CGI::WPM::MultiPage - Perl module that is a subclass of CGI::WPM::Base and resolves navigation for one level in the web site page hierarchy from a parent node to its children, encapsulates and returns its childrens' returned web page components, and can make a navigation bar to child pages.


Perl Version


Standard Modules


Nonstandard Modules

CGI::WPM::Base 0.34
CGI::WPM::Globals 0.34


require CGI::WPM::Globals;  # to hold our input, output, preferences
my $globals = CGI::WPM::Globals->new( "/path/to/site/files" );  # get input

$globals->user_vrp( lc( $globals->user_input_param(  # fetch extra path info...
	$globals->vrp_param_name( 'path' ) ) ) );  # to know what page user wants
$globals->current_user_vrp_level( 1 );  # get ready to examine start of vrp

$globals->site_title( 'Sample Web Site' );  # use this in e-mail subjects
$globals->site_owner_name( 'Darren Duncan' );  # send messages to him
$globals->site_owner_email( '' );  # send messages here
$globals->site_owner_email_vrp( '/mailme' );  # site page email form is on

require CGI::WPM::MultiPage;  # all content is made through here
$globals->move_current_srp( 'content' );  # subdir holding content files
$globals->move_site_prefs( '' );  # configuration file
CGI::WPM::MultiPage->execute( $globals );  # do all the work
$globals->restore_site_prefs();  # rewind configuration context
$globals->restore_last_srp();  # rewind subdir context

$globals->add_later_replace( {  # do some token substitutions
	__mailme_url__ => "__vrp_id__=/mailme",
	__external_id__ => "__vrp_id__=/external&url",
} );

$globals->add_later_replace( {  # more token substitutions in static pages
	__vrp_id__ => $globals->persistant_vrp_url(),
} );

$globals->send_to_user();  # send output page now that everything's ready

The Configuration File ""

my $rh_preferences = { 
	page_header => <<__endquote,
	page_footer => <<__endquote,
<P><EM>Sample Web Site was created and is maintained for personal use by 
<A HREF="__mailme_url__">Darren Duncan</A>.  All content and source code was 
created by me, unless otherwise stated.  Content that I did not create is 
used with permission from the creators, who are appropriately credited where 
it is used and in the <A HREF="__vrp_id__=/cited">Works Cited</A> section of 
this site.</EM></P>
	page_css_code => [
		'BODY {background-color: white; background-image: none}'
	page_replace => {
		__graphics_directories__ => '',
		__graphics_webring__ => '',
	vrp_handlers => {
		external => {
			wpm_module => 'CGI::WPM::Redirect',
			wpm_prefs => {},
		frontdoor => {
			wpm_module => 'CGI::WPM::Static',
			wpm_prefs => { filename => 'frontdoor.html' },
		intro => {
			wpm_module => 'CGI::WPM::Static',
			wpm_prefs => { filename => 'intro.html' },
		whatsnew => {
			wpm_module => 'CGI::WPM::Static',
			wpm_prefs => { filename => 'whatsnew.html' },
		timelines => {
			wpm_module => 'CGI::WPM::Static',
			wpm_prefs => { filename => 'timelines.html' },
		indexes => {
			wpm_module => 'CGI::WPM::Static',
			wpm_prefs => { filename => 'indexes.html' },
		cited => {
			wpm_module => 'CGI::WPM::MultiPage',
			wpm_subdir => 'cited',
			wpm_prefs => '',
		mailme => {
			wpm_module => 'CGI::WPM::MailForm',
			wpm_prefs => {},
		guestbook => {
			wpm_module => 'CGI::WPM::GuestBook',
			wpm_prefs => {
				custom_fd => 1,
				field_defn => 'guestbook_questions.txt',
				fd_in_seqf => 1,
				fn_messages => 'guestbook_messages.txt',
		links => {
			wpm_module => 'CGI::WPM::Static',
			wpm_prefs => { filename => 'links.html' },
		webrings => {
			wpm_module => 'CGI::WPM::Static',
			wpm_prefs => { filename => 'webrings.html' },
	def_handler => 'frontdoor',
	menu_items => [
			menu_name => 'Front Door',
			menu_path => '',
			is_active => 1,
		}, {
			menu_name => 'Welcome to SampleWeb',
			menu_path => 'intro',
			is_active => 1,
		}, {
			menu_name => "What's New",
			menu_path => 'whatsnew',
			is_active => 1,
		}, 1, {
			menu_name => 'Story Timelines',
			menu_path => 'timelines',
			is_active => 1,
		}, {
			menu_name => 'Issue Indexes',
			menu_path => 'indexes',
			is_active => 1,
		}, {
			menu_name => 'Works Cited',
			menu_path => 'cited',
			is_active => 1,
		}, {
			menu_name => 'Preview Database',
			menu_path => 'dbprev',
			is_active => 0,
		}, 1, {
			menu_name => 'Send Me E-mail',
			menu_path => 'mailme',
			is_active => 1,
		}, {
			menu_name => 'Guest Book',
			menu_path => 'guestbook',
			is_active => 1,
		}, 1, {
			menu_name => 'External Links',
			menu_path => 'links',
			is_active => 1,
		}, {
			menu_name => 'Webrings',
			menu_path => 'webrings',
			is_active => 1,
	menu_cols => 4,
#	menu_colwid => 100,
	menu_showdiv => 0,
#	menu_bgcolor => '#ddeeff',
	page_showdiv => 1,


