Revision history for Perl extension App::Sqitch
0.983 2013-11-21T21:50:12Z
Fixed "Use of uninitialized value" in the MySQL engine. Thanks to
Jean-Michel REY for the report.
All tests now protect against failures due to the presence of the
`$SQITCH_CONFIG` environment variable (issue #114).
The installer now respects the `distdir` option to `Build.PL` when
searching for existing templates. Important for packaging.
Fixed the error "Table 'sqitch.changes' doesn't exist" when deploying
to a MySQL database that exists but has not been initialized. Thanks to
Jean-Michel REY for the report!
Refactored the handling of the C<--log-only> option so it sets an
engine attribute, rather than passing the flag to a whole stack of
method calls.
Fixed "Argument "en_us" isn't numeric" error on Windows.
Now using `LC_ALL` instead of `LC_MESSAGES` when setting the locale, as
the latter is not present on Windows.
The sqitch-pg RPM now requires DBD::Pg 2.0.0 or higher.
Improved handling of invalid command names so that the error message is
less ambiguous when triggered by a Perl parse error.
Added `-m` as an alias for `--note`, for you Git folks out there.
Added exception handling to the Postgres and Oracle engines to avoid
unexpected errors when deploying to a database that has not been
deployed to before.
Updated detection of an uninitialized database to double-check with the
engine that it really thinks it's uninitialized, not just that the
"changes" table is missing. This should catch the case where the
database has its own "changes" table unrelated to Sqitch.
Added `--open-editor` option (and aliases) to the `add` and `rework`
commands. This option will open the newly-added change scripts in the
preferred editor. Thanks to Thomas Sibley for the patch!
0.982 2013-09-11T18:26:07Z
Errors thrown by Template toolkit are no longer silently ignored.
Variables passed to change templates are now cloned before the
execution of each template. This prevents one template from deleting
variable values another template might also need.
Fixed "The getpwnam function is unimplemented" errors on Win32.
No longer runs revert scripts when deploying with `--log-only` and a
verify script fails, as that could lead to data loss (yikes!). Thanks
to BryLo for the report (issue #112).
0.981 2013-09-06T00:22:26Z
Now use Encode::Locale to try to decode the user's full name from the
system encoding when fetched from the system on all OSes. Note that
this is not necessary if the `` config is explicitly set, as
recommended. Issue #107.
Removed the special-case handling of the user's full name fetched from
the system on OS X.
Added call to `sleep` to test in an attempt to fix SQLite failures.
The SQLite engine now requires that the SQLite client be 3.3.9 or
later, for support of the `-bail` option.
Bug fix: The MySQL engine now properly uses the host, port, and
password options when connecting to the database. Thanks to vreb87 for
the report!
0.980 2013-08-28T21:40:00Z
Changed the default SQLite Sqitch database name from
`$dbname-sqitch.$suffix` to `sqitch.$suffix`. The `$suffix` still
comes from the destination database name. This breaks compatibility
with previous releases. If you need the old name, set it with
`sqitch config core.sqlite.sqitch_db $dbname`.
Fixed encoding of the user's full name when fetched from the system on
OS X. Thanks to Tomohiro Hosaka for the pull request!
Fixed test failures when DBD::SQLite is installed but compiled with
SQLite 3.7.10 or lower.
Fixed a bug where declaring a dependency on a reworked change would
incorrectly result in the error "Key "foo" matches multiple changes".
Thanks to BryLo for the report (issue #103).
Modified tests to allow them to run in parallel without stomping on
each other.
Bundling of options, such as `-vvv`, now works properly (issue #108).
Added alias `--get-regexp` for `--get-regex` to the `config` command.
This brings it in line with the documentation for the `config` command
(Issue #110).
Fixed all of the `config` command actions that contain a dash so that
they actually work. Thanks to Ștefan Suciu for the report (issue #110).
All leading and trailing white space is now trimmed from plan notes,
rather than just vertical white space. Thanks to Ronan Dunklau for the
report (issue #106).
The `status` command now notices if the specified database is
uninitialized and says as much, rather than dying with an SQL error
(issue #109).
When reading the user's username from the system Sqitch now uses
Encode::Locale to try to decode the value from the system encoding.
Issue #107.
