
svnnotify - Subversion activity notification


svnnotify --repos-path "$1" --revision "$2" [options]


-p --repos-path PATH         Path to the Subversion repository. Required.
-r --revision REVISION       Commit revision number. Required.
-t --to ADDRESS              The notification destination email address.
                             Required unless --to-regex-map.
-x --to-regex-map TO=REGEX   A mapping between a destination email address
                             and a regular expression to match against the
                             directories affected by the commit. Required
                             unless --to.
-f --from ADDRESS            Email address to use in the From header.
-D --user-domain DOMAIN      Domain name to append to the username to
                             complete the email address in the From header.
-l --svnlook SVNLOOK         Location of the svnlook executable.
-s --sendmail SENDMAIL       Location of the sendmail executable.
-S --set-sender              Set the envelope sender to the from address.
   --smtp ADDRESS            Address for an SMTP server.
   --smtp-user USERNAME      Username for authenticating to a SMTP server.
   --smtp-pass PASSWORD      Password for authenticating to a SMTP server.
   --smtp-authtype AUTHTYPE  Type of SMTP authentication.
-c --charset CHARSET         The character set of the log message and the
                             repository files.
-o --io-layer                Perl IO layer to use for input and output.
-g --language LANGUAGE       Value for the Content-Language header and $LANG
                             environment variable.
-d --with-diff               Include the diff in the message.
-a --attach-diff             Attach the diff to the message.
-w --diff-switches SWITCHES  Switches to pass to C<svnlook diff>.
-R --reply-to ADDRESS        Address for use in the Reply-To header.
   --add-header NAME=VALUE   Add an extra header to the email.
-P --subject-prefix PREFIX   String to prepend to the subject.
-C --subject-cx              Include the context of the commit in the
-X --strip-cx-regex          Regex to remove part of the CX file name from
                             the subject.
-O --no-first-line           Do not include the first line of the log
                             message in the subject.
-i --max-sub-length LENGTH   Maximum size of the subject line.
-e --max-diff-length LENGTH  Maximum size of the diff output.
-H --handler HANDLER         The notification handler, such as "HTML".
-A --author-url URL          Include link to specified author URL.
-U --revision-url URL        Include links to specified Revision URL.
-T --rt-url URL              Include links to specified Request Tracker URL.
-B --bugzilla-url URL        Include links to specified Bugzilla URL.
-J --jira-url URL            Include links to specified JIRA URL.
-G --gnats-url URL           Include links to specified Gnats URL.
   --ticket-map REGEX=URL    Regex and URL for custom ticket identifiers.
   --header HEADER           Text header to display before body.
   --footer FOOTER           Text footer to display at end of body.
-V --verbose                 Incremental verbose mode.
-h --help                    Print this usage statement and exit.
-m --man                     Print the complete documentation and exit.
-v --version                 Print the version number and exit.

More options may be supported by the subclass of SVN::Notify specified by the --handler option. Consult the documentation of the relevant subclass for details.

See Also

See SVN::Notify for the complete documentation.


David Wheeler <>

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Kineticode, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.