use ENH;
sub SetCookie
my $r = shift;
if ( $r ) {
print $r->SetCookie ( $r->{sysOut}->{sysName}, $r->{frames},
$r->{sysOut}->{'7-bit'} );
} elsif ( $0 =~ "NoFrames" ) {
print $r->SetCookie ( $defaultSysOut, "no", "false" );
} else {
print $r->SetCookie ( $defaultSysOut, "yes", "false" );
sub CheckBrowser
my @browser = split( / /, $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} );
if ($browser[0]=~/Mozilla/) {
my @model = split(/\//, $browser[0]);
local $brand = $model[0];
local $version = $model[1];
$wantFrames = ( (($version >= 2) && ($brand eq "Mozilla"))
|| (($version >= 3) && ($browser[0] =~ /MSIE/)) )
? $wantFrames = "yes"
: $wantFrames = "no"
my %input = ();
my $r = LiveGeez::Request->new ( 0 ); # don't parse input
if ( ($pathInfo = $ENV{PATH_INFO}) ) {
# If the URL is in the form http://www.us.com/X.pl/SYSTEM/
# we extract the SYSTEM and assume the default file is index.sera.html
# we process and exit.
if ( $pathInfo =~ "/Selamta/" ) {
$input{file} = "/index.sera.html";
$input{sysOut} = ( $r->{'cookie-geezsys'} )
? ( $r->{'cookie-geezsys'} )
: "FirstTime"
$input{'7-bit'} = ( $r->{'cookie-7-bit'} )
? ( $r->{'cookie-7-bit'} )
: ( $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /Mac/i )
? "true"
: "false"
$input{frames} = ( $r->{'cookie-frames'} )
? ( $r->{'cookie-frames'} )
: CheckBrowser
} else {
my @fileString = split ( '/', $pathInfo );
my $sys = $fileString[1];
if ( $#fileString == 1 || $fileString[2] eq "index.html" ) {
$input{file} = "/index.sera.html";
else {
$input{file} = $pathInfo;
$input{file} =~ s/\/$sys//;
$input{file} .= "/index.sera.html"
if ( $input{file} !~ /htm(l)?$/ );
$sys = "FirstTime" if ( ($sys =~ /image/i) || ($sys eq "ENHPFR") );
$input{sysOut} = $sys;
} else {
$r->ParseCgi ( \%input );
if ( $input{sysOut} =~ /image/i || $input{sys} =~ /image/i
|| $input{sysOut} eq "FirstTime" || $input{sys} eq "FirstTime"
|| $input{sysOut} eq "ENHPFR" || $input{sys} eq "ENHPFR" )
$input{sysOut} = $defaultSysOut;
delete ( $input{sys} );
$r->{FirstTime} = "true";
$r->{setCookie} = "true";
$r->ParseQuery ( \%input );
undef ( %input );
SetCookie ( $r ) if ( $r->{setCookie} );
if ( $r->{type} eq "file" ) {
$r->{isArticle} = "true" if ( $r->{file} =~ /[0-9]\.sera/ );
if ( $0 =~ "NoFrames" ) {
$r->{frames} = "no";
$r->{scriptURL} =~ s/G.pl/NoFrames.pl/;
$r->{scriptBase} =~ s/G.pl/NoFrames.pl/;
if ( $r->{isArticle} ) {
if ( $r->{frames} eq "skip" ) {
ProcessFramesFile ( $r );
} elsif ( $r->{frames} eq "no" ) {
ProcessNoFramesFile ( $r );
} else {
OpenFrameSet ( $r, "/misc/Frames/frame.html" );
} else {
$r->{mainPage} = "true"
if ( $r->{file} =~ m#^/index.sera.html# );
ProcessFramesFile ( $r );
} else {
ProcessRequest ( $r ) || $r->DieCgi ( "Unrecognized Request." );
exit (0);
=head1 NAME
ENH/Tobia Zobel -- Remote Processing of Ethiopic Web Pages
% G.pl sys=MyFont file=http://www.zyx.com/dir/file.html
G.pl is the ENH & Tobia front version of the Zobel default "Z.pl" script.
Requires the ENH.pm module found in the same directory G.pl is distributed
=head1 AUTHOR
Daniel Yacob, L<LibEth@EthiopiaOnline.Net|mailto:LibEth@EthiopiaOnline.Net>
=head1 SEE ALSO
S<perl(1). LiveGeez(3). Ethiopic(3). L<http://libeth.netpedia.net|http://libeth.netpedia.net>>