserved. If the argument is a Node ref, CHILD, then that Node's parent will be changed to this current node if possible. If the argument is a Hash ref, then a new Node will be constructed from it (see the 'create_node' method documentation), with this current node being its parent. The new child is returned.

add_child_nodes( LIST )

$model->add_child_nodes( [$child1,$child2] );
$model->add_child_nodes( $child );

This function takes an array ref in its single LIST argument, and calls add_child_node() for each element found in it.



This method will destroy the Node object that it is invoked from, if it can. You are only allowed to delete Nodes that have no child Nodes; if your chosen Node has children, you must delete them first. Following this method call, the Node ref you used to hold will be non-functional.



$rh_node_properties = $node->get_all_properties();

This method returns a deep copy of all of the properties of this object as non-blessed Perl data structures. These data structures are also arranged in a tree, but they do not have any circular references. You may be able to take the output of this method and recreate the original objects by passing it to create_node(), although this may not work reliably. The main purpose, currently, of get_all_properties() is to make it easier to debug or test this class; it makes it easier to see at a glance whether the other class methods are doing what you expect. The output of this method should also be easy to serialize or unserialize to strings of Perl code or xml or other things, should you want to compare your results easily by string compare (see "get_all_properties_as_perl_str()" and "get_all_properties_as_xml_str()").

get_all_properties_as_perl_str([ NO_INDENTS ])

$perl_code_str = $node->get_all_properties_as_perl_str();
$perl_code_str = $node->get_all_properties_as_perl_str( 1 );

This method is a wrapper for get_all_properties() that serializes its output into a pretty-printed string of Perl code, suitable for humans to read. You should be able to eval this string and produce the original structure. By default, contents of lists are indented under the lists they are in (easier to read); if the optional boolean argument NO_INDENTS is true, then all output lines will be flush with the left, saving a fair amount of memory in what the resulting string consumes. (That said, even the indents are tabs, which take up much less space than multiple spaces per indent level.)

get_all_properties_as_xml_str([ NO_INDENTS ])

$xml_doc_str = $node->get_all_properties_as_xml_str();
$xml_doc_str = $node->get_all_properties_as_xml_str( 1 );

This method is a wrapper for get_all_properties() that serializes its output into a pretty-printed string of XML, suitable for humans to read. By default, child nodes are indented under their parent nodes (easier to read); if the optional boolean argument NO_INDENTS is true, then all output lines will be flush with the left, saving a fair amount of memory in what the resulting string consumes. (That said, even the indents are tabs, which take up much less space than multiple spaces per indent level.)


This module is currently in alpha development status, meaning that any part of it stands a reasonable chance of being changed in the future, in incompatible ways. Also, the module hasn't been tested as much as I would like, but it has tested the more commonly used areas. All of the code in the SYNOPSIS section has been executed, which tests most internal functions and data.

Some basic types of SQL or functionality that this module is supposed to implement are not written yet; these correspond mostly to functionality that is also lacking a description in DataDictionary.pod. The mainly affected areas are: applications, commands, command variables. In addition, trying to declare a view inside another view or a block probably won't work, as the currently implemented rule set says they can only be declared as children of namespaces. Related to this, some or all of the views that are shown in the SYNOPSIS (and test script) would actually be declared in the application space rather than the database space, because these views would not be stored in the database, but rather be used as select-statements. In fact, the 'command_var' expression type used in some views would only work in an application-called select, as those correspond to caller bind variables. That said, updating this module and DataDictionary.pod to add the functionality is in my first to-do priority.

This module currently throws exceptions whenever it is provided with bad input, which include some details of what the bad input is; it uses Carp::confess to throw the exceptions, as a stack trace should make bad input problems easier to debug, considering that this module uses a fair amount of recursion and wrapper methods. Due to the fact that each individual input element is applied hot once it is validated, these changes will still stick even if other input elements you provided during the same method call were incorrect and generated an exception; exceptions are also generated immediately, with subsequent inputs not being processed. Because of this, if you trap exceptions that this class generates with your own eval block, you should know that both the SQL::SyntaxModel Node that you were working on and quite possibly several other nodes related to it are now in an inconsistant state. If you continue to use those Nodes, or others that are linked to them in any way, the program may crash without the friendly exceptions, as data which this module expects to be consistant (as it would be when there are no exceptions) would not be. I expect to deal with this problem at some time in the future, such as trying to defer the exception throw until I can clean up the state first.

This module currently does not prevent the user from creating circular references between Nodes, such as "A is the child of B and B is the child of A"; however, only a few types of Nodes (such as 'view' and 'block' and '*_expr') even make this possible.

This module is still functionally biased towards adding new Nodes that are correct on first insertion (and for fetching data from the Nodes), since that is how it is expected the module would normally be used. The functionality is more lackluster in regards to making significant changes after the fact. You can not delete more than one Node at a time. It isn't easy to create Nodes piecemeal, such as one attribute at a time (at least the mandatory attributes must be present on creation), and attaching it to the tree after the fact; piecemeal business must be handled externally to the module, prior to insertion. Some of these will be addressed later when there is the need.


perl(1), SQL::SyntaxModel::DataDictionary, SQL::SyntaxModel::XMLSchema, SQL::SyntaxModel::API_C, SQL::SyntaxModel::SkipID, Rosetta, Rosetta::Framework, DBI, SQL::Statement, SQL::Translator, SQL::YASP, SQL::Generator, SQL::Schema, SQL::Abstract, SQL::Snippet, SQL::Catalog, DB::Ent, DBIx::Abstract, DBIx::AnyDBD, DBIx::DBSchema, DBIx::Namespace, DBIx::SearchBuilder, TripleStore.