Rosetta::Language - Design document of the Intermediate Relational Language
Rosetta::Model provides an effective language for defining relational data models, both the means to create them and the means to interact with them. The language is IRL (Intermediate Relational Language); see the documentation of Rosetta::Model itself (in the current distribution) for a further introduction.
This document, Rosetta::Language ("Language"), is the human readable authoritative design document for that language. The file Rosetta::Model itself contains the machine readable language specification, which is derived from the human readable version. If there's a conflict between the two, then either Rosetta::Model is in error, or the developers were negligent in updating it before Language, so you can yell at them. Likewise, believe Language before any other conflicting documents, unless the other documents are emails from Rosetta::Model developers, in which case they can be yelled at again for not keeping Language up to date.
Since IRL is largely derived from pre-existing language specifications such as Christopher J. Date's and Hugh Darwen's Tutorial D and the ANSI/ISO SQL:2003 standard, it may be tempting to just assume everything you know from them is also true here. While that will work in some cases (and in fact I intentionally don't repeat many details here for brevity), it won't in others, so you should always check here for any possible conflicts.
IRL is primarily declarative, in that it defines how implementations should appear and behave from a user's point of view, and it does not typically make any demands as to how implementations accomplish this behind the scenes.
IRL is designed for a specific virtual environment, that provides usually-persistent repositories (or "depots") in which can live user defined data structures and routines to operate on them, as is the case with a typical computer programming language. Broadly speaking, IRL provides the means to create, read, modify, and delete both entire depots and other items that live in them. An implementation (or instance thereof) of IRL is a "depot management system" (or "depot manager"); it is the job of the depot manager to facilitate access to depots implemented with it.
A depot is is a fully self-contained and fully addressable database. It is what your application opens a connection to when it wants to use a database. A depot has its own set of user accounts, and its own catalogs (containing schemas, which in turn contain tables and other data structures plus stored routines), which are owned by and operated on by said users. A depot by definition never shares ownership of catalogs or users with another depot, even another managed by the same depot manager. When an application opens a connection to a database, a "depot" is what it is connecting to, and everything it sees within that connection is from within the context of the depot. In other terms, when you hold a "data source name" / DSN, a single "depot" is what it points to.
A depot manager is software that takes the form of either a library embedded in the current application process or one instance of a separate server process that is running somewhere. When an application wants to invoke a depot from an application, the invocation must be qualified with what depot manager is going to be used, plus any necessary manager implementation specific details to locate the depot itself.
With a "file based" implementation, such as one using the SQLite database manager, there is a one-to-one mapping between a depot and a file system file, the SQLite database file in this case; to use this depot, it is identified simply using the manager name and the file name. Likewise with MS Access, or standalone CSV or tabular database files. One such database manager can typically manage several depots/files at once, each accessed with a separate connection. Rosetta::Engine::Native is also "file based".
With a "client-server" implementation, such as Oracle or PostgreSQL, a depot is identified (directly or under abstraction) by both the network address of the server itself (qualified with such as an IP address and port, or a socket name), and a "database name". Or that is the case with many client-server databases like PostgreSQL, so for those each "database at a server" corresponds one-to-one with a depot, assuming that these databases do not share a common set of users. Oracle is different in that "the server equals the database", so therefore one Oracle server equals one depot. MySQL muddies the waters, where it seems that all "databases" managed by a MySQL server process share a common set of users. By definition, a depot contains everything that a single database manager provided user account is privileged to own, so perhaps everything under a MySQL server process is a single depot.
Of course, the exact mapping of concepts for a federated implementation of a depot manager (and most depot managers are anticipated to be federated) are left to its creator, but the above are my recommendations.
