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sqitchchanges -Specifying changes for Sqitch


Many Sqitch commands take change parameters as arguments. Depending on the command, they denote a specific change or, for commands which walk change history or the change plan (such as sqitch log), all changes which can be reached from that change.

Specifying Changes

A change parameter names a change object. It uses what is called an extended SHA1 syntax. Here are various ways to spell change names:

<change_name>, e.g., users_table

The name of a change itself, as it was added to the plan via sqitch add.

@<tag_name>, e.g., @rc1

The change as of the named tag. Tags can be added to the plan via sqitch tag.

<change_name>@<tag_name>, e.g., users_table@beta1

The named change as of a tag, also known as a tag-qualified change name. For change iteration commands (such as sqitch log), this means the instance of a change with that name before the specified tag. For dependency parameters (such as in sqitch add), this means any instance of a change just before that tag, or at any time after the tag.

<sha1>, e.g., 40763784148fa190d75bad036730ef44d1c2eac6

The change full SHA1 ID (40-byte hexadecimal string). In some cases, such as sqitch add, the ID may refer to a change in another Sqitch project.

<project>:<change_name>, e.g., mybase:users_table

The name of a change in a specific project. Non-SHA1 change parameters without a project prefix are assumed to belong to the current project. Most useful for declaring a dependency on a change from another project in sqitch add.

<project>:@<tag_name>, e.g., mybase:@rc1

The name of a tag in an the named project.

<project>:<change_name>@<tag_name>, e.g., project:users_table@beta1

A tag-qualified named change in the named project.

<project>:<sha1>, e.g., mybase:40763784148fa190d75bad036730ef44d1c2eac6

The full SHA1 ID from another project. Probably redundant, since the SHA1 I should itself be sufficient. But useful for declaring dependencies in the current project so that sqitch add or sqitch rework will validate that the specified change is in the current project.


Special symbolic name for the last change in the plan or deployed to the database. Typically omitted.


Special symbolic name for the first change in the plan or deployed to the database. Typically omitted.


Part of the sqitch suite.