Rosetta::SeeAlso - External resources that you really ought to look at


This document is a central location within the "Rosetta" distribution where any important recommendations of or links to external resources go. This includes both resources that helped me when I made Rosetta, as well as Resources that are or could be related to Rosetta.


During my work on this project, I found the following resources to be particularly useful:

The Third Manifesto is the main home on the web for Christopher J. Date's and Hugh Darwen's proposal for a foundation for data and database management systems, which Rosetta is officially an implementation of. It contains various useful documents and links on the subject, especially See also the brand new release of their book containing the full proposal, "Databases, Types, and The Relational Model: The Third Manifesto, 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley, 2006 (ISBN: 0-321-44281-4)", at,1144,0321399420,00.html.

Database in Depth

See Christopher J. Date's "Database in Depth: Relational Theory for Practitioners, 1st edition, Oreilly, 2006 (ISBN: 0-596-10012-4)" at This is the first printed book that I read fully, which is related to The Third Manifesto, and it was my main introduction. It explains in an easy to follow matter just what the relational data model really is, a solid and provable logical system, and partially contrasts with SQL's distorted view of it. While being easy to follow, the book is written towards people that are already database professionals, and doesn't go into the basics that we should already know.

Edgar F. Codd - "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks"

Reprinted from Communications of the ACM, Vol. 13, No. 6, June 1970, pp. 377-387. Copyright © 1970, Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.

This is the second famous 1969/1970 publication that first presented a relational model of data to the world, which is the basis for the modern database industry.

This web page of Whitemarsh Information Systems Corporation, run by one of the people on the SQL standard drafting community, has copies of the official SQL:2003 and SQL:1999 specification documents, and other related helpful documents about SQL, in PDF format. For example, "an almost indistinguishable delta on the actual SQL 2003 database standard" is at (warning, large file).

Unicode Standard official documentation.

The Wikipedia article on the relational data model, and related topics.

Also, the vendor documentation for various relational and/or SQL databases such as MySQL and SQLite were regularly consulted, and various other sites.


Darren R. Duncan (


This file is part of the Rosetta DBMS framework.

Rosetta is Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Darren R. Duncan.

See the LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT of Rosetta for details.


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