Changes for version 0.20 - 2004-12-24
- Modified Synopsis to show off the result() method.
- Other minor documentation fixes spotted by Curtis Poe.
- Added graph support. [Curtis Poe]
- Added at() method. [Curtis Poe]
- Simplified synopsis. [Curtis Poe]
- Added "state_class" parameter to simplify subclassing FSA::State.
- A rule defined as a false scalar value, rather than a code reference, now works properly.
- A successful attempt to switch states with the "strict" attribute enabled now succeeds if no other rules evaluate to true.
- Each rule may now take an optional hash reference instead of a code or array reference. The hash reference may optionally specify a rule label, which eases the tracking of rules and allows graphs to generate rule labels. [Curtis Poe]
- Changed the state() method to curr_state(). The old name has been deprecated, will issue a warnning when called, and will be removed in a future version.
Build simple rules-based state machines in Perl
in lib/FSA/