Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

=head1 Name
sqitch-status - Show the current deployment status of a database
=head1 Synopsis
sqitch [options] status [<options>] [<database>]
=head1 Description
Displays information about the current deployment status of a database. The
most recently deployed change information is displayed, as well as any related
tags. If there are undeployed changes in the plan, they will be listed.
Otherwise, a message will indicate that the database is up-to-date.
The C<< <database> >> parameter specifies the database to which to connect, and
may also be specified as the C<--target> option. It can be either a URI or the
name of a target in the configuration.
=head1 Options
=item C<-t>
=item C<--target>
The target database to which to connect. This option can be either a URI or
the name of a target in the configuration.
=item C<--project>
Project for which to retrieve the status. Defaults to the status of the
current project, if a plan can be found.
=item C<--show-changes>
Also display a list of deployed changes.
=item C<--show-tags>
Also display a list of applied tags.
=item C<--date-format>
=item C<--date>
Format to use for timestamps. Defaults to C<iso>. Allowed values:
=item C<iso>
=item C<iso8601>
Shows timestamps in ISO-8601 format.
=item C<rfc>
=item C<rfc2822>
Show timestamps in RFC-2822 format.
=item C<full>
=item C<long>
=item C<medium>
=item C<short>
Show timestamps in the specified format length, using the system locale's
C<LC_TIME> category.
=item C<raw>
Show timestamps in raw format, which is strict ISO-8601 in the UTC time zone.
=item C<strftime:$string>
Show timestamps using an arbitrary C<strftime> pattern. See
L<DateTime/strftime Paterns> for comprehensive documentation of supported
=item C<cldr:$string>
Show timestamps using an arbitrary C<cldr> pattern. See L<DateTime/CLDR
Paterns> for comprehensive documentation of supported patterns.
=head1 Configuration Variables
=item C<status.show_changes>
Boolean value indicates whether or not to display changes in the output.
Defaults to false.
=item C<status.show_tags>
Boolean value indicates whether or not to display tags in the output. Defaults
to false.
=item C<status.date_format>
Format to use for timestamps. Supports the same values as the C<--date-format>
=head1 Sqitch
Part of the L<sqitch> suite.