Compatibility change: Changed the location and name of script template
files. Previously they were called `deploy.tmpl`, `revert.tmpl`, and
`verify.tmpl`, and they lived in the `templates` subdirectory of the
system-wide and user-specific configuration directories. They now live
in subdirectories of the `templates` directory named for each action
(deploy, revert, and verify), and with file names matching engine names
(`pg.tmpl`, `sqlite.tmpl`, `oracle.tmpl`, and `mysql.tmpl`). The
installer will move old files from the system-wide config directory
(`sqitch --etc-path`) to their new homes, named `pg.tmpl` and
`sqlite.tmpl`. It assumes no customizations exist for Oracle. If that's
not true in your case, simply copy the `pg.tmpl` files to
Added the `--template-name` option to the `add` command. By default, it
looks for templates named for the current engine. The option allows for
the user of task-specific templates. For example, if you create
templates named `createtable.tmpl` in the `deploy`, `revert`, and
`verify` subdirectories of `~/.sqitch/templates`, You can specify
`--template-name createtable` to use those templates when adding a
Added the `--exists` option to the `show` command.
Fixed the `--set` option to the `add` command so that duplicate keys
have their values passed to the template as an array, as documented.
If Template::Toolkit is installed, the `add` command will use it for
processing templates instead of Template::Tiny. This makes it easy to
upgrade the templating environment just by installing a module.
0.973 2013-07-03T13:47:22Z
Now Require DBD::SQLite compiled with SQLite 3.7.11 or higher. It
always has, but now it throws a meaningful exception if an older
version is compiled into DBD::SQLite. Thanks to Damon Buckwalter for
the report.
When a deploy fails because of missing dependencies, the list of
missing dependencies no longer contains duplicates. Thanks to Damon
Buckwalter for the report.
0.972 2013-05-31T23:26:52Z
Fixed test failures on Windows.
Fixed locale configuration on Windows so that `sqitch` will actually
run, rather than exiting with an error about `LC_MESSAGES` not being
Fixed a test hang on Windows when DBD::Oracle is installed but the
Oracle libraries (`OCI.dll`) are not or cannot be found. This was
triggering a UI dialog that did not dismiss itself. Using Win32::API
to work around this issue. Thanks to Jan Dubois for the fix.
0.971 2013-05-18T21:08:51Z
Removed most uses of the smartmatch operator, since as of Perl 5.17.11
it is marked as experimental, and silenced the warning where it is
still used.
Added 0.1s sleep between logging changes back-to-back in the engine
tests, mostly to try to get SQLite to generate different timestamps.
Pretty sure the recent test failures have been due to the passage of
less than a millisecond between the two inserts.
Added the `shell` and `quote_shell` methods to for shelling
out a command.
Sqitch now shells out to an editor when opening a file for the user to
edit. For example, if the `$EDITOR` environment variable is set to
`"emacs -nw"`, it will now work. Thanks to Florian Ragwitz for the
report (issue #80).
Removed the pod-checking tests from the distribution.
0.970 2013-05-09T00:21:06Z
Fixed the default ordering of changes displayed by the `plan` command.
They are now ascending by default.
Switched to PerlIO::utf8_strict for fast character encoding and
The help emitted when an unknown option is passed to `sqitch` now
consists of a usage statement and brief table of options, rather than
the entire man page.
Added the project name in a header to the output of the `plan` command.
Added the Oracle engine.
Added `sqitchtutorial-oracle.pod`, a Oracle-specific variant of
Added missing version declaration to the App::Sqitch::Plan::* modules.
Devel::StackTrace 1.30 is now properly required (it was previously
The `--show-tags` and `--show-changes` options to the `status` command
now show the changes when the project plan cannot be found (issue #90).
0.965 2013-04-23T16:25:59Z
Fixed failing test due to line-ending character variations on Windows.
Many thanks to Jan Dubois for the testing help.
Replaced all uses of `$/` in output to `"\n"`. Thanks to Jan Dubois for
pointing out the incorrect use of `$/`.
Fixed build error that prevented installation on Perl 5.10 when the
parent module was not installed.
0.964 2013-04-15T18:47:30Z
Fixed test failures on Perl versions lower than 5.14 when DBD::SQLite
or DBD::Pg is not installed.
Removed DBD::SQLite from the list of build dependencies.
Fixed test failures due to encoded (wide-character) warnings on
triggered on systems with non-english locales. Thanks to Alexandr
Ciornii for the smoke testing that revealed this issue.
Removed overriding of Throwable's `previous_exception` in
App::Sqitch::X on Throwable 0.200007 and higher, where it is no longer
Changed test comparing file contents that fails on Windows to do a
looser comparison and hopefully fix the test failure.
0.963 2013-04-12T19:11:29Z
Fixed a test failure when Git is in the execution path and the test is
not run from a Git checkout.
Added `plan` to `sqitchchanges`, the contents of which are shown when
Sqitch is run with no command.
Removed the unique constraint on tag names in the database, as it
prevented two projects from having the same tag name. Replaced it with
a unique constraint on the project and tag names. Folks with production
PostgreSQL installs should run these queries:
ALTER TABLE sqitch.tags DROP CONSTRAINT tags_tag_key, ADD UNIQUE(project, tag);
COMMENT ON COLUMN sqitch.tags.tag IS 'Project-unique tag name.';
Fixed failing tests when DBD::SQLite is not installed.
