Rosetta::Language - What language or grammar Rosetta::Model speaks
Rosetta::Model contains SQL schemas and queries, represented as a tree of atomic tokens; it is structurally like an abstract syntax tree or an XML DOM, but one that only accepts, respectively, a specific source language or XML schema. See Rosetta::Model for more details.
The module's API and code make it look like a generic tree, composed of related Nodes. The restrictions for which attributes each Node can have, and its relationship to others, is defined by data (though for efficiency, that data is also contained in the same module and can't be changed at runtime).
As an analogy, the module has an API like a generic XML DOM, but it can enforce a specific XML Schema (the data). The context in which it is used is like a generic database interface. The API basically has an "execute" function, to which a SQL string is given, within that, there is a huge amount of flexibility of what the SQL string can say, but it must conform to a specific grammar.
This document, Rosetta::Language, is meant to say what all the 'types' of Nodes are, and what attributes and relationships are allowed for each. It is meant to say what 'grammar' for Rosetta::Model's 'language' is, or what 'schema' it accepts.
The type of information this document would provide is functionally similar to the SQL design documents, or vendor-specific ones.
Rosetta::Model mainly follows its own path regarding its language structure; it approximates other SQL variants, including both ANSI/ISO standard SQL and proprietary versions like PL-SQL and T-SQL, but it matches none of those. I believe that such existing versions of SQL are simply too large and complex to support in their entirety. Moreover, such as with most software, we have a situation where 10% of the features are used 90% of the time, or 90% of users never exercise more than the same 10% of the available features. Or, perhaps those numbers should read 99% and 1% instead of 90 and 10.
Rosetta::Model aims to be a "90%+ solution", natively supporting what I consider to be the "most important" features of SQL, those which have stood the test of time, become widely used, and supported by multiple vendors. This includes many "advanced" features which shipping database products often lack, and even a handful which no database may support now but "should". I have mainly avoided features which are new and unused, or unproven, or complicated, or badly designed, or antiquated, or otherwise look like a product of creeping featuritis. This is not to say that I reject new and little used features; if I see their benefit and they are easy to implement, they get supported now.
Rosetta::Model is designed largely in the hindsight of the ANSI/ISO SQL:1999 standard (and with some foresight of the yet-unfinalized SQL:2003) and aims to conform to it as much as possible. Where SQL:2003 and other SQL versions talk about the same features using different words, Rosetta::Model will either match the standard or resemble it the most. Similarly, as SQL:2003 and SQL:1999 are fully upward compatible with SQL:1992, so the latter will be matched. Unlike most shipping database products, which support mainly SQL:1992, I will support SQL:2003 (and 1999). Note that SQL:2003 and SQL:1999 has identical ANSI and ISO standards, while SQL:1992 does not; this is a practical reason to focus on just 2003 and 1999.
During my work on this project, I found the following resources to be particularly useful: (warning, large file) (warning, large file) (warning, large file)
Likewise, the vendor documentation for MySQL and SQLite was consulted, plus third-party and vendor documentation for Oracle, and the odd other SQL site.
This is a brief and incomplete list of major supported features (the rest of this document goes into more detail on them):
- native Unicode 4 (UTF-8) support for all identifiers and character data
- multiple character encoding support in the same database for character data
- global binary/bit object/data support
- both exact and inexact numbers, the former being of any length
- large object support; all character or binary fields can contain 2GB or more
- multi-column indexes, unique constraints, foreign key constraints
- large/full text indexing
- boolean data type
- datetime/date, interval/time data types
- multiple schemas in the same catalogue
- objects in any schema can reference those in other schemas or other catalogues
- identifiers are internally case-sensitive; case-insensitive ones match as fully uppercase
- no effective limits; eg: number of tables or columns or rows, size of data per field or row
- simple domains and user-defined data types (UDTs)
- enumerated data types
- arbitrary 'check' constraints (?)