A user is whom the application or its user authenticates themselves as against a depot connection, if the depot manager has a concept of users (SQLite natively does not, Oracle natively does, etc). IRL defines 3 types of users, called ROOT, NAMED, ANONYMOUS; there is 1 ROOT user that owns the depot and was created with it, and NAMED users are what a typical person connects as, unless they are ANONYMOUS. Note that some database managers underlying a depot manager will display a different view of the database depending on what user logged in, but the depot manager should abstract away this per-user difference where possible, mainly by using fully qualified identifiers for all depot contents. A user can have privileges that authorize what it can do in the depot.
A depot provides 2 levels of namespace in which its main contents are organized; the higher level namespace is catalog and the lower level namespace is schema. The main contents themselves (data structures and routines) are collectively referred to as schema objects. Schema objects are like the package qualified global variables of Perl; authorization permitting, you can directly invoke any of them at any time, either from within another schema object or within a client side routine operating over an open connection to the depot containing them. The fully qualified name of a schema object is "<catalog>.<schema>.<object>", which is fully unambiguous and works anywhere. Partially qualified ("<schema>.<object>") or unqualified ("<object>") names can also be used to invoke a schema object, but they only work within the same namespace (catalog or schema respectively) as the invocant.
As with typical programming languages, IRL also provides lexically scoped data structures (and sometimes routines). Mainly it is data structures declared within a routine that are lexical, and these are only visible within that routine.
Unlike typical SQL databases, but like typical programming languages, you can define instances of all the same data structure types at both the global and lexical level. So for example you can define a table or view that only exists within a routine (and has the life of its execution), and you can also declare a standalone scalar container that is a schema object. (The latter would be implemented as a table with a single column and row in a typical SQL database back-end.)
IRL defines 4 types of catalogs, called LOCAL, SYSTEM, TEMPORARY, and REMOTE; a depot can potentially have all of these kinds at once, but typically it has exactly 1 each of the first 3 types. The LOCAL catalog type is the normal one, and contains all the typical persistent schema objects. The TEMPORARY catalog type is for schema objects whose fates are tied to open connections; each connection has its own private instance of one TEMPORARY catalog, and its contents disappear when the connection is closed. The SYSTEM catalog type provides read-only schema objects that are views into that depot's meta-data; they are analagous to an "information schema", but that all the meta-data is atomic like IRL itself.
The REMOTE catalog type is used when you cause the depot / depot manager you are connected with to turn around and connect to another depot (whether under the same depot manager doesn't matter), so its contents also become visible to you like they were an extension of the current depot; by default all catalogs in the other depo are "mounted" as remote catalogs in the current one. In SQLite terms, when you "attach" one or more database files to the "main" one you have open, then a new "remote" catalog appears that represents each one. In terms of MySQL, I would guess that tables of its "federated" table type qualify to conceptually live in a remote catalog. Any other database, presumably such as Oracle, that lets you "connect to" a remote depot_manager is implementing the REMOTE catalog feature. In terms of a hypothetical federated depot manager that lets you use a single "connection" to access multiple remote depots at once, such as for a database cloning utility or a multiplexer, all of the visible catalogs would be the REMOTE type, and there wouldn't be any of the LOCAL type.
IRL is natively built around strong data types and values, which is part of its rigor and simplicity. Every data value is considered to have a specific data type, and a data type is considered to be a domain of one or more representable values. Examples of data types are booleans, numerics, character strings, bit strings, temporals, spatials, sets, relations, tuples, arrays, and nulls. A data container is a named and/or addressable site, considered to be of a specific data type, that always holds exactly one data value of the same data type. Generally speaking, any two data types are considered to be mutually exclusive, such that a data value can only be in the domain of one of the types, and not the other. (The exception is if type A is declared to be a restriction of type B, or both are restrictions of type C.)
If you want to compare two values that have different data types, you must explicitly cast one or both values into the same data type. Likewise, if you want to use a value of one type in an operation that requires a value of a different type, such as when assigning to a container, the value must be cast into the needed type. The details of casting depend on the two types involved, but often you must choose from several possible methods of casting; for example, when casting between a numeric and a character string, you must choose what numeric radix to use. However, no casting choice is necessary if the data type of the value in hand is a restriction of the needed data type.