Removed dependency on Git::Wrapper. The `checkout` command does things
very simply, and we already have tools for running command-line
applications. So we just take advantage of that. The code is no more
complicated than it was before.
Added the `core.vcs.client` configuration setting. Defaults to `git`
(or `git.exe` on Windows).
0.962 2013-04-10T17:10:05Z
Fixed failing test on Perl 5.12 and lower.
Fixed the French translation by re-encoding it in UTF-8 (Ronan
Fixed the loading of the editor with placeholder text to properly
encode that text as UTF-8 (Ronan Dunklau).
0.961 2013-04-09T19:21:15Z
Fixed error when running on PostgreSQL 9.0.
Added support for PostgreSQL 8.4.
Fixed the SQLite tests to skip the live tests when `sqlite3` cannot be
Fixed the Postgres tests to skip the live tests if `psql` cannot be
found or cannot connect to the database.
Fixed the `checkout` test to skip tests that depend on Git and Git is
not found in the path.
Fixed test failures on Windows (hopefully).
Made the order of commented configuration variables in the project
configuration file deterministic. It will now always be the same order
as specified by the engine class. This fixes test failures on Perl
Fixed encoding issue that caused test failures on Perl 5.17.
Requiring Devel::StackTrace 1.30, as earlier versions can
intermittently suppress errors.
Added hack to `App::Sqitch::X::hurl()` to work around a bug in
Throwable that prevents `previous_exception` from being set half the
time on v5.17.
0.960 2013-04-05T23:04:35Z
Removed `-CAS` from the shebang line on Perl 5.10.0. This is to
eliminate `Too late for "-CAS" option` errors. This means that UTF-8
semantics will be suboptimal on Perl 5.10.0. Consider upgrading to 5.12
or higher.
Added the `checkout` command. Pass it the name of a VCS branch, and it
will compare the plans between that branch and the current branch,
revert to the last common change, check out the branch, and then
redeploy. This makes it easy to switch between working branches that
have different sets of commits. Git-only for now. Idea and code by
Ronan Dunklau.
The `rebase` command no longer fails if the database is already
reverted, but just makes a note of it and goes on to the deploy.
Added the `plan` command. It's like `log`, but shows a list of changes
in the plan, rather than events recorded in the database.
Added `search_changes()` to Plan. Used by the `plan` command.
Added the `--oneline` option to the `log` command.
Allow tagging of an arbitrary change, not just the last change in the
plan, by passing a change specification (name, ID, or tag) as the
second argument to the `tag` command.
Updated error messages to note that blank characters are not allowed in
project, change, or tag names.
Factored most of the engine-specific code into
App::Sqitch::Role::DBIEngine. Future DBI-based engines should be able
to use this role to handle most of the work.
Factored the live engine tests int `t/lib/DBIEngineTest`. Future
DBI-based engines can use this module to do all or most of the live
Added the SQLite engine. The Sqitch metadata is stored in a separate
file from a database, by default in the same directory as the database
Added `sqitchtutorial-sqlite.pod`, a SQLite-specific variant of
0.953 2013-02-21T23:37:57Z
Fixed test failure in `t/engine.t` triggered by a clock tick.
Changed the verify template to end with `ROLLBACK` rather than
`COMMIT`. This it to encourage folks to make no lasting changes in
verify tests.
Fixed exception triggered on an attempt to revert or rebase `--to` a
change that does not exist in the database.
Added recommendation for Pod::Simple to the build process.
Added the `--etcdir` build option to specify the directory in which
configuration and template files should be installed. Defaults to the
`etc/sqitch` subdirectory of the `--prefix`, `--install_base`, or
Perl's prefix.
Added the `--installed_etcdir` build option. This is used to set
the location of the system etc directory. Defaults to the value of
When building with `--prefix` or `--install_base`, and without
`--etcdir`, the configuration files and tmeplates are now installed
into `etc/sqitch` in that directory, rather than just `etc`. This is to
enable packaging systems to move the directory to the proper location.
0.952 2013-01-12T00:02:54Z
Switched from Moose to Mouse whever possible. Speeds load and runtime
20-30%. Thanks to Michael Schwern for the pull request!
0.951 2013-01-08T00:21:58Z
Fixed double "@" displayed for tags in the output of `revert`.
Fixed reversion of reworked changes to run the original revert script,
rather than the reworked script.
Added `is_reworked` accessor to App::Sqitch::Plan::Change.
Changed the behavior determining the file name to use for reworked
change scripts. It now looks for a deploy script using the name of any
tag between the reworked instances of a change and selects the first
one it finds that exists. This will allow Sqitch to find the proper
script name even if new tags have been added to the plan (issue #70).
