Changes for version 0.05 - 2002-06-05

  • Eliminated possible "Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string" warning from Lib::Expat.
  • Eliminated possible "Use of uninitialized value in hex" warning from Lib::Iconv.
  • Fixed issue where RDBMS::PostgreSQL would try to execute pg_config even when it didn't exist.
  • Added To Do list.
  • Made iconv.t and expat.t tests for version numbers safer for CPAN distribution. Patches with improved methods of determining version numbers for those libraries are welcome.


Information about software packages on a system
Information about web servers on a system
Information about Apache web server
Information about software libraries on a system
Information about the Expat XML parser
Information about libiconv
Information about databases on a system
Information about PostgreSQL
Utility class for App::Info subclasses