- routines (stored procedures, user defined functions, triggers)
- named sub-routines inside routines
- row, array/rowset data types as variables inside routines, and arguments and return values
- multiple column unique and foreign key constraints on tables
- viewed tables / views
- expressions in any part of a query
- regular expressions / pattern matching
- multiple-column predicates in any part of a query
- cross, inner, and full|left|right outer table joins
- self joins (same table or view joined to itself N times)
- compound queries such as union, difference (except), intersection, exclusion
- 'all' and 'distinct' set quantifiers on both normal and compound queries
- 'where', 'group by', 'having', 'order by', 'limit'
- anonymous subqueries in any part of main query
- named subqueries ("with") likewise
- both correlated (takes arguments) and uncorrelated (no arguments) subqueries
- recursive queries
- all routine and subquery args are declared and used with named syntax (rather than positional)
- all built-in standard routine args are used with named syntax (rather than positional)
- select/insert/update/delete rows in tables and viewed tables
- named (rather than positional) mapping of 'into' clause to 'select list'
- named (rather than positional) mapping of all input data for both inserts and updates
- OLAP extensions, rollup, cube, grouping sets (related to group-by)
- updateable views; inserts, updates, deletes through any view (if key data not lost)
- "insert as select"
- multiple users, roles, privileges
- create/alter/delete schema objects, including user defined functions
- create/alter/delete catalogs, schemas, users
- cursors
- multiple row insert / "write cursors"
- application host parameters for any data type
- all host parameters are named (rather than positional)
- explicit transactions and nested transactions (and savepoints?)
- record locking for read and locking for write
- throwing exceptions
- catching and handling exceptions
- create, use simple sequence generators, named and on table cols
- temporary objects, usually tables
- triggers firing on DML events of either tables or views
- "base tables" and "temporary base tables"
This is a brief list of major non-supported features (at present), or current limitations:
- multiple distinct values per row field (this violates level-1 normalization)
- complex domains and compound user-defined data types
- 'set' data types
- collection types, such as arrays, stored in table fields
- reference data types, stored in tables
- table hierarchies or subtables; anything not a "base table" or "viewed table"
- object data types
- user defined "operators" (as being distinct from user defined functions)
- geographical data types and related extensions
- referencing objects in an "information schema" by users like normal schema objects (?)
- dynamic SQL; eg: generating and executing new SQL in a stored procedure
- creating user defined functions that aren't SQL (though they can be called)
- sequence generators will only produce integers, and not fractions or strings
- explic ref most "optimization" features; eg: hints, cache sett, res pre-alloc or limits, "tablespaces"
- explicit references to logs or replication managed by the database product itself
- named Oracle "synonyms" (?)
- triggers firing on non-DML events
Generally speaking, Rosetta::Model holds to a purely relational database model, where every intersection of a column and a row in a table or view is an atomic value. Anything which breaks from this mold is currently not supported. This said, transient data such as variables in routines (stored procedures) can and often are more complex types like arrays or records or references; likewise input and output values of routines, and host parameters, can be complex types.
For such situations where you want to use Rosetta::Model to mediate your access to a database, and it doesn't natively support a database product feature that you want to use, Rosetta::Model does provide a "back door" where you have un-mediated access to the database. Speaking more accurately, Rosetta::Model can store fragments of any raw SQL that you specify, to be injected into the SQL that is generated from its objects.
The trade-off is that these portions probably won't work with more than one database product, and so you would be best to just use them for "optimization" type SQL that will help your app on a supported product, but the app will still work (perhaps slower) without them. If you can't do that, then Rosetta::Model lets you store alternative SQL fragments that are keyed to a database product; if you store fragments with the same function in multiple versions, then the one for the product you are interfacing now will be used and the others ignored.
SQL fragments can either be pieces of a larger to-be-generated statement which you attach them to, or they can be complete SQL statements on their own, where you specify that they run between certain generated statements, or inside a generated routine.
For the present, you can also store "SQL comments" in this fashion.
All this said and done, the use of the circumvention features are not recommended, and should only be attempted by savvy / power users or DBAs. Ultimately, adding native support for a feature is better.
Rosetta::Model manages SQL concepts that we arrange into 5 main categories for convenience: 'elements', 'blueprints', 'tools', 'sites', 'circumventions'.
The first two of these, 'elements' and 'blueprints', are the most important; they describe completely the composition and behaviour of your database schemas and application-level routines that talk to them. For all intents and purposes, they are part of your core application code and would get distributed as such; like your core application code, everyone's installation will be identical. We keep simple and widely re-used details in 'elements', such as scalar and row data type definitions. We describe most model structures in 'blueprints', including database tables (with constraints), arbitrarily complex database views, and various kinds of routines (such as stored procedures, user defined functions, and basic DML like selects, inserts, updates, deletes), both those stored in a database schema or in an application. We can represent multiple database catalogs and applications at once, whether or not they talk to each other; how they inter-relate is also represented.