0.950 2013-01-03T23:09:42Z
Fixed the "Name" header in `sqitch-rebase` so that it will actually
show up on the CPAN search sites.
Fixed test failure triggered by the passage of time in `t/engine.t`.
At the start of a `deploy`, if the most recently deployed change has
any unlogged tags (that is, tags added since the last `deploy`), they
will be logged before the `deploy` continues (issue #60).
Added the `--no-log` option to `deploy`, `revert`, and `rebase`. This
causes the changes to be logged as deployed without actually running
the deploy scripts. Useful for an existing database that is being
converted to Sqitch, and you need to log changes as deployed because
they have been deployed by other means in the past.
Now check that dependencies are required for all changes to be deployed
or reverted before deploying or reverting anything, rather than
checking dependencies for each change just before deploying or reverting
it. This allows a or revert deploy to fail sooner, with no database
changes, when dependencies are not met.
The `deploy` command now checks that no changes its about to deploy are
already deployed.
Added `--mode` to the `rebase` command.
Added the `--verify` option to `deploy` and `rebase`. Specify this
option to run the verify script, if it exists, for each change after it
is deployed. If the verify script dies, the deploy will be considered a
failure and the requisite reversion (as specified for `--mode`) will
Added the `verify` command, which verifies that a database is valid
relative to the plan and each deployed change's verification scripts.
Changed the format of the list of changes output by `deploy` and
`revert` so that each now gets "ok" or "not ok" printed on success or
Added short aliases for commonly-used core options:
-f for --plan-file
-v for --verbose
-h for --db-host
-p for --db-port
0.940 2012-12-04T05:49:45Z
Fixed tests that failed due to I18N issues, with thanks to Arnaud
(Arhuman) ASSAD!
Localized messages are now properly encoded in UTF-8. Thanks to Ronan
Dunklau for the report (issue #46) and to Guido Flohr for details on
how to address the issue.
The variables defined for the `add`, `deploy`, and `revert` commands
now have the case of there names preserved if Config::GitLike 1.10 or
later is installed. Thanks to Ronan Dunklau for the report (issue #48)
and to Alex Vandiver for the case-preserving update to Config::GitLike.
Attempting to run `sqitch` with no command now outputs the list of
supported commands (`sqitchcommands`), rather than the list of core
options. Thanks to BryLo for the suggestion.
Changed the plan parser so that it no longer changes the order of
changes based on the dependency graph. Unfortunately, this meant that
the order could change from one run to another, especially if new
changes were added since the last deploy. The planner now throws an
exception if the order in the plan is wrong, and suggests that the user
move changes in the plan file to get it to work properly.
Fixed bug where the `core.plan_file` configuration variable was
Improved error handling when deploying and reverting a change. If the
change successfully deployed but the logging of the deployment to the
database failed, there was just a rollback message. Sqitch will now
emit the underlying error *and* run the revert script for the
just-deployed change.
Modified the text hashed for change and tag IDs. Both now include the
note, if present, the ID of the preceding change, and the list of
dependencies. The result is that, when a change is modified or moved in
the plan, it gets a new ID ID. The upshot is that things *must* be in
order for a deploy to succeed. Existing deployments will automatically
have their IDs updated by the `deploy` command.
Changed the `revert` command so that it *only* fetches information about
changes to be reverted from the database, rather than the plan.
Deprecated the `@LAST` and `@FIRST` symbolic tags. With `revert` now
fetching change information from the database, there is no longer a
need to specify that changes be found in the database. It's possible
some other way to search database changes will be added in the future,
but if so, it will be less limiting than `@LAST` and `@FIRST`, because
it will likely allow searches by literal tags.
Added the `rebase` command. This command combines a `revert` and a
`deploy` into a single command, which should allow for more natural
deployment testing during development. `sqitch rebase @HEAD^` should
become a common command for database developers.
Duplicate values passed via `--requires` and `--conflicts` in the `add`
and `rework` actions are now ignored.
The `add` command now throws an exception if `--template-directory` is
passed or specified in the configuration file, and the specified
directory does not exist or is not a directory. Thanks to Ronan Dunklau
for the report! (Issue #52).
The `revert` command now prompts for confirmation before reverting
anything. The prompt can be skipped via the `-y` option or setting the
`revert.no_prompt` configuration variable. Works for rebase, too, which
reads `rebase.no_prompt` before `revert.no_prompt`.' (Issue #49.)
Added the `show` command, which show information about changes or tags,
or the contents of change script files. (Issue #57.)
Renamed the `test` scripts and planned command to `verify`.
0.938 2012-10-12T19:16:57Z
Added a primary key to the PostgreSQL `events` table, which should make
it easier to support replication.