This POD is coming when I get the time to write it.

Generated page menus are entirely optional, so if you don't like the format you can roll your own. Due to advances in release 0.3, you can nest as many levels of MultiPage as you wish, and they will work as you expect. Each "child" of MultiPage is called in the same means as if that page were the only one in the whole program; each has its own handler WPM module, its own config data, and optionally its own srp subdirectory.

Subdirectories are all relative, so having '' means the current directory, 'something' is a level down, '..' is a level up, '../another' is a level sideways, 'one/more/time' is 3 levels down. However, any relative subdir beginning with '/' becomes absolute, where '/' corresponds to the site file root. You can not go to parents of the site root. Those are physical directories (site resource path), and the uri does not reflect them. The uri does, however, reflect uri changes (virtual resource path).


This class does not export any functions or methods, so you need to call them using object notation. This means using Class->function() for functions and $object->method() for methods. If you are inheriting this class for your own modules, then that often means something like $self->method().


This module inherits its entire public interface from CGI::WPM::Base. Please see the POD for that module so you know how to call this one.


This POD is coming when I get the time to write it.

vrp_handlers  # match wpm handler to a vrp
def_handler   # if vrp undef, which handler?
menu_items    # items in site menu, vrp for each
menu_cols     # menu divided into n cols
menu_colwid   # width of each col, in pixels
menu_showdiv  # show dividers btwn menu groups?
menu_bgcolor  # background for menu
menu_showdiv  # show dividers btwn menu groups?
page_showdiv  # do we use HRs to sep menu?


wpm_module  # wpm module making content
wpm_subdir  # subdir holding wpm support files
wpm_prefs   # prefs hash/fn we give to wpm mod


menu_name  # visible name appearing in site menu
menu_path  # vrp used in url for menu item
is_active  # is menu item enabled or not?


Copyright (c) 1999-2001, Darren R. Duncan. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. However, I do request that this copyright information remain attached to the file. If you modify this module and redistribute a changed version then please attach a note listing the modifications.

I am always interested in knowing how my work helps others, so if you put this module to use in any of your own code then please send me the URL. Also, if you make modifications to the module because it doesn't work the way you need, please send me a copy so that I can roll desirable changes into the main release.

Address comments, suggestions, and bug reports to


perl(1), CGI::WPM::Base, CGI::WPM::Globals.