Usage - $ncbi_parser->parse ( $ncbi_nodes_path )
Returns - ref to a hash { child_id => parent_id }
Args - nodes.dmp path ( string )
Usage - $ncbi_parser->parse ( $ncbi_names_path, $name_type )
Returns - ref to a hash { ncbi_id => ncbi_name }
Args -
1. names.dmp path or nodes.dmp path, string
2. ncbi name type ( string, e.g. 'scientific name' ) if the first arg is names.dmp otherwise none
Function - parses the complete NCBI taxonomy
Usage - $NCBIParser->work ( $onto, $nodes, $names, $ncbi_ids )
Returns - map of added terms { NCBI ID => OBO::Core::Term object }
Args -
1. input ontology, OBO::Core::Ontology object
2. ref to a hash { child_id => parent_id }
3. ref to a hash { ncbi_id => scientific_name }
4. parental ontology term for the root of the taxonomy, OBO::Core::Term object
5. ref to a list of NCBI taxon ids ( \d+ )
Function - adds NCBI taxonomy to the input ontology for the specified taxa
OBO::Parser::NCBIParser - A NCBI taxonomy to OBO translator.
This parser converts chosen parts of the NCBI taxonomy-tree into an OBO file. A taxon ID is given to the parser and the whole tree up to the root is reconstructed in the given OBO ontology, using scientific names.
The dump files ( nodes.dmp and names.dmp ) should be obtained from:
TODO: include ranks and disjoints only in correlating ranks.
Mikel Egana Aranguren and Vladimir Mironov,
Copyright ( C ) 2006 by Mikel Egana Aranguren
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.