PGXN::API - Maintain and serve a REST API to search PGXN mirrors
In a cron job:
* * * * 42 pgxn_api_sync --root /var/www/api rsync://
In a system start script:
plackup pgxn_api.psgi doc_root /var/www/api \
errors_from \
PGXN is a CPAN-inspired network for distributing extensions for the PostgreSQL RDBMS. All of the infrastructure tools, however, have been designed to be used to create networks for distributing any kind of release distributions and for providing a lightweight static file JSON REST API.
PGXN::API provides a superset of the static file REST API, embellishing the metadata in some files and providing additional APIs, including full-text search and browsable access to all packages on the mirror. Hit the PGXN API server for the canonical deployment of this module. Better yet, read the comprehensive API documentation or use WWW::PGXN if you just want to use the API.
There are two simple steps to setting up your own API server using this module:
This script syncs to a PGXN mirror via rsync and processes newly-synced data to provide the additional data and APIs. Any PGXN mirror will do. If you need to create your own network of mirrors first, see PGXN::Manager. Consult the pgxn_api_sync documentation for details on its (minimal) options.
A Plack server for the API. In addition to the usual plackup options, it has a few of its own, specified as simple strings with no leading dashes:
The path to use for the API document root. This is the same directory as you manage via pgxn_api_sync in a cron job. Optional. If not specified, it will default to a directory named www in the parent directory above the PGXN directory in which this module is installed. If you're running the API from a Git checkout, that should be fine. Otherwise you should probably specify a document root or you're you'll never be able to find it.
An email address to which error emails should be sent. In the event of an internal server error, the server will send an email to this address with diagnostic information.
An email address from which alert emails should be sent.
And that's it. If you're interested in the internals of PGXN::API or in hacking on it, read on. Otherwise, just enjoy your own API server!
my $app = PGXN::Manager->instance;
Returns the singleton instance of PGXN::Manager. This is the recommended way to get the PGXN::API object.
my $templates = $pgxn->uri_templates;
Returns a hash reference of the URI templates for the various files stored in the API document root. The keys are the names of the templates, and the values are URI::Template objects. Includes the additional URI templates added by "update_mirror_meta" in PGXN::API::Indexer.
my $doc_root = $pgxn->doc_root;
Returns the document root for the API server. The default is the www directory in the root directory of this distribution.
my $source_dir = $pgxn->source_dir;
Returns the directory on the file system where sources should be unzipped, which is just the src subdirectory of doc_root
my $mirror_root = $pgxn->mirror_root;
Returns the directory on the file system where the PGXN mirror lives, which is just the mirror subdirectory of doc_root
my $data = $pgxn->read_json_from($filename);
Loads the contents of $filename
, parses them as JSON, and returns the resulting data structure.
my $data = $pgxn->write_json_to($filename, $data);
Writes $data
to $filename
as JSON.
This module is stored in an open GitHub repository. Feel free to fork and contribute!
Please file bug reports via GitHub Issues or by sending mail to
See Also
- PGXN::Manager
The heart of any PGXN network, PGXN::Manager manages distribution uploads and mirror maintenance. You'll want to look at it if you plan to build your own network.
- API Documentation
Comprehensive documentation of the APIs provided by both mirror servers and API servers powered by PGXN::API.
A Perl interface over a PGXN mirror or API. Able to read the mirror or API via HTTP or from the local file system.
- PGXN::Site
A layer over the PGXN API providing a nicely-formatted Web site for folks to perform full text searches, read documentation, or browse information about users, distributions, tags, and extensions.
- PGXN::API::Sync
The implementation for pgxn_api_sync.
- PGXN::API::Indexer
Does the heavy lifting of processing distributions and indexing them for the API.
- PGXN::API::Searcher
Interface for accessing the PGXN::API full text indexes. Used to do the work of the
David E. Wheeler <>
Copyright and License
Copyright (c) 2011 David E. Wheeler.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the PostgreSQL License.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.
In no event shall David E. Wheeler be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if David E. Wheeler has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
David E. Wheeler specifically disclaims any warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The software provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and David E. Wheeler has no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.