Rosetta::TODO - TODO list for Rosetta
This document maps out a rough development plan the Rosetta DBMS framework, so you know in roughly what order I plan to implement various features. When something is implemented, it will be removed from this list and instead be reflected elsewhere, such as the main documentation or the Changes files. There are no specific time scales but you can assume that, at any given time, the handful of items at the top of the list should become available within a month's time. Of course, the list is subject to be changed as I become better aware of circumstances, and that can be influenced by work done by other people.
Some list items will be fulfilled within the "Rosetta" distribution, while others will be fulfilled within external distributions that use it.
Implement starter Rosetta::Model module, which in its first post-rewrite incarnation will resemble a limited XML DOM, having typed nodes with attributes, but never having 'cdata' sections. Input checking will be kept to a minimum initially, with Rosetta::Model assuming its input is correct; eventually the input checking code will make up most of the mass of this module, and most of that will be done on demand rather than automatically.
Implement starter Rosetta module, which has few classes and little functionality per class. Initial classes include: Rosetta::Interface, to represent 'globals'; Rosetta::Interface::Engine, to represent one loaded Engine class (like a 'drh'); Rosetta::Interface::Connection, to represent one database connection (like a 'dbh'); Rosetta::Interface::Routine (like a 'sth'), to represent one compiled or prepared set of one or more instructions to run against a database; Rosetta::Engine::Cursor, a handle to an open cursor or a result set that is being buffered by the Engine; Rosetta::Engine::[RowArray|Row|ScalarArray|Scalar], which holds literal results or input; Rosetta::Engine::LOB, which is a handle to a scalar value being either fetched or input piecemeal. There may also be an exception object that is thrown when something fails, if a Locale::KeyedText::Message object isn't used instead. There may also be a Rosetta::Engine class which is strictly a role that all Rosetta Engines must subclass/implement.
Implement starter Rosetta::Engine::Example module, which is able to create and drop multiple databases that live fully in RAM and don't persist on disk; later versions will also let you make databases that can persist on disk. The first version will only implement creation and dropping of base table schema objects as well as perform trivially simple selects, inserts, updates, deletes. Selects will initially be limited to the form 'select <list> from <single-table> where <condition>', using simple expressions. Other data manipulation and more complex queries will come later, and other schema objects. No table constraints will be supported yet, but later.
Rosetta::Engine::Example will work mainly by generating Perl closures that are a fairly literal translation of the Rosetta D AST, doing some work themselves and invoke some utility functions for others.
Basic transaction support will be available from the start. In Rosetta::Engine::Example, these will be serialized-isolation mode only.
Named users can be created or dropped, and some basic access privileges can be defined, granted to or revoked from users, and enforced.
Explicit thread safety will not be implemented any time soon, though with care you may be able to use Rosetta in a multi-threaded environment.
All scalar data will be coerced into Perl strings but otherwise be left as is, and it will initially not be tested for correctness, such as for valid numbers or dates; everything will be treated as strings. Also, the encoding of strings will be ignored, as Perl does whatever below scenes.
All data types will initially be stored and returned as character strings, for simplicity, even if the underlying database engine has native support for other data types (incorrectly referred to as "object relational" features). Where necessary, they will be encoded and/or serialized in a manner that is reversable. All data types will in this way be supported for storing in a database like scalars, so it is possible to store complex things like dates and times, geographical data, arrays, and arbitrary objects. However, this initial support will be naive and may not work for some arbitrarily complex Perl data structures, such as those implemented by Perl objects. Any two such data type values that are considered equal should seialize into identical strings, so the usual database comparison and joining semantics should work correctly. Operations with the data will be limited to fetching retrieving of the structure as a whole, and comparisons for equality or for binary sorting; the equality comparison allows for any data type to be used in a join or compound query.
There will never be support in the Rosetta AST for "reference" data types, such as when a field of one record contains a pointer to some other record. This very clearly breaks the set-oriented paradigm of relational databases, so it won't be supported. Likewise, no data of an arbitrarily complex data type may contain a pointer to something outside of that same data. Only data that is fully self-contained is supported for storage. In contrast, the proper way to indicate that two pieces of data are to be linked is to store them in records that have a common field value which can be matched by an equality test, namely a typical foreign key relationship.
Nested transaction support.
Implement starter Rosetta::Validator to test that the limited functionality which Example implements is working correctly. Or it may not even do that much, as I start off validating largely with just manual spot checks instead.
Most of the test suite will be deferred partly because doing it thoroughly takes a lot of time and effort, and that having something "mostly working" is good enough for a first developer release, for people to play with. Besides, feedback from early releases may lead to changes large enough to invalidate most of a test suite anyway.
That said, I could use a lot of help with the test suite, and I need help with tests a lot more than with any other parts of Rosetta, I think.
No other database backends are supported at this time, and no code to either generate or parse string SQL is done.
There will not be any test suites yet aside from that the modules compile, and whatever Rosetta::Validator can test.
Note that only the Perl 5 versions need to be functional at this time, though the Perl 6 versions should be as close as possible; if they are, then they should be satisfactory to ship with Pugs 6.28.0.
Make a tutorial on how to write a Rosetta Engine.
Update Rosetta::Engine::Example (REE) so databases can persist on disk. Its transaction support will be like that of SQLite, with the exception that it probably won't yet make backups of on-disk versions to help avoid corruption from process death or power outages; that will come soon after.
Update REE to support more complicated queries, including multi-table joins, grouping, ordering, compound queries and subqueries, but otherwise support fairly few built-in expressions or functions.
Update REE to support basic table constraints; primary and other unique value constraints, not null, and foreign keys. No support yet for non-constraining indexes.
