Changes for version 0.20 - 2002-06-27

  • Major upgrade. Some backwards compatibility broken. Namely, the error parameter no longer exists. See event handling instead.
  • Added App::Info::Handler. Classes derived from this class handle events triggered by App::Info subclasses.
  • Added event handling methods to App::Info base class. The methods are on_info(), on_error(), on_unknown(), and on_confirm(). They have constructor parameters, too, of the same names. Pass in a list of event handlers to any one of these methods to handle events of that type.
  • Added example event handling classes. They are App::Info::Handler::Carp, App::Info::Handler::Print, and App::Info::Handler::Prompt. Objects of these classes may be passed to any of the event handling methods listed above.
  • Added App::Info::Request. Objects of this class are passed to event handler objects' handler() method as the sole argument. The request object holds significant information about the request so that a handler knows what to do with a a request.
  • Added protected event triggering methods to App::Info. These are info(), error(), unknown(), and confirm(). If a subclass calls one of these methods, a request will be created and passed off to the list of available handlers (if any) to process the request and, in the case of unknown() and confirm(), return data to the App::Info subclass.
  • Refactored example subclasses to use the new event methods. Changed subclasses are App::Info::HTTPD::Apache, App::Info::RDBMS::PostgreSQL, App::Info::Lib::Expat, and App::Info::Lib::Iconv.
  • Wrote extensive documentation describing how to use the event methods both in App::Info subclasses and in App::Info clients.
  • Incremented all version numbers to 0.20.
  • Wrote extensive tests to test all features.


Information about software packages on a system
Information about web servers on a system
Information about Apache web server
App::Info event handler base class
Use Carp to handle App::Info events
Print App::Info event messages
Prompting App::Info event handler
Information about software libraries on a system
Information about the Expat XML parser
Information about libiconv
Information about databases on a system
Information about PostgreSQL
App::Info event handler request object
Utility class for App::Info subclasses


in lib/App/Info/Handler/