Changes for version 0.27 - 2008-05-02

  • Corrected a number of typos in the POD.
  • Added the "configure_requires" parameter to Build.PL.
  • Added Test::Spelling to the "recommends" parameter to Build.PL and updated the test to skip if Test::Spelling is not installed.
  • The output of `stacktrace` now has has keys sorted by `$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1`. Not sure how or when this was turned off.
  • Added B::Deparse 0.61 to the "recommends" parameter to Build.PL, as older versions can cause Storable to croak, since they don't support deparsing code references. This fixes things for Perl 5.6.2, where serialization is not supported.
  • Requiring Perl 5.6.2 or greater.


Build simple rules-based state machines in Perl


in lib/FSA/