0.937 2012-10-09T21:54:36Z
Fixed the `--to` option to `deploy` and `revert`, which was ignored
starting in v0.936.
0.936 2012-10-09T19:11:5Z2
Added `--set` option to the `deploy` and `revert` commands. Useful for
setting database client variables for use in scripts. Used by the
PostgreSQL engine.
Merged the contents of `dist/sqitch-pg.spec` into a subpackage in
`sqitch.spec`. This allows both RPMs are created from a single build
process. Simplifies things quite a bit and improves the flexibility for
adding other engines in the future.
Reduced required Perl version from 5.10.1 to 5.10.0.
Fixed inconsistent handling of command options with dashes where some
were ignored.
The bundle command now properly copies scripts for changes with slashes
in their names -- that is, where the scripts are in subdirectories.
0.935 2012-10-02T19:21:05Z
Updated `dist/sqitch-pg.spec` to require `postgresql` rather than
"postgresql91". The version doesn't matter so much.
All known Windows issues and failures fixed, with many thanks to Randy
Stauner for repeatedly running tests and supplying patches:
Fixed "'2' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file" error on Windows.
Fixed multiple errors detecting Windows. The OS name is "MSWin32",
not "Win32". The test failure thus addressed was the setting of the
DateTime locale.
Fixed failing tests that were incorrectly comparing subprocess errors
messages on Windows
Fixed bug in `bundle` where a file would be re-copied even if the
source and destination had the same timestamps, as they seem to do
during tests on Windows. Patch from Randy Stauner.
Fixed failing test that failed to include `.exe` in a file name on
Windows. Patch from Randy Stauner.
Added French translation, with thanks to Arnaud (Arhuman) ASSAD!
0.934 2012-09-28T16:43:43Z
Fixed typo in error handling that prevented an I/O error message from
being properly emitted.
0.933 2012-09-27T18:04:53Z
The `init` command no longer fails if `--top-dir` does not exist. It
creates it.
Yet another attempt to fix "List form of pipe open not implemented" bug
on Windows.
0.932 2012-09-26T21:32:48Z
One more attempt to fix "List form of pipe open not implemented" bug on
0.931 2012-09-25T19:09:14Z
Now properly require Text::LocaleDomain 1.20.
Stubbed out French and German localization files. Translators wanted!
Added LocaleTextDomain dzil support (no impact on distribution).
Fix "List form of pipe open not implemented" bug on Windows by using
Win32::ShellQuote to quote commands.
0.93 2012-08-31T22:29:41Z
Added forward and reverse change references. Append ^ to a change
reference to mean the change before, or ~ to mean the change following.
Use ~~ and ^^ to select two changes forward and back, and ~n and ^n,
where n is an integer, to select that number of changes forward or
back. Idea stolen from Git, though the meanings of the characters are
Added the @FIRST and @LAST symbolic references to refer to the first
and last changes deployed to the database, respectively. These vary
from the existing @ROOT and @HEAD symbolic references, which refer to
the first and last changes listed in the plan.
Updated the tutorial to use the new symbolic references and ^ and ~
qualifiers where appropriate.
The messages output by the `deploy` and `revert` commands now show the
resolved name of the `--to` target, rather than the value passed to
`--to`. This is most useful when using a symbolic reference, so you
can see what you're actually deploying or reverting to.
0.922 2012-08-30T17:41:59Z
Loosened constraint to disallow only `/[~^/=%]/` before digits at the
end of name. This allows, for example, a tag to be named "v1.2-1".
Added the `bundle` command to the documentation displayed by `sqitch
Updated the mention of the `bundle` command in the main `sqitch`
0.921 2012-08-30T00:09:56Z
Made Win32::Locale required only on Windows.
Fixed some module minimum version requirements so that dependencies
will be properly listed in `Build.PL`.
0.92 2012-08-28T23:14:37Z
Added the `bundle` command.
Attempts to deploy a project with a different name or URI than
previously registered now throws an exception.
Added UNIQUE constraint to `projects.uri` in the PostgreSQL Sqitch
Added ON UPDATE actions to foreign key constraints in the PostgreSQL
Sqitch schema.
0.913 2012-08-28T17:31:29Z
Fixed oversight in test that still relied on `$ENV{USER}` instead of
0.912 2012-08-27T21:23:19Z
Fall back on `Sqitch->sysuser` when looking for the PostgreSQL user,
rather than just `$ENV{USER}`. The method does a lot more work to find
the system user name. This will hopefully also fix test failures on
systems where `$ENV{USER}` is not set.
Use Win32::Locale to set the locale on DateTime objects on Windows.
0.911 2012-08-23T19:19:17Z
Fixed more platform-specific test failures in `t/base.t`.