Update REE to support create/drop and invocation of more schema object types, mainly read-only views, plus invokable procedures and functions, triggers on tables and views, and read-only cursors. Not yet but later will be updateable views, and domain schema objects. Very few built-in statement types will be supported initially.
No support yet of altering schema objects; only create/drop.
Update REE to support create/drop of named users, but there isn't yet any support for specifying access permissions or roles.
Still no distinction between data types, with all treated like strings.
Add support for basic reverse-engineering.
Implement a new starter Engine or three to work with some standard text file based databases, such as CSV. Or work with someone like Jeff Zucker while he does this. It would reuse some Example code and/or said code would be factored out into a separate utility module that both use. All of this would be Pure Perl, and not involve any string SQL. The initial Perl 5 version might use Text::CSV::* or AnyData or such things.
Implement starter Rosetta::Engine::Genezzo or similar named module to provide an alternate front end for the Genezzo pure Perl database. Or work with someone like Jeffrey Cohen while he does this.
Petition Stevan Little to make a Rosetta::Engine::Mock module, working with him as needed.
Start to create bindings for other Perl frameworks to invoke Rosetta as a storage back-end, such as Tangram, DBIx::Class, HDB, Alzabo, Catalyst, RT, Maypole, Bricolage, Class::DBI, DBIx::SQLEngine, DBIx::SearchBuilder, DBIx::RecordSet, Pixie, etc. Or work with those frameworks' respective authors while they do that.
Add some basic AST validation to Rosetta::Model.
Still no explicit thread safety.
Update Rosetta::Engine::Example (REE) to make backups of on-disk databases and otherwise do like SQLite does to help avoid and/or recover from on-disk database corruption.
Update REE so it can auto-detect existing databases by scanning the file system; the scope of the search would be configurable.
Add support for writeable views.
Add support for multiple scalar data types that are actually distinguished and checked for validity, rather being treated as strings; also add support for enumerated data types.
Maybe distinguish multiple character encodings.
Add support for domain schema objects.
Add support for more substantial reverse-engineering.
Now we begin to talk to externally implemented database systems such as is what most users actually need.
Start to implement utility modules that generate string SQL.
Start to implement utility modules that parse string SQL. The Perl 5 version will likely use Parse::RecDescent to do the hard work, and Perl 6 would use Perl 6's powerful Rules support (may require Parrot).
Implement starter Rosetta::Engine::SQLite module, which invokes the SQLite 3.x and 2.x libraries. Most likely, the Perl 5 versions of DBI and DBD::SQLite will be used under the hood for the first version, unless some other native lower level binding to SQLite exists in Perl 6 by then.
Implement starter Rosetta::Engine::MySQL module, which invokes MySQL 5.x databases, and possibly earlier versions too. Most likely, the Perl 5 versions of DBI and DBD::mysql 3.x will be used under the hood for the first version, unless some other native lower level binding to MySQL exists in Perl 6 by then.
Implement starter Rosetta::Engine::PostgreSQL module, which invokes PostgreSQL 8.x databases, and possibly earlier versions too. Most likely, the Perl 5 versions of DBI and DBD::pg will be used under the hood for the first version, unless some other native lower level binding to PostgreSQL exists in Perl 6 by then.
Implement starter Rosetta::Engine::United or similar named module which lets you use a single "connection" to access multiple remote databases at once, where their catalogs all look like they are parts of the same single database, such as for a database cloning utility or a multiplexer. It implements a virtual database, all of whose catalogs are proxies for those accessed through separate connections that are implemented by one or more other Engine modules. This would share a lot of Example code, such as when doing a query that joins from multiple actual connections. This United Engine will try to be efficient and push work into the other Engines or their backends when it would be faster.
Improve handling of arbitrarily complex data types, utilizing any database engine's native ability to recognize and process them as such, rather than as serialized strings.
Likewise, use explicit geographic data types when natively supported.
Support more built-in expression and statement types.
Add support for non-constraining indexes and full text search on tables.
Add support to specify access permissions, privileges and roles.
Add support for altering schema objects, rather than drop and create.
Implement starter Rosetta::Emulator::DBI module, or help someone else do it, so to help migration of older solutions.
OLAP extensions in queries, like rollup, cube, grouping sets, etc.
Consider some explicit performance hints such as tablespaces.
Add some improved AST validation to Rosetta::Model.
Still no explicit thread safety.
Add an Engine for newer Firebird databases, or help someone do it.
Add an Engine for newer Oracle databases, or help someone do it.
Add an Engine for newer Informix databases, or help someone do it.
Add an Engine for newer DB2 databases, or help someone do it.
Add an Engine for newer Sybase databases, or help someone do it.
Add an Engine for newer MS SQL Server databases, or help someone do it.
Add an Engine for Dave Voorhis' "Rel" relational databases, or help someone do it.
Add an Engine for newer Dataphor relational databases, or help someone do it.
Handle other databases too.
If JDBC and/or ODBC have their own distinct query language that can be used regardless of what database they are fronting, then make an Engine specifically to front a client of such. If a database product's native query language is used when talking to it via ODBC, then build in ODBC protocol support into the other relevant database-specific Engines instead, as an alternative to their native protocols that users can choose from or that can auto-config.
Add an Engine and application combination that implement a native Rosetta proxy server.
Pay explicit attention to thread safety, though it may be incomplete.
Full multi-threading support across the board.
Feedback is always appreciated, as is any type of contributions you wish to make towards the effort. If you wish to create or adopt any particular types of extensions or other related modules, feel free to tell me. Also, this list is undoubtedly missing some items.
Go to Rosetta for the majority of distribution-internal references, and Rosetta::SeeAlso for the majority of distribution-external references.
Darren R. Duncan (
This file is part of the Rosetta DBMS framework.
Rosetta is Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Darren R. Duncan.
See the LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT of Rosetta for details.
The ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in Rosetta apply to this file too.