sqitch-bundle - Bundle a Sqitch project for distribution
sqitch [options] bundle project
sqitch [options] bundle --dest-dir widgets-1.0.0
This command bundles up a sqitch project for distribution. At its simplest, it copies the project configuration file, the plan file, and all of the change scripts to a directory. This directory can then be packaged up for distribution (as a tarball, RPM, etc.). Options allow for the list of changes to be bundled to be a subset of the plan.
The name of the directory in which to bundle the project. The configuration file will be created in this directory, and the top, deploy, revert, and verify directories will be created relative to it. Defaults to bundle.
The change from which to start bundling. If you need to bundle up only a subset of your plan, specify a change (using a supported change specification from which to start the bundling via this option.
The change to which to end bundling. If you need to bundle up only a subset of your plan, specify a change (using a supported change specification that should be the last change to be included in the bundle.
Configuration Variables
Bundle a Sqitch project into BUILDROOT/MyProj:
sqitch bundle --dest-dir BUILDROOT/MyProj
Bundle a project including changes adduser
through @v1.0
sqitch bundle --from adduser --to @v1.0
Part of the sqitch suite.