#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
require Aw::Event;
main: {
my ( $broker_name, $broker_host );
( $broker_name, $broker_host ) = split ( /\@/, $ARGV[0] ) if ( @ARGV );
$broker_host ||= "localhost"; # use default broker on default server
$broker_name ||= ""; # to avoid undefined warning at $c = new
my $client_group = "admin";
my $c = new Aw::Admin::Client ( $broker_host, $broker_name, "", $client_group, "Client Finger" )
|| die "Error connecting to broker.\n"; # specific error message should have been echoed
my $terr = $c->getTerritoryInfo;
print "Territory: $terr->{territory_name}\n";
print " auth_type : $terr->{auth_type}\n";
print " encrypt_level: $terr->{encrypt_level}\n";
$terr = $c->getTerritoryStats->toHash;
my @brokers = @{ $terr->{brokers} }; # all brokers not including connected to
foreach ( @brokers ) {
my $bstats = $_;
print "\n";
print " $bstats->{brokerName}\@$bstats->{brokerHost}";
print " ($bstats->{description})" if ( $bstats->{description} );
print "\n";
delete ( $bstats->{brokerHost} );
delete ( $bstats->{brokerName} );
delete ( $bstats->{description} );
foreach ( sort keys %$bstats ) {
if ( ref($bstats->{$_}) eq "Aw::Date" ) {
print " $_ => ", $bstats->{$_}->toString, "\n";
else {
print " $_ => $bstats->{$_}\n";
$bstats = undef;
@brokers = $c->getBrokersInTerritory; # all brokers
foreach ( @brokers ) {
print "\n";
my $broker = $_;
print "Broker: $broker->{broker_name}\@$broker->{broker_host}";
print " ($broker->{description})" if ( $broker->{description} );
print "\n";
$c = undef;
$c = new Aw::Admin::Client ( $broker->{broker_host}, $broker->{broker_name}, "", $client_group, "Client Finger" )
|| die "Error connecting to broker.\n"; # specific error message should have been echoed
my %stats = $c->getBrokerStats->toHash;
delete ( $stats{_name} );
foreach ( sort keys %stats ) {
if ( ref($stats{$_}) eq "Aw::Date" ) {
print " $_ => ", $stats{$_}->toString, "\n";
else {
print " $_ => $stats{$_}\n";
print "\n";
foreach ( $c->getClientIds ) {
print "$_\n";
my $info = $c->getClientInfoById ( $_ );
my %stats = $c->getClientStatsById ( $_ )->toHash;
my @subs = $c->getClientSubscriptionsById ( $_ );
foreach ( sort keys %$info ) {
if ( /^sessions/ ) {
next unless ( $info->{num_sessions} );
my $sessions = $info->{sessions};
print " sessions[$info->{num_sessions}] {\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach (@{$sessions}) {
print " session[", $i++, "] {\n";
my $session = $_;
foreach ( sort keys %$session ) {
if ( /^platform_info/ ) {
my $platform = $session->{$_};
foreach ( keys %$platform ) {
print " $_ => $platform->{$_}\n";
elsif ( /^ip_address/ ) {
# sprintf ("%d.%d.%d.%d", unpack ('C4', pack ('l4', $_[0]) ) );
# print " $_ => ", unpack_ip ( $session->{$_} ), "\n";
printf (" $_ => %d.%d.%d.%d\n", unpack ('C4', pack ('l4', $session->{$_}) ) );
elsif ( ref($session->{$_}) eq "Aw::Date" ) {
print " $_ => ", $session->{$_}->toString, "\n";
elsif ( ref($session->{$_}) eq "Aw::SSLCertificate" ) {
my $ssl = $session->{$_}->toIndentedString(0);
$ssl =~ s/\n//;
$ssl =~ s/^/ /mg;
print $ssl, "\n";
elsif ( !/num_/ ) {
print " $_ => $session->{$_}\n";
if ( $i < $info->{num_sessions} ) {
print " },\n";
else {
print " }\n";
print " };\n";
elsif ( ref($info->{$_}) eq "CORBA::LongLong" ) {
print " $_ => ", int $info->{$_}, "\n"; # this may not really be longlong
elsif ( !/num_/ && !/^_/ ) {
print " $_ => $info->{$_}\n";
delete ( $stats{_name} );
foreach ( sort keys %stats ) {
if ( ref($stats{$_}) eq "Aw::Date" ) {
print " $_ => ", $stats{$_}->toString, "\n";
else {
print " $_ => $stats{$_}\n";
if (@subs) {
print " Subscribed To:\n";
foreach ( @subs ) {
print " ", $_->getEventTypeName, "\n";
# $_->DESTROY;
} # end foreach ( $c->getClientIds )
} # end foreach ( @brokers )
=head1 NAME
terr_finger.pl - Finger Territory Clients.
./terr_finger.pl MyBroker@MyHost:1234
Get all possibly info available on a territory and every connected
element on every broker in the territory. Except for gateways
since I've never had one to work with.
The localhost is used when no host is provided after "@".
The default broker is used when no broker is specified.
=head1 AUTHOR
Daniel Yacob Mekonnen, L<Yacob@wMUsers.Com|mailto:Yacob@wMUsers.Com>
=head1 SEE ALSO
S<perl(1). ActiveWorks Supplied Documentation>