Increased liklihood of finding a user's full name on Windows. Thanks to
H. Merijn Brand for testing.
0.91 2012-08-23T00:37:36Z
Moved `requires` and `conflicts` array columns from the `changes` table
to an new table, `dependencies`, where there is just one per row.
Requirements are now checked before reverting a change. If the change
is depended on by other changes, it will not be reverted (Issue #36).
Fixed bug where the `status` command would show changes and/or tags
from other projects when `--show-tags` or `--show-changes` were used.
Fixed test failures on Windows.
Added more ways to look up the current username to minimize the chances
that none is found.
Added Windows-specific way of finding the current user's full name,
since the existing approach died on Windows.
Windows-specific modules are no longer required, but are recommended on
Windows. They will be listed by `./Build` and added to the "recommends"
section of the the generated `MYMETA.*` files on Windows.
Fixed a bug where dependencies on other projects would be rejected
in calls to `add` and `rework`.
0.902 2012-08-20T21:14:08Z
Fixed another occasional test failure due to a clock tick in `t/pg.t.`
Fixed test failures in `t/status.t` on systems without DBD::Pg.
0.901 2012-08-20T19:31:03Z
Fix test failure in `t/status.t` caused by failing to ignore a
pre-existing `~/.sqitch/sqitch.conf` configuration file.
Eliminated "Use of uninitialized value in length" warnings.
0.90 2012-08-18T00:05:41Z
Added `dist/sqitch.spec`. This file was created to generate an RPM for
CentOS 6.1.
Added `dist/sqitch-pg.spec` to use for creating RPMs for Sqitch with
PostgreSQL support.
Fixed an occasional test failure due to a clock tick in `t/pg.t.`
Switched to Dist::Zilla for creating the distribution. For end-users,
this just means that `Build.PL` is now a generated file.
Required module versions are now declared in code. This is so that they
are enforced at runtime, and also so that they will be picked up by
Dist::Zilla for inclusion in the generated `Build.PL` and `META` files.x
Added support for declaring dependencies (required and conflicting
changes) from other Sqitch projects. This allows one project to depend
on changes from another. The syntax is `--requires $projname:$change`.
This use of the colon required a few changes to the Plan syntax:
+ Pragmas may now appear only in the first "header" section of the
plan, separated from the changes in the "body" of the plan by a blank
+ Required dependencies no longer begin with ":". Conflicts still must
begin with "!".
+ Object names may no longer contain ":", as it is used for project
+ Project-qualified dependencies are supported by the project name
appearing before the change name, separated by a colon.
Added App::Sqitch::Plan::Depend, an object to parse, represent, and
serialize dependencies.
The plan parser does not validate changes required from other projects,
as it has no access to the plans from those projects.
The engine interface validates cross-project dependencies before
deploying changes.
Project data is not included in the Sqitch metadata tables in the
database. There is a table for all known projects, as well as foreign
key references in the `changes`, `tags`, and `events` tables.
Project information is now displayed in the output of `sqitch status`
and `sqitch log` (in some formats).
Added `--project` option to `sqitch status` to identify the project for
which to display the status. Defaults to the current project, if there
is one, or to the project in the database, if there is only one
registered project.
Added `--project` option to `sqitch log` to allow searching for events
from projects matching a regular expression.
Now require Config::GitLike 1.09 for its improved character encoding
Dependencies can now be declared as SHA1 hash IDs, including for IDs
from other projects.
Fixed change and tag name validation to count "_" as a non-punctuation
character, and therefore able to be used at the beginning or end of
Replaced the `appuser` change in `sqitchtutorial` with `appschema`.
This simplifies things, since users are global objects in PostgreSQL,
while schemas are not. As a result, a bunch of irrelevant code was
removed from the tutorial.
0.82 2012-08-03T21:25:27Z
Now require Moose 2.0300, since MooseX::Role::Parameterized, which
requires Role::HasMessage, requires it, anyway,
Fixed test failure in `t/pg.t` when running on Test::More 0.94.
Require POSIX in `t/datetime.t` to fix test failure with CentOS 6
Perl. Not sure why it did not fail anywhere else, but it's harmless
enough to make sure it's loaded early.
0.81 2012-08-03T11:34:46Z
Removed wayward `/l` from a regular expression, which breaks Perls
earlier than 5.14, and is not needed anyway.
Fixed error in `log` that caused invalid output on Perls earlier than
5.14. Seems that `return` is required for `when` statements meant to
return a value, and postfix `when` is not supported in Perl 5.10.
0.80 2012-08-01T21:54:00Z
Added the `log` command to `sqitchcommands.pod`, which is shown as the
output of `sqitch help`.
Added `` and `` configuration variables.
Now using `` and ``, rather than the system or
database user name, to log the user committing changes to a database.
Database-specific options are now prefixed with `--db-`.