IRL gains rigor from this requirement for strong typing and explicit casting methods because you have to be very explicit as to what behaviour is expected; as a result, there should be no ambiguity in the system and the depot manager should perform exactly as you intended. This reduces troublesome subtle bugs in your programs, making development faster, and making your programs more reliable. Your data integrity is greatly improved, with certain causes of corruption removed, which is an important goal of any data management system, and supports the ideals of the relational data model.
IRL gains simplicity from this same requirement, because your depot-centric routines can neatly avoid the combinatorial complexity that comes from being given a range of data types as values when you conceptually just want one type, and your code doesn't have to deal with all the possible cases. The simpler routines are easier for developers to write, as they don't have to worry about several classes of error detection and handling (due to improper data formats), and the routines would also execute faster since they do less actual work. Any necessary work to move less strict data from the outside to within the depot manager environment is handled by the depot manager itself and/or your external application components (the latter is where any user interaction takes place), so that work is un-necessary to do once the data is inside the depot manager environment.
IRL has 2 main classes of data types, which are opaque data types and transparent data types.
An opaque data type is like a black box whose internal representation is completely unknown to the user (and is determined by the depot manager), though its external interace and behaviour are clearly defined. Or, an opaque data type is like an object in a typical programming language whose attributes are all private. Conceptually speaking, all opaque data values are atomic and no sub-components are externally addressable for reading and changing, although the data type can provide its own specific methods or operators to extract or modify sub-components of an opaque data value. An example is extracting a sub-string of a character string to produce a new character string, or extracting a calendar-specific month-day from a temporal type.
A transparent data type is like a partitioned open box, such that each partition is a visibly distinct container or value that can be directly addressed for reading or writing. Or, an opaque data type is like an object in a typical programming language whose attributes are all public. Conceptually speaking, all transparent data types are named collections of zero or more other data types, as if the transparent data value or container was an extra level of namespace. Accessing these sub-component partitions individually is unambiguous and can be done without an accessor method. An example is a single element in an array, or a single member of a set, or a single field in a tuple, or a single tuple in a relation.
Opaque data types are further classified into unrestricted opaque data types and restricted opaque data types. An unrestricted opaque type has the full natural domain of possible values, and that domain is infinite in size for most of them; eg, the unrestricted numerical type can accomodate any number from negative to positive infinity, though the unrestricted boolean type still only has 2 values, false and true. A restricted opaque type is defined as a sub-type of another opaque type (restricted or not) which excludes part of the parent type's domain; eg a new type of numerical type can be defined that can only represent integers between 1 and 100. A trivial case of a restricted type is one declared to be identical in range to the parent type, such as if it simply served as an alias; that is also how you always declare a boolean type. A restricted type can implicitly be used as input to all operations that its parent type could be, though it can only be used conditionally as output.
Note that, for considerations of practicality, as computers are not infinite, IRL requires you to explicitly declare a container (but not a value) to be of a restricted opaque type, having a defined finite range in its domain, though that domain can still be very large. This allows depot manager implementations to know whether or not they need to do something very inefficient in order to store extremely large possible values (such as implement a numeric using a LOB), or whether a more efficient but more limited solution will work (using an implementation-native numeric type); stating your intentions by defining a finite range helps everything work better.
Transparent data types are further classified into collective and disjunctive transparent data types. A collective transparent data type is what you normally think of with transparent types, and includes arrays, sets, relations, and tuples; each one can contain zero or more distinct sub-values at once. A disjunctive transparent data type is the means that IRL provides to simulate both weak data types and normal-but-nullable data types. It looks like a tuple where only one field is allowed to contain a non-empty value at once, and it has a distinct field for each possible strong data type that the weak type can encompass (one being of the null type when simulating nullability); it actually has one more field than that, always valued, which says which of the other fields contains the important value.
