Changes for version 0.935 - 2012-10-02

  • Updated `dist/sqitch-pg.spec` to require `postgresql` rather than "postgresql91". The version doesn't matter so much.
  • All known Windows issues and failures fixed, with many thanks to Randy Stauner for repeatedly running tests and supplying patches:
    • Fixed "'2' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file" error on Windows.
    • Fixed multiple errors detecting Windows. The OS name is "MSWin32", not "Win32". The test failure thus addressed was the setting of the DateTime locale.
    • Fixed failing tests that were incorrectly comparing subprocess errors messages on Windows
    • Fixed bug in `bundle` where a file would be re-copied even if the source and destination had the same timestamps, as they seem to do during tests on Windows. Patch from Randy Stauner.
    • Fixed failing test that failed to include `.exe` in a file name on Windows. Patch from Randy Stauner.
  • Added French translation, with thanks to Arnaud (Arhuman) ASSAD!


Sqitch add usage statement
Add a database change to the plan
Sqitch bundle usage statement
Bundle a Sqitch project for distribution
Sqitch config usage statement
Get and set local, user, or system Sqitch options
Sqitch deploy usage statement
Deploy changes to a database
Sqitch help usage statement
Display help for Sqitch and Sqitch commands
Sqitch init usage statement
Create a new Sqitch project
Sqitch log usage statement
Show database change logs
Sqitch revert usage statement
Revert changes to a database
Sqitch rework usage statement
Rework a database change
Sqitch status usage statement
Show the current deployment status of a database
Sqitch tag usage statement
Create or list tag objects
Sane database change management
List of common sqitch commands
A tutorial introduction to Sqitch


Sane database change management
Sqitch Command support
Add a new change to a Sqitch plan
Bundle Sqitch changes for distribution
Get and set local, user, or system Sqitch options
Deploy Sqitch changes to a database
Display help information about Sqitch
Initialize a Sqitch project
Show a database event log
Revert Sqitch changes from a database
Rework a Sqitch change
Display status information about Sqitch
Add or list tags in a Sqitch plan
Sqitch configuration management
Sqitch DateTime object
Sqitch Deployment Engine
Sqitch PostgreSQL Engine
Sqitch SQLite Engine
Sqitch Deployment Plan
Sqitch deployment plan blank line
Sqitch deployment plan tag
Sqitch deployment plan change list
Sqitch dependency specification
Sqitch deployment plan line
Sqitch deployment plan line list
Sqitch deployment plan blank line
Sqitch deployment plan tag
Sqitch Exception class