Added "raw" format to App::Sqitch::DateTime. It is ISO-8601 format in
Modified the "raw" log format to use the raw DateTime format.
Added timestamp and planner info to the plan. This is additional
metadata included in every change and tag: The planner's name and email
address and the current timestamp. This makes it easier to audit who
added changes to a plan and when.
Added the `--note` option to the `add`, `rework`, and `tag` commands.
For consistency throughout, renamed all attributes and options from
"message" and "comment" to "note", which is shorter and better reflects
their purpose.
The planner's name and email address, as well as the plan time and
note, are now stored in the database whenever changes or tags are
committed and logged.
Renamed various database columns to be more consistent, with the terms
"commit", "plan", and "note".
Added `requires` and `conflicts` columns to the events table, so that
they can become available to the `log` command.
Various `log` format changes:
Renamed %n (newline) to %v (vertical space)
Renamed %c to %n (change name)
Replaced %a (committer name) with %c (committer info). It takes an
optional argument:
+ "name" or "n" for committer name
+ "email" or "e" for committer email
+ "d" or "date" for commit date
+ "d:$format" or "date:$format" for formatted commit date
Added %p (planner info). It takes an optional argument just like
"%c" does:
+ "name" or "n" for planner name
+ "email" or "e" for planner email
+ "d" or "date" for plan date
+ "d:$format" or "date:$format" for formatted plan date
Added special argument to "%C", `:event", which returns a color based
on the value of the event type:
+ Green for "deploy"
+ Blue for "revert"
+ Red for "fail"
Added "%r" and "%R" for lists of required changes.
Added "%x" and "%X" for lists of conflicting changes.
Added "%a" to display an unlocalized attribute name and value.
Added "planner", "committer", "planned", and "email" arguments to %_.
Documented that the dates can take CLDR or strftime formats, too.
Added the %s, %b, and %B format for "subject", "body", and raw body
akin to Git. The values are taken from the note value, if available.
Added committer email addresses to default formats.
Added plan data to default formats.
Added note data to default formats.
Added lists of required and conflicting changes to the "raw" and
"full" formats.
Switched to event-driven colors for event types and change IDs in
default formats.
Added color to the event type and change ID output in the "raw"
Added detailed descriptions of the default formats to `sqitch-log.pod`.
Updated the Change object to encode and decode vertical whitespace in a
note, so that all data remains on a single line for each object in the
plan file.
Now require a note when adding, reworking, or tagging a change. If
`--note` is not specified, an editor will be launched and the user
prompted to write a note. This is similar to how `git commit` behaves,
and encourages documentation of changes.
Added required "project" and optional "uri" pragmas to the plan.
Added `--project` and `--uri` attributes to the `init` command.
Removed the `core.uri` configuration variable and corresponding core
`--uri` option (since it has been replaced with the `init` command's
`--uri` option.
Command-line arguments are now all assumed to be UTF-8, and are parsed
as such.
Added workaround to force the configuration file to be written and read
as UTF-8. Requires an unreleased version of Config::GitLike to actually
work properly.
Text passed to a pager (as when running `sqitch log`) is now encoded in
Fixed `--quiet` option so that it properly trumps `--verbose`.
0.71 2012-07-12T15:30:27Z
Updated the example `sqitch log` output in `sqitchtutorial`.
Changed the terms "actor", "agent" to "committer" throughout the API
and output.
Renamed the `events` table columns from `logged_at` and `logged_by` to
`committed_at` and `committed_by`.
0.70 2012-07-12T13:24:13Z
Changed the `current_changes()` and `current_tags()` Engine methods so
that they return iterator code references instead of lists.
Added the `search_events()` Engine method, to search the event log.
Added the `pager` attribute and `page()` methods to App::Sqitch.
Added support for `strftime:` and `cldr:` options to the `status`
command's `--date-format` option.
Added the `log` command.
Added the `strftime:$string` and `cldr:$string` options to
`--date-format` in the `status` and `log` commands.
0.60 2012-07-07T11:12:26Z
Removed some discussion of VCS integration, since it is not yet
implemented, and it may be a while before it is.
Added `sqitchcommands`, documentation of the most common Sqitch
commands, and fixed `--help` to show it.
Fixed `--man` to show the sqitch command documentation.
Fixed error handling for unknown commands, so that it displays a
message saying the command is unknown, rather than a stack trace.
Adding a change after a tag now also inserts a blank line into the plan
between the tag and the new change, for nicer plan file formatting.
Added the `status` command.
Added App::Sqitch::DateTime, a DateTime subclass with named formats.
0.51 2012-07-04T18:34:07Z
Added Role::HasMessage to the list or requirements in `Build.PL`. Was
an oversight that it was omitted in v0.50.
Removed the `--dry-run` option. It was completely ignored. Maybe it
will return someday.