IRL is strongly typed, following the relational model's ideals of stored data integrity, and the actual practice of SQL and many database products, and Rosetta's own ideals of being rigorously defined. However, its native set of data types also includes ones that have the range of typical weak types such as some database products and languages like Perl use.
A data type is a set of representable values. All data types are based on the concept of domains; any variable or literal that is of a particular data type may only hold a value that is part of the domain that defines the data type. IRL has some native data types that it implicitly understands (eg, booleans, integers, rational numbers, character strings, bit strings, arrays, rows, tables), and you can define custom ones too that are based on these (eg, counting numbers, character strings that are limited to 10 characters in length, rows having 3 specific fields).
All Rosetta::Model "domain" Nodes (and schema objects) are user defined, having a name that you pick, regardless of whether the domain corresponds directly to a native data type, or to one you customized; this is so there won't be any name conflicts regardless of any same named data types that a particular database implementation used in conjunction with Rosetta::Model may have.
It is the general case that every data type defines a domain of values that is mutually exclusive from every other data type; 2 artifacts having a common data type (eg, 2 character strings) can always be compared for equality or inequality, and 2 artifacts of different data types (eg, 1 character string and 1 bit string) can not be compared and hence are always considered inequal. Following this, it is mandatory that every native and custom data type define the 'eq' (equal) and 'ne' (not equal) operators for comparing 2 artifacts that are of that same data type. Moreover, it is mandatory that no data type defines for themselves any 'eq' or 'ne' operators for comparing 2 artifacts of different data types.
In order to compare 2 artifacts of different data types for equality or inequality, either one must be cast into the other's data type, or they must both be cast into a common third data type. How exactly this is done depends on the situation at hand.
The simplest casting scenario is when there is a common domain that both artifacts belong to, such as happens when either one artifact's data type is a sub-domain of the other (eg, an integer and a rational number), or the data types of both are sub-domains of a common third data type (eg, even numbers and square whole numbers). Then both artifacts are cast as the common parent type (eg, rationals and integers respectively).
A more difficult but still common casting scenario is when the data types of two artifacts do not have a common actual domain, but yet there is one or more commonly known or explicitly defined way of mapping members of one type's domain to members of the other type's domain. Then both artifacts can be cast according to one of the candidate mappings. A common example of this is numbers and character strings, since numbers are often expressed as characters, such as when they come from user input or will be displayed to the user; sometimes characters are expressed as numbers too, as an encoding. One reason the number/character scenario is said to be more difficult is due to there being multiple ways to express numbers in character strings, such as octal vs decimal vs hexadecimal, so you have to explicitly choose between multiple casting methods or formats for the version you want; in other words, there are multiple members of one domain that map to the same member of another domain, so you have to choose; a cast method can not be picked simply on the data type of the operands.
A different casting scenario occurs when one or both of the data types are composite types, such as 2 tuples that are either of different degrees or that have different attribute names or value types. Dealing with these involves mapping all the attributes of each tuple against the other, with or without casting of the individual attributes, possibly into a third data type having attributes to represent all of those from the two.
Most data types support the extraction of part of an artifact to form a new artifact, which is either of the same data type or a different one. In some cases, even if 2 artifacts can't be compared as wholes, it is possible to compare an extract from one with the other, or extractions from both with each other. Commonly this is done with composite data types like tuples, where some attributes are extracted for comparison, such when joining the tuples, or filtering a tuple from a relation.
Aside from the 'eq' and 'ne' comparison operators, there are no other mandatory operators that must be defined for a given custom data type, though the native ones will include others. However, it is strongly recommended that each data type implement the 'cmp' (comparison) operator so that linearly sorting 2 artifacts of that common data type is a deterministic activity.
IRL requires that all data types are actually self-contained, regardless of their complexity or size. So nothing analagous to a "reference" or "pointer" in the Perl or C or SQL:2003 sense may be stored; the only valid way to say that two artifacts are related is for them to be equal, or have attributes that are equal, or be stored in common or adjoining locations.
