Math::Geometry::Planar - Module with planar geometry functions
use Math::Geometry::Planar;
$polygon = Math::Geometry::Planar->new; creates a new polygon object;
$contour = Math::Geometry::Planar->new; creates a new contour object;
A point is a refenece to an array holding the x and y coordinates of the point.
$point = [$x_coord,$y_coord];
A polygon is a reference to an (ordered) array of points. The first point is the begin and end point of the polygon. The points can be given in any direction (clockwise or counter clockwise).
$points = [[$x1,$y1],[$x2,$y2], ... ];
$polygon->points($points); # assign points to polygon object
$points1 = [[$x1,$y1],[$x2,$y2], ... ];
$points2 = [[ax1,by1],[ax2,by2], ... ];
$contour->polygons([$points1,$points2, ...]); # assign polgyons to contour object
A contour is a reference to an array of polygons. By convention, the first polygon is the outer shape, all other polygons represent holes in the outer shape. The outer shape must enclose all holes ! Using this convention, the points can be given in any direction, however, keep in mind that some functions (e.g. triangulation) require that the outer polygons are entered in counter clockwise order and the inner polygons (holes) in clock wise order. The points, polygons, add_polygons methods will automatically set the right order of points.
$contour = [$poly1,$poly2], ... ];
The available methods are:
Returns the polygon points if no argument is entered
If the argument is a refence to a points array, sets the points for a polygon object
Returns the contour polygons if no argument is entered
If the argument is a refence to a polygons array, sets the polygons for a contour object
Returns the total number of polygons in the contour.
Adds a list of polygons to a contour object (if the contour object doesn't have any
polygons yet, the very first polygon reference from the list is used as the outer
shape. Returns the total number of polygons in the contour.
$contour->get_polygons(arg_1,arg_2, ... );
Returns a list of polygons where each element of the list corresponds to the polygon
at index arg_x - starting at 0. If the index arg_x is out of range, the corresponding
value in the result list wil be undefined. If no argument is entered, a full list of
all polygons will be returned. Please note that this method returns a list rather
then a reference.
Remove colinear points from the polygon/contour.
Returns true if the polygon/contour is convex (a contour is considered to be convex if
the outer shape is convex)
Returns true if the polygon/contour is simple (a contour is considered to be simple if
all it's polygons are simple)
Returns the perimeter of the polygon/contour (the perimeter of a contour is the perimeter
of the outer shape)
Returns the signed area of the polygon/contour (positive if the points are in counter
clockwise order) (the area of a contour is the area of the outer shape minus the tota
area the holes)
Returns the centroid of the polygon/contour
Returns true if point is inside the polygon/contour (a point is inside a contour if
it is inside the outer polygon and not inside a hole)
Returns polygon/contour rotated $angle (in radians) around $center
Returns polygon/contour moved $dx in x direction and $dy in y direction
Returns polygon/contour mirrored in x direction
with (vertical) axis of reflection through point $center
Returns polygon/contour mirrored in y direction
with (horizontal) axis of reflection through point $center
Returns polygon mirrored/contour along axis $axis (= array with 2 points defining
axis of reflection))
Returns polygon/contour scaled by a factor $scale, center of scaling is $scale
Returns the polygon's/contour's bounding box
Returns the polygon's/contour's minimal (area) enclosing rectangle
Returns a polygon representing the convex hull of the polygon/contour
Returns a polygon representing the convex hull of an arbitrary set of points
(works also on a contour, however a contour is a set of polygons and polygons
are ordered sets of points so the method above will be faster)
Triangulates a polygon/contour based on Raimund Seidel's algorithm:
'A simple and fast incremental randomized algorithm for computing trapezoidal
decompositions and for triangulating polygons'
Returns a reference to a list of triangles
Converts a polygon/contour to a gpc structure and returns the resulting gpc structure
Returns the length of the segment (vector) p1p2
Returns | x1 y1 | which is x1*y2 - y1*x2
| x2 y2 |
Returns the vector dot product of vectors p1p2 and p3p4
or the dot product of p1p2 and p2p3 if $p4 is ommited from the argument list
Returns the vector cross product of vectors p1p2 and p1p3
Returns the signed area of the triangle p1p2p3
Returns true if p1,p2 and p3 are colinear
Returns false if segments don't intersect
Returns the intersection point of segments p1p2 and p3p4
Returns false if lines don't intersect (parallel lines)
Returns the intersection point of lines p1p2 and p3p4
Returns true if lines (segments) p1p2 and p3p4 are perpendicular
Returns the perpendicular foot of p3 on line p1p2
Returns the perpendicular dostance of p3 to line p1p2
Returns the perpendicular distance of p3 to segment p1p2
Comverts a gpc contour structure to an array of contours and returns the array
$gpc_polygon_1 is the source polygon
$gpc_polygon_2 is the clip polygon
Returns a gpc polygon structure which is the result of the gpc clipping operation
Converts the circle through points p1p2p3 to a polygon with i segments
Converts the circle with center through points p1 to a polygon with i segments
Converts the circle with center and radius to a polygon with i segments
Converts the arc with begin point p1, intermediate point p2 and end point p3
to a (non-closed !) polygon with i segments
Converts the arc with center, begin point p1 and end point p2 to a
(non-closed !) polygon with i segments. If direction is 0, the arc
is traversed counter clockwise from p1 to p2, clockwise if direction is 1