Removed `fail()`, `bail()`, `unfound()`, and `help()`. It's better for
commands not to exit, so have them throw exceptions in the appropriate
places, instead.
Replaced all uses of Carp and non-exception handling uses of `die` with
our own localized exceptions.
Localized all output and exception messages.
0.50 2012-07-03T19:55:20Z
Require a plan file.
Renamed "steps" to "changes".
New plan file spec.
+ Tags are just labels on a particular change, no longer a list of
+ Dependencies now specified in the plan file, not in the deploy
+ Changes can be specified as deploys or reverts, though reverts
are not currently supported.
+ Changes can be specified with an optional leading `+` for deploy or
`-` for revert, which will eventually be important for conflict
+ Dependencies can be specified as other change names, tags, or a
change as of a tag (e.g., `foo@beta`).
+ Pragmas can be specified with a leading `%`. Only `%syntax-version`
is currently recognized; all others are ignored.
Renamed the `add-step` command to just `add`.
Added the `tag` command.
Added the `revert` command.
Added the `rework` command.
Added exception objects and started using them.
Added localization support and started using it.
Added IDs to changes and tags. These are SHA1s generated from the return
value of the new `info` method, which describes the change or tag.
Updated the PostgreSQL engine to comply with the new Engine API.
Updated the PostgreSQL engine to use IDs for tracking changes and tags.
Eliminated the term "node" from the plan implementation and docs.
Updated the engine base class for the new plan API, and to just deploy
changes one-at-a-time.
Added many new ways to look for changes in the plan, including:
+ `change_name`
+ `@tag_name`
+ `change_name@tag_name`
+ `change_id`
+ `tag_id`
The plan file can now be written out with nearly all white space and
comments preserved.
Changed the `add` command to write out the plan file after a new change
is added.
Change names can now be duplicated, as long as a tag name appears
between them.
Renamed `target` to destination in Engine.
Started referring to the change to deploy or revert to in docs as the
PostgreSQL errors will now be thrown as Sqitch exceptions, for proper
handling during command execution.
Added required `core.uri` configuration setting. Used to keep change
IDs unique across projects.
Added `--mode` option to `deploy`, to trigger reverts on failure to
+ Not at all: keep the latest successful change.
+ To the last deployed tag
+ To the point at which the current deploy started
Added the implicit tags `@ROOT` and `@HEAD` for looking up changes in
the plan.
Renamed `sql_dir` to `top_dir` and made it default to the current
Changed the location of the plan file to the top directory. This will
make it easier to have plans and scripts for multiple database
platforms in a single project.
Fixed a bug in the build process so that template files will be
properly written to the `etc` directory.
Rewrote `sqitchtutorial` to reflect the new realities.
Updated `sqitch` documentation, and moved the plan file information to
0.31 2012-05-21T22:29:42Z
Fixed some typos and failing tests.
0.30 2012-05-18T15:43:12Z
The `init` command now properly writes out the `[core]` section header
when there are only commented core settings.
The `--requires` and `--conflicts` options to `add` now work
Fixed anticipated Win32 test failures in `t/init.t`.'
Fixed the `--plan-file`, `--top-dir`, and other directory options so
that they no longer throw errors, but actually work.
Implemented the plan parser. It's designed to later be subclassed to
support VCS integration. Includes dependency parsing and sorting.
Switched to IPC::System::Simple instead for system/capture code.
Implemented Engine interface for deploying and reverting tags.
Implemented PostgreSQL engine. It uses a lock to ensure that only one
deployment can run at any time.
Added the `deploy` command. it is now possible to deploy to a
PostgreSQL database.
0.20 2012-05-01T02:48:47Z
Added `--local` option to `sqitch config`.
Renamed `project_file()` to `--local_file()` in App::Sqitch::Config.
`sqitch init` now writes core and engine config settings with default
values to the configuration file. This makes it easier for folks to get
started editing it.
Implemented `add` command. Includes support for system-wide or
use-specific templates using Template::Tiny.
Added `etc` directory with default templates. This is installed into
`$Config{prefix}/etc/skitch`, unless built with `--prefix` or
`--install_base`, in which case it will simply be installed into `etc`
in that directory.
Added `--etc-path`, so that one can know where the system-wide
configuration and templates are to be found.
0.11 2012-04-27T06:44:54Z
Implemented `init` command.
Started sketching out the engine interface, with preliminary PostgreSQL
and SQLite implementations.
Require Perl v5.10.1 (did before, but in the wrong place, so it was
Fixed test failures on different verions of Moose.
Fixed test failure on Perl 5.12.
0.10 2012-04-25T20:46:59Z
Initial unstable release.
Implemented `help` command.
Implemented `config` command, very similar to `git-config`.