Native Null Type
IRL natively supports the special NULL data type, whose value domain is by definition mutually exclusive of the domains of all other data types; in practice, a NULL is distinct from all possible values that the other IRL native primitive types can have. But some native complex types and user customized types could be defined where their domains are a super-set of NULL; those latter types are described as "nullable", while types whose domains are not a super-set of NULL are described as "not nullable".
The NULL data type represents situations where a value of an arbitrary data type is desired but none is yet known; it sits in place of the absent value to indicate that fact. NULL artifacts will always explicitly compare as being unequal to each other; since they all represent unknowns, we can not logically say any are equal, so they are all treated as distinct. This data type corresponds to SQL's concept of NULL, and is similar to Perl's concept of "undef". A NULL does not natively cast between any data types.
Rosetta::Model does not allow you to declare "domain" Nodes that are simply of or based on the data type NULL; rather, to use NULL you must declare "domain" Nodes that are either based on a not-nullable data type unioned with the NULL type, or are based on a nullable data type. The "domain" Node type provides a short-hand to indicate the union of its base type with NULL, in the form of the boolean "is_nullable" attribute; if the attribute is undefined, then the nullability status of the base data type is inherited; if it is defined, then it overrides the parent's status.
All not-nullable native data types default to their concept of empty or nothingness, such as zero or the empty string. All nullable native types, and all not-nullable native types that you customize with a true is_nullable, will default to NULL. In either case, you can define an explicit default value for your custom data type, which will override those behaviours; details are given further below.
Native Primitive Types
These are the simplest data types, from which all others are derived:
This data type is a single logical boolean, whose only possible values are FALSE and TRUE. Its concept of nothingness is FALSE.
This data type is a single rational number. Its concept of nothingness is zero. A subtype of NUMERIC must specify the radix-agnostic "num_precision" and "num_scale" attributes, which determine the maximum valid range of the subtype's values, and the subtype's storage representation can often be derived from it too.
The "num_precision" attribute is an integer >= 1; it specifies the maximum number of significant values that the subtype can represent. The "num_scale" attribute is an integer >= 0 and <= "num_precision"; if it is >= 1, the subtype is a fixed radix point rational number, such that 1 / "num_scale" defines the increment size between adjacent possible values; the trivial case of "num_scale" = 1 means the increment size is 1, and the number is an integer; if "num_scale" = 0, the subtype is a floating radix point rational number where "num_precision" represents the product of the maximum number of significant values that the subtype's mantissa and exponent can represent. IRL does not currently specify how much of a floating point number's "num_precision" is for the mantissa and how much for the exponent, but commonly the exponent takes a quarter.
The meanings of "precision" and "scale" are more generic for IRL than they are in the SQL:2003 standard; in SQL, "precision" (P) means the maximum number of significant figures, and the "scale" (S) says how many of those are on the right side of the radix point. Translating from base-R (eg, R being 10 or 2) to the IRL meanings are as follows (assuming negative numbers are allowed and zero is always in the middle of a range). For fixed-point numerics, a (P,S) becomes (2*R^P,R^S), meaning an integer (P,0) becomes (2*R^P,1). For floating-point numerics, a (P) sort-of becomes (2*R^P,0); I say sort-of because SQL:2003 says that the P shows significant figures in just the mantissa, but IRL currently says that the size of the exponent eats away from that, commonly a quarter.
As examples, a base-10 fixed in SQL defined as [p=10,s=0] (an integer in -10^10..10^10-1) becomes [p=20_000_000_000,s=1] in IRL; the base-10 [p=5,s=2] (a fixed in -1_000.00..999.99) becomes [p=200_000,s=100]; the base-2 [p=15,s=0] (a 16-bit int in -32_768..32_767) becomes [p=65_536,s=1]; the base-2 float defined as [p=31] (a 32-bit float in +/-8_388_608*2^+/-128) becomes [p=4_294_967_296,s=0].
