package Apache::Toe;
# for reasons beyond my comprehension, the package breaks when
# named Apache::TicTacToe, probably a local issue.
use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Aw;
require Aw::Client;
require Aw::Event;
my $eventTypeName;
my ($c,$te,$ter);
my $message = "ChildInit Error!";
my @board = ();
my $tttEvent = "PerlDevKit::TicTacToe";
my $tttEventRequest = "PerlDevKit::TicTacToeRequest";
my %Images = (
'e' => "src=\"/images/TicTacToe/empty.gif\" alt=\"[ ]\"",
'O' => "src=\"/images/TicTacToe/not.gif\" alt=\"[O]\"",
'X' => "src=\"/images/TicTacToe/cross.gif\" alt=\"[X]\""
sub childinit
$c = new Aw::Client ( "PerlDemoClient", "Apache.$$" );
unless ( $c->canPublish ( $tttEvent ) ) {
$message="Can't publish: $tttEvent";
# printf STDERR "Cannot publish to %s: %s\n", $tttEvent, $c->errmsg;
# exit ( 0 );
unless ( $c->canPublish ( $tttEventRequest ) ) {
$message="Can't publish: $tttEventRequest";
# printf STDERR "Cannot publish to %s: %s\n", $tttEvent, $c->errmsg;
# exit ( 0 );
$c->newSubscriptions ( $tttEvent, 0 );
$ter = new Aw::Event ($c, $tttEventRequest);
unless ( ref ($ter) ) {
$message="TER HAS NO REF";
$te = new Aw::Event ( $c, $tttEvent );
unless ( ref ($te) ) {
$message="TER HA NO REF";
my $moves = 0;
my $WIN = 1;
my $LOSE = 2;
my $DRAW = 3;
my $OK = 0;
sub checkWin
my @check_win = (
0, 1, 2, # row 1
3, 4, 5, # row 2
6, 7, 8, # row 3
0, 3, 6, # col 1
1, 4, 7, # col 2
2, 5, 8, # col 3
0, 4, 8,
2, 4, 6
while (@check_win) {
my $tic = shift ( @check_win );
return unless ( defined($tic) );
my $tac = shift ( @check_win );
my $toe = shift ( @check_win );
next if ( ($board[$tic] eq 'e') || ($board[$tac] eq 'e') || ($board[$toe] eq 'e') );
if ( ($board[$tic] eq $board[$tac]) && ($board[$tac] eq $board[$toe]) ) {
return ( $board[$tic] eq 'X' ) ? $WIN : $LOSE;
if ( $moves == 9 ) {
return $DRAW;
sub printForm
my $r = shift;
# Do a checkWin here and print winner
my $status = ( $moves > 4 ) ? checkWin : $OK;
my $title = "Your Move!";
if ( $status ) {
if ( $status == $WIN ) {
$title = "You Win!";
elsif ( $status == $LOSE ) {
$title = "You Lose!";
else {
$title = "Stalemate! Noone Wins!";
<body bgcolor="#f0f0f0">
<h1 align="center">$title</h1>
<center><div align="center">
<table border>
for (my $j=0; $j<3; $j++) {
$r->print ( " <tr align=\"center\">\n" );
for (my $i=0; $i<3; $i++) {
if ( $status == OK && $board[$j*3+$i] eq "e" ) {
$r->print ( " <td><a href=\"/TicTacToe?board=(" );
for (my $k=0; $k<9; $k++) {
if ( $k == ($j*3+$i) ) {
$r->print ("X,");
else {
$r->print ("$board[$k],");
$r->print ( ")\"><img border=0 $Images{'e'}></a></td>" );
else {
$r->print ( " <td><img border=0 $Images{$board[$j*3+$i]}></td>\n" );
$r->print ( " </tr>\n" );
$r->print ( "<hr><h4 align=\"center\"><i><a href=\"/TicTacToe\">Play Again?</a></i></h4>" ) if ( $status != $OK );
<p align="center"><strong>According to Apache Server $$</strong></p>
sub updateBoard
if ( ref($_[0]) eq "Aw::Event" ) {
# Remote Move
$board [ $_[0]->getIntegerField('Coordinate') ] = 'O';
} else {
# Local Move
$board [ $_[0] ] = 'X';
sub handler
my $r = new Apache::Request (shift);
# my $host = $r->get_remote_host;
# $r->print ("<h1>Client[$$]</h1>\n");
unless ( ref($c) ) {
$r->print ("<h1>Client Died: $message</h1>\n");
return OK;
$eventTypeName = undef;
# Make sure an adapter is present:
unless ( ref ( $ter) ) {
$r->print ("Ter has no REF!" );
return OK;
unless ( ref ( $te) ) {
$r->print ("Te has no REF!" );
return OK;
$r->print ( "<h1>Publish Error!</h1>\n" ) if ( $c->publish ( $ter ) );
my $reply = $c->getEvent( AW_INFINITE );
if ( ($eventTypeName = $reply->getTypeName) eq "Adapter::ack" ) {
# Adapter is alive, proceed:
if ( my $cgiBoard = $r->param( 'board' ) ) {
$cgiBoard =~ s/([eXO])/'$1'/g;
$cgiBoard =~ s/,\)/)/;
@board = eval ( $cgiBoard );
$moves = 0;
for (my $i=0; $i<9; $i++) {
$moves++ if ( $board[$i] =~ /[XO]/ );
if ( $moves < 9 ) {
$te->setCharSeqField ( 'Board', 0, 0, \@board );
# my $pubId = $reply->getPubId;
# $c->deliver ( $pubId, $te );
$c->deliver ( "TicTacToe Adapter", $te );
my $move = $c->getEvent( AW_INFINITE );
if ( $move->getTypeName eq $tttEvent ) {
updateBoard ( $move );
else {
$r->printf ("<h3>Got Some Debugging to do: %s</h3>", $move->getTypename);
printForm ( $r );
else {
# If we have no CGI data then this is our first round
@board = ( 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e');
printForm ( $r );