Data::ResultsHelper::HTML - sub-classes Data::ResultsHelper to change results to html


You can set the following options in your object.  The defaults are listed.

  ### what the default cell will look like
  cell_default    => '<td>-i-</td>',
  cell_default_hash => {
    0 => '<td>-NUM-.&nbsp;-0-</td>',

  ### an array of alternating colors to use
  color_array     => ['#FFFFFF'],

  ### what color to use for your header row
  header_color    => '#FFFFFF',

  ### the template for your header
  header_template => qq|
<tr bgcolor='-header_color-'>
  results_template  => '-results_chunk-',
  ### opening table tag
  table_declaration => '<table border=0>',

  ### closing table tag
  table_close       => '</table>',

  ### template for the table of contents
  toc_template => qq|
  <td>-low- to -high- of -rows-</td>
  <td>-pages- -back_next-</td>

  ### overall template
  uber_template => qq|