A subtype of NUMERIC may specify the "num_min_value" and/or "num_max_value" attributes, which further reduces the subtype's valid range. For example, a minimum of 1 and maximum of 10 specifies that only numbers in the range 1..10 (inclusive) are allowed. Simply setting the minimum to zero and leaving the maximum unset is the recommended way in IRL to specify that you want to allow any non-negative number. Setting the minimum >= 0 also causes the maximum value range allowable by "num_precision" to shift into the positive, rather than it being half there and half in the negative. Eg, an (P,S) of (256,1) becomes 0..255 when the minimum = 0, whereas it would be -128..127 if the min/max are unset.
This data type is a string of characters. Its concept of nothingness is the empty string. A subtype of CHAR_STR must specify the "char_max_length" and "char_repertoire" attributes, which determine the maximum valid range of the subtype's values, and the subtype's storage representation can often be derived from it too.
The "char_max_length" attribute is an integer >= 0; it specifies the maximum length of the string in characters (eg, a 100 means a string of 0..100 characters can be stored). The "char_repertoire" enumerated attribute specifies what individual characters there are to choose from (eg, Unicode 4.1, Ascii 7-bit, Ansel; Unicode is the recommended choice).
A subtype of CHAR_STR may specify the "char_min_length" attribute, which means the length of the character string must be at least that long (eg, to say strings of length 6..10 are required, set min to 6 and max to 10).
This data type is a string of bits. Its concept of nothingness is the empty string. A subtype of BIT_STR must specify the "bit_max_length" attribute, which determines the maximum valid range of the subtype's values, and the subtype's storage representation can often be derived from it too.
The "bit_max_length" attribute is an integer >= 0; it specifies the maximum length of the string in characters (eg, an 8000 means a string of 0..8000 bits can be stored).
A subtype of BIT_STR may specify the "bit_min_length" attribute, which means the length of the bit string must be at least that long (eg, to say strings of length 24..32 are required, set min to 24 and max to 32).
A subtype of any of these native primitive types can define a default value for the subtype, it can define whether the subtype is nullable or not (they are all not-nullable by default), and it can enumerate an explicit list of allowed values (eg, [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42], or ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], or [B'1100', B'1001']), one each in a child Node (these must fall within the specified range/size limits otherwise defined for the subtype).
Native Scalar Type
IRL has native support for a special SCALAR data type, which is akin to SQLite's weakly typed table columns, or to Perl's weakly typed default scalar variables. This data type is a union of the domains of the BOOLEAN, NUMERIC, CHAR_STR, and BIT_STR data types; it is not-nullable by default. Its concept of nothingness is the empty string.
During my work on this project, I found the following resources to be particularly useful:
Edgar F. Codd - "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks"
Reprinted from Communications of the ACM, Vol. 13, No. 6, June 1970, pp. 377-387. Copyright © 1970, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
This is the famous 1970 publication that first presented a relational model of data to the world, which is the basis for the modern database industry.
Chris J. Date - "Database in Depth: Relational Theory for Practitioners"
First Edition, May 2005. Published by O'reilly. ISBN: 0-596-10012-4
This book lays out what the relational data model really is, in partial contrast to how SQL does it, from the man that was closer to and more directly involved with Edgar F. Codd in this work work than anyone.
This web page of Whitemarsh Information Systems Corporation, run by one of the people on the SQL standard drafting community, has copies of the official SQL:2003 and SQL:1999 specification documents, and other related helpful documents about SQL, in PDF format. For example, "an almost indistinguishable delta on the actual SQL 2003 database standard" is at (warning, large file).
Unicode Standard official documentation.
The Wikipedia article on the relational data model, and related topics.
Also, the vendor documentation for various relational and/or SQL databases such as MySQL and SQLite were regularly consulted, and various other sites.
Darren R. Duncan (
This file is part of the Rosetta database portability library.
Rosetta is Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Darren R. Duncan.
See the LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT of Rosetta for details.
The ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in Rosetta apply to this file too.