Changes for version 0.51 - 2012-07-04
- Added Role::HasMessage to the list or requirements in `Build.PL`. Was an oversight that it was omitted in v0.50.
- Removed the `--dry-run` option. It was completely ignored. Maybe it will return someday.
- Removed `fail()`, `bail()`, `unfound()`, and `help()`. It's better for commands not to exit, so have them throw exceptions in the appropriate places, instead.
- Replaced all uses of Carp and non-exception handling uses of `die` with our own localized exceptions.
- Localized all output and exception messages.
Sqitch add usage statement
Add a database change to the plan
Sqitch config usage statement
Get and set local, user, or system Sqitch options
Sqitch deploy usage statement
Deploy changes to a database
Sqitch help usage statement
Display help for Sqitch and Sqitch commands
Sqitch init usage statement
Create a new Sqitch project
Sqitch revert usage statement
Revert changes to a database
Sqitch rework usage statement
Rework a database change
Sqitch tag usage statement
Create or list tag objects
Simple database change management
A tutorial introduction to Sqitch
VCS-powered SQL change management
Sqitch Command support
Add a new deployment change
Get and set local, user, or system Sqitch options
Deploy Sqitch changes
Display help information about Sqitch
Create a new Sqitch project
Revert Sqitch changes
Rework a deployment change
Tag a Sqitch change
Sqitch configuration management
Sqitch Deployment Engine
Sqitch PostgreSQL Engine
Sqitch SQLite Engine
Sqitch Deployment Plan
Sqitch deployment plan blank line
Sqitch deployment plan tag
Sqitch deployment plan change list
Sqitch deployment plan line
Sqitch deployment plan line list
Sqitch deployment plan blank line
Sqitch deployment plan tag
Sqitch Exception class