The second two categories, 'tools' and 'sites', are effectively locale or site-specific configuration data, and each installation of your application would be different in these areas. We use 'tools' to store a small list of one or more externally (to Rosetta::Model and your application core) recognizable database product identifiers (such as SQLite or Oracle) that are used on a site to implement the database catalogs. We use 'sites' to indicate localized details of your database (and application) installations, such as the product used for each catalog instance, or its DSN or server address or file path, or what users it has and their privileges. If you have multiple copies of a database installed, such as for test data vs production data, you can distinguish between them in 'sites'.
The last category, 'circumventions', is used to implement Rosetta::Model's "circumvention" features, to access concepts that a specific database product understands but nothing in the Rosetta::Model code does.
While a database and application are actually being *used* (post-installation at a site), structures belonging to each of the 5 categories would be stored persistantly in two main places. One of these is the native schema of a database itself. The second of these is structures that are not stored in a database, but in an application that uses the database. Many structures, such as views and routines, can be stored in either place; some, like tables, can probably only be stored in the database; either way, the places can overlap greatly. In practice, you would pick what to put in each place on a per-case basis, accounting for how powerful your database is, what arrangement is more secure, or is faster, or is easier to manage, and so on.
Here is a tree diagram, formatted visually like XML, which shows the high level Rosetta::Model language concepts; each distinct concept is represented by one tree node. Parent nodes provide a context in which their children live (eg: a table only exists within a schema). The top 2 tree levels don't represent anything themselves, but just group the actual concepts that exist in the 3rd level and below. The node attribute 'c' shows the cardinality of that node type beneath its parent; a value of 'M' means 'many' and '1' means 'one'. The node attribute 'r' indicates recursion, where a node can be a child of another of the same type (eg: a sub-query or sub-routine).
<elements c="1">
<scalar_data_type c="M">
<scalar_data_type_opt c="M" />
<row_data_type c="M">
<row_data_type_field c="M" />
<external_cursor c="M" />
<blueprints c="1">
<catalog c="M">
<owner c="M" />
<catalog_link c="M" />
<schema c="M">
<scalar_domain c="M" />
<row_domain c="M" />
<sequence c="M" />
<table c="M" />
<view c="M" />
<routine c="M" />
<role c="M">
<privilege_on c="M">
<privilege_for c="M" />
<application c="M">
<catalog_link c="M" />
<scalar_domain c="M" />
<row_domain c="M" />
<sequence c="M" />
<table c="M" />
<view c="M" />
<routine c="M" />
<tools c="1">
<data_storage_product c="M" />
<data_link_product c="M" />
<sites c="1">
<catalog_instance c="M">
<catalog_instance_opt c="M" />
<catalog_link_instance c="M" />
<user c="M">
<user_role c="M" />
<application_instance c="M">
<catalog_link_instance c="M" />
<circumventions c="1">
<sql_fragment c="M" />
<table_field c="M" />
<table_index c="M">
<table_index_field c="M" />
<view r="Y">
<view_arg c="M" />
<view_src c="M">
<view_src_arg c="M" />
<view_src_field c="M" />
<view_field c="M" />
<view_join c="M">
<view_join_field c="M" />
<view_compound_elem c="M" />
<view_expr c="M" r="Y" />
<routine r="Y">
<routine_context c="1" />
<routine_arg c="M" />
<routine_var c="M">
<view c="1" />
<routine_stmt c="M">
<view c="1" />
<routine_expr c="M" r="Y" />
<catalog_link_instance r="Y">
<catalog_link_instance_opt c="M" />
For the most part, each 'concept' shown in the tree above corresponds to a single Rosetta::Model Node Type. Each Node Type is explained in further detail below.
Besides the Node it is a child of, a Node can reference other Nodes almost anywhere else in the tree, with the following exceptions: 1. Considering the order of the 5 main categories above, Nodes in any category can not reference Nodes in a later category; they can only reference self or earlier; 2. Nodes in 'tools' can't reference anything else; 3. Catalog Nodes can't reference Application Nodes.
The Rosetta::Model language is designed with an embedded SQL paradigm in mind, where all SQL can be invoked as if it was written in the same language as the program code which invokes it. The SQL can take arguments like a normal program routine, and it can hand return values like a normal program routine; either of those can be considered named host parameters.
