Changes for version 0.96 - 2003-06-15
- Minor documentation corrections.
- Changed documentation to refer to the register_subclass() method instead of the nonexistent register_instance() method, thanks to Scott Lanning.
- Fixed failing test in t/02errors.t. Not sure how it ever passed before.
- Added support for "MasonCbClasses" httpd.conf directive. Use "_ALL" instead of "ALL" to register the callback methods of all of the MasonX::CallbackHandler subclasses.
- Added support for httpd.conf directives for all of the parameters to MasonX::ApacheHandler::WithCallbacks->new.
- Added MasonX::CallbackHandlerTest to simplify testing callback packages and classes outside of a mod_perl environment (i.e., in standard Test::Harness test suites).
Functional and object-oriented Mason callback architecture
Mason callback request class and OO callback base class
Simplifies testing of MasonX::CallbackHandler subclasses
in lib/MasonX/
in lib/MasonX/
in lib/MasonX/