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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use lib '../lib';
use lib 'lib';
use Carp qw(croak);
# gwybodaeth specific modules
sub show_help {
return system( "perldoc", "Gwybodaeth" );
my $data;
my $map;
my $in_type;
my $help;
'src|source=s' => \$data,
'map=s' => \$map,
'input|in=s' => \$in_type,
'help|h' => \$help
# Load help dialogue
if ( defined $help ) {
exit 1;
# Load configuration
my $root = File::Spec->rootdir();
my $conf_file = File::Spec->catfile("$root",'etc','gwybodaeth','gwybodaeth.conf');
-e $conf_file or croak "you need a configuration file $conf_file: $!";
my $twig = XML::Twig->new();
my @converters = $twig->root->children('converter');
my %convert = ();
for my $conv (@converters) {
my $name = $conv->first_child_text('name');
my $parser = $conv->first_child_text('parser');
my $writer = $conv->first_child_text('writer');
$convert{$name} = { parser => $parser, writer => $writer };
my $input = Gwybodaeth::Read->new();
my $len;
if ( -f $data ) {
$len = $input->get_file_data($data);
else {
$len = $input->get_url_data($data);
croak "Empty file." if ( $len < 1 );
my $mapping = Gwybodaeth::Read->new();
if ( -f $map ) {
$len = $mapping->get_file_data($map);
else {
$len = $mapping->get_url_data($map);
croak "Empty site." if ( $len < 1 );
my @data = @{ $mapping->get_input_data };
my $map_parser = Gwybodaeth::Parsers::N3->new();
my $map_triples = $map_parser->parse(@data);
unless ($map_triples) { croak 'Error while parsing map data'; }
my $parser;
my $writer;
my $write_mod;
my $parse_mod;
if ( defined( $convert{$in_type} ) ) {
$write_mod = $convert{$in_type}->{'writer'};
$parse_mod = $convert{$in_type}->{'parser'};
eval {
( my $wpkg = $write_mod ) =~ s!::!/!gx;
( my $ppkg = $parse_mod ) =~ s!::!/!gx;
require "$wpkg.pm"; ## no critic
require "$ppkg.pm"; ## no critic
import $parse_mod;
import $write_mod;
} or croak "Module loading failed: $!";
$parser = $parse_mod->new();
$writer = $write_mod->new();
else {
croak "$in_type is not defined in the config file";
my $parsed_data_ref = $parser->parse( @{ $input->get_input_data } );
unless ($parsed_data_ref) { croak 'Error while parsing source data.'; }
$writer->write_rdf( $map_triples, $parsed_data_ref );
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHORS
Iestyn Pryce, <imp25@cam.ac.uk>
I'd like to thank the Ensemble project (www.ensemble.ac.uk) for funding me to
work on this project in the summer of 2009.
Copyright (C) 2009 Iestyn Pryce <imp25@cam.ac.uk>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the BSD license.