The Rosetta::Model language is designed so that you would do all types of database interaction with it; not only would you use SQL to issue typical DML or DDL commands, but you would attach (connect to) or create a database in the first place using SQL. This is much like CLI database clients and their "connect to ... identified by ..." or "attach ... as ..." SQL statements, or similar statements that run inside a database stored procedure that connect to a second database. In fact, the Rosetta::Model language is designed such that you should be able to run the same SQL commands either in a client application or in a database stored procedure, without changes. Likewise, your application should be able to invoke a SQL routine the same way whether it is stored in the application or the database. By contrast, some other modules for letting your application talk to a database require you to call non-sql routines for some operations like connecting to a database.
The Rosetta::Model language takes a broad definition as to what constitutes a SQL routine. While some RDBMS products don't support this in stored procedures, my understanding is that the SQL standard defines a SQL routine as an ordered (and usually named) sequence of any type of SQL statements that are to be run together. Usually, SQL routines stored in a database only contain DML, but some RDBMS products also let you manipulate users or schema objects within stored procedures. Regardless of those limitations, my understanding is that any SQL which an RDBMS product understands at all can be issued from an application based routine.
In practice, the way of providing arguments to named database stored routines can be different from a way passing arguments to un-named routines or queries constructed on a client application; the latter often uses 'host parameters' for sending or receiving data, while the former uses named routine arguments and/or has an explicit return value. The Rosetta::Model language unifies these concepts and makes it as if all SQL statements take named arguments, and "return" a value; in database stored procedures, this is the same as usual; on the client side, the named arguments each correspond to a named host parameter.
Similarly, all SQL "select" queries are treated as cursors; on the database side this is the same as usual; on the application/client side, this may or may not be the same as usual. When an application invokes a "select", they will get a cursor handle returned to them (either a real cursor or a fake cursor), off of which they fetch the rows or values that the "select" retrieves.
It is expected that modules which interface a database on an application's behalf, and that take Rosetta::Model language constructs as input, will be structured with a Command Design Pattern. They should essentially provide a "SQL Engine" object that has a single "Execute" function. The latter would take a Rosetta::Model "routine" Node (or an object wrapping one that also holds values for the routine's arguments) as input. The function would return a "Result" object that encapsulates any return values from the SQL, such as a select cursor handle or other types of returned data or details of an error that occurred. The object returned as output from "Execute" should also have its own "Execute" method when the object can be considered a context for future commands; eg: the object returned from an "open database" command should represent that database for further queries against it.
The Rosetta::Model language does not require you to explicitly run a connect/open/attach command before running SQL against a database. Since the info it needs to do this is provided in 'catalog link' definitions that are already related to the SQL definitions, an implementer can just implicitely connect to a database for you when you ask it to run the SQL. And that implicit link can either be cached or new, such as the implementer decides. Note that this idea may need to be thought out further.
There are 4 major Rosetta::Model Node attribute types. Each major type may be further sub-divided into minor types, which are tested for by the above methods. Each instance of a Node attribute corresponds to one XML tag attribute, if a Node object were an XML tag. The major types are:
node_id - There is exactly one of these per Node; it is a positive (<gt>=1) integer which uniquely identifies this particular Node among all others of the same Node Type. There are no minor types under this major type.
literal - This is the normal kind of Node attribute, and it can contain any scalar value, such as a string or a number. Some attributes of this type may actually be restricted, such as to only valid integer or date or boolean values; that restriction is what differentiates the literal minor types.
enumerated - This is like literal except that the values you can store are restricted to an explicit enumerated set of values. Each minor type is a specific enumerated value set. (A subsequent documentation section lists the currently known enumerated sets.)
node_ref - This is a number which is equal to the node_id of another Node that has a particular Node Type; it is used to implement relations between Nodes. This attribute type is for attributes whose conceptual values are either multi-part or are possibly shared by multiple Nodes. Each minor type is a Node Type.
Currently, Rosetta::Model recognizes these explicit literal attribute types:
bool - This is a boolean type, and its values may only be '0' or '1'. Attributes of this type are "flags", saying 'true' when set or 'false' when not.
uint - This is an "unsigned integer", also known as a non-negative integer; its values may only be integers greater than or equal to 0. Attributes of this type indicate the "scale" of something, meaning how 'big' or 'long' it is.
sint - This is an "signed integer", and its values may be any integer. Attributes of this type are normally used in concert with sequence generators.
cstr - This is a "character string" where each character can be anything except the null character. Attributes of this type are usually "labels" and "name" something.
misc - This is a "miscellaneous scalar"; its values may be anything a Perl scalar can be. Attributes of this type usually hold literal data that only has meaning to a user and is not interpreted by a machine; alternately, they are used to store any literal whose type varies or isn't a bool or uint or cstr.
