Bundle::BricolagePlus - Optional and Required modules for the Bricolage content management system.
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::BricolagePlus'
The bundle provides an easy way to install all of the required and optional modules used by Bricolage. Bricolage is a 100% pure Perl content-management and publishing system which features intuitive and highly-configurable administration, workflow, permissions, templating, server-neutral output, distribution, and document management.
Bundle::Bricolage 1.11.0 - Modules required to run Bricolage content management system.
DBD::mysql - MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface
mod_perl2 2.000004 - Embed a Perl interpreter in the Apache/2.x HTTP server
Apache2::Request 2.08 - Methods for dealing with client request data
HTML::Template - Perl module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts
HTML::Template::Expr - HTML::Template extension adding expression support
Template 2.14 - Front-end module to the Template Toolkit
PHP::Interpreter - An embedded PHP5 interpreter
Encode - Character encodings
Pod::Simple - Framework for parsing Pod
Test::Pod 0.95 - Check for POD Errors in Files
Apache::SizeLimit - Because size does matter
Apache2::SizeLimit - Because size does matter
Net::FTPServer - A secure, extensible and configurable Perl FTP server
Net::SSH2 0.18 - Support for the SSH 2 protocol via libssh2
HTTP::DAV - Perl WebDAV Client Library
Crypt::SSLeay - OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
Imager - Perl extension for Generating 24 bit Images
Text::Aspell - Perl interface to the GNU Aspell library
XML::DOM - Module for building DOM Level 1 compliant document structures
CGI - Simple Common Gateway Interface Class
David Wheeler <>
The Bricolage home page, at
See Bundle::Bricolage for just the required modules for Bricolage.
Copyright (c) 2002-2008, David E. Wheeler. Some Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.