Locales::Language - ISO two letter codes for language identification (ISO 639)
Classic Style:
use Locale::Language; # use environment language
my $lang = code2language ( 'en' ); # $lang gets 'English'
my $code = language2code ( 'French' ); # $code gets 'fr'
my @codes = all_language_codes();
my @names = all_language_names();
Classic Style With New Default Language:
use utf8;
use Locale::Language ( 'de' ); # use German language
my $lang = code2language ( 'en' ); # $lang gets 'Englisch'
my $code = language2code ( 'Französisch' ); # $code gets 'fr'
my @codes = all_language_codes();
my @names = all_language_names(); # gets list of names in German
# set default Language to French
Locales::Language::setLocale ( 'fr' );
$lang = code2language ( 'en' ); # $lang gets 'Anglais'
$code = language2code ( 'Français' ); # $code gets 'fr'
Object Oriented Style:
use utf8;
require Locales::Language;
my $am = new Locales::Language ( "am" );
my $de = new Locales::Language ( "de" );
print $am->getLocale, " => ",
$am->code2language ( "en" ), " / ",
$am->language2code ( "እንግሊዝኛ" ), "\n";
print $de->getLocale, " => ",
$de->code2language ( "en" ), " / ",
$de->language2code ( "Englisch" ), "\n";
my @codes = $am->all_language_codes();
my @deNames = $de->all_language_names();
Object Oriented Style With New Default Language:
use utf8;
use Locale::Language ( 'de' ); # use German language
my $de = new Locales::Language;
print $de->getLocale, " => ",
$de->code2language ( "en" ), " / ",
$de->language2code ( "Englisch" ), "\n";
The Locale::Language
module provides access to the ISO two-letter codes for identifying languages, as defined in ISO 639. You can either access the codes via the "conversion routines" (described below), or via the two functions which return lists of all language codes or all language names.
There are two conversion routines: code2language()
and language2code()
- code2language()
This function takes a two letter language code and returns a string which contains the name of the language identified. If the code is not a valid language code, as defined by ISO 639, then
will be returned.$lang = code2language($code);
- language2code()
This function takes a language name and returns the corresponding two letter language code, if such exists. If the argument could not be identified as a language name, then
will be returned.$code = language2code('French');
The case of the language name is not important. See the section "KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS" below.
There are two functions which can be used to obtain a list of all language codes, or all language names:
Returns a list of all two-letter language codes. The codes are guaranteed to be all lower-case, and not in any particular order.
Returns a list of all language names for which there is a corresponding two-letter language code. The names are capitalised, and not returned in any particular order.
Currently just supports the two letter language codes - there are also three-letter codes, and numbers. Would these be of any use to anyone?
Portions of the documentation of the module come directly from Locale::Language which was composed by Neil Bowers and contains the following copyright:
Copyright (C) 2002, Neil Bowers <>
Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Canon Research Centre Europe (CRE).
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Daniel Yacob,
Neil Bowers (Documentation)
- Locales::Country
ISO codes for identification of country (ISO 3166). Supports 2-letter, 3-letter, and numeric country codes.
- ISO 639:1988 (E/F)
Code for the representation of names of languages.
Home page for ISO 639-2.
Home page for ICU.
- Example Scripts
Provided with this package examples/language*.pl
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 99:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in ''Französisch''. Assuming UTF-8