Here is a compact list of the enumerated attribute types that Rosetta::Model knows about. For full details on each one, please see Rosetta::EnumTypes.
Here is a compact list of the Node Types that Rosetta::Model knows about; each one corresponds to a Rosetta::Model concept. A Node Ref attribute of a certain type will reference another Node of that Node Type. For full details on each one, please see Rosetta::NodeTypes.
These paragraphs were more or less the original documentation for high-level Rosetta::Model concepts, back when each concept was planned to be a separate class of its own. They were originally published in Framework.pod since the first release of the Rosetta distribution (2003-01-05), and up until 2004-02-04 inclusive. They are here in Language.pod as of 2004-02-12. Some details you see here shouldn't be considered accurate.
Rosetta::Model::Command - This Model class describes an action that needs to be done against a database; the action may include several steps, and all of them must be done when executing the Command. A Command object has one mandatory string property named 'type' (eg: 'database_open', 'table_create', 'data_insert'), which sets the context for all of its other properties, which are in a hash property named 'args'. Elements of 'args' often include other Model class objects like 'Table' or 'DataType'. Like all Model objects, this is static and context-independent; it is intended to be serialized and passed to code like DBI->prepare(). While host params are often used with them (such as values to insert or update, or record matching conditions), it is always up to the calling code to resolve the host params such as with a user prompt (as SQL*Plus does), and pass those to code like DBI->execute(). See also Rosetta::Command.
Rosetta::Model::DataType - This Model class describes a simple data type, which serves as metadata for a single atomic or scalar unit of data, or a column whose members are all of the same data type, such as in a regular database table or in row sets read from or to be written to one. This class would be used both when manipulating database schema and when manipulating database data.
Rosetta::Model::Table - This Model class describes a single database table, and would be used for such things as managing schema for the table (eg: create, alter, destroy), and describing the table's "public interface" so other functionality like views or various DML operations know how to use the table. In its simplest sense, a Table object consists of a table name, a list of table columns, a list of keys, a list of constraints, and a few other implementation details. This class does not describe anything that is changed by DML activity, such as a count of stored records, or the current values of sequence generators attached to columns. This class would be used both when manipulating database schema and when manipulating database data. This class can generate Rosetta::Model::Command objects having types of: 'table_verify', 'table_create', 'table_alter', 'table_destroy'.
Rosetta::Model::View - This Model class describes a single database view, which conceptually looks like a table, but it is used differently. Tables and views are similar in that they both represent or store a matrix of data, which has uniquely identifiable columns, and rows which can be uniquely identifiable but may not be. With the way that Rosetta implements views, you can do all of the same DML operations with them that you can do with tables: select, insert, update, delete rows; that said, the process for doing any of those with views is more complicated than with tables, but this complexity is usually internal to Rosetta so you shouldn't have to code any differently between them. Tables and views are different in that tables actually store data in themselves, while views don't. A view is actually a custom abstracted interface to one or more database tables which are related to each other in a specific way; when you issue DML against a view, you are actually fetching from or modifying the data stored in one (simplest case) or more tables. This class can generate Rosetta::Model::Command objects having types of: 'data_select', 'data_insert', 'data_update', 'data_delete', 'data_lock', 'data_unlock', 'view_verify', 'view_create', 'view_alter', 'view_destroy'.
Rosetta::Model and the various other modules mentioned in its SEE ALSO.
Darren R. Duncan (
This file is part of the Rosetta database portability library.
Rosetta is Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Darren R. Duncan. All rights reserved. Address comments, suggestions, and bug reports to, or visit for more information.
Rosetta is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation (; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GPL as part of the Rosetta distribution, in the file named "GPL"; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Linking Rosetta statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on Rosetta. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GPL cover the whole combination. As a special exception, the copyright holders of Rosetta give you permission to link Rosetta with independent modules, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting combined work under terms of your choice, provided that every copy of the combined work is accompanied by a complete copy of the source code of Rosetta (the version of Rosetta used to produce the combined work), being distributed under the terms of the GPL plus this exception. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on Rosetta, and which is fully useable when not linked to Rosetta in any form.
Any versions of Rosetta that you modify and distribute must carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any changes, in addition to preserving this original copyright notice and other credits. Rosetta is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
While it is by no means required, the copyright holders of Rosetta would appreciate being informed any time you create a modified version of Rosetta that you are willing to distribute, because that is a practical way of suggesting improvements to the standard version.