onto-perl - perl modules for CCO


The Cell-Cycle Ontology =======================

The CCO is an effort for formalizing the controled vocabulary in the Cell Cycle domain ( CCO is based on existing ontologies such as GO (, DC (, and RO (

Files in =========================================

cco.obo The CCO in OBO format.

cco.owl The CCO in OWL format.

cco.xml The CCO in XML format. The CCO in DOT format.

cco.ids IDs from CCO.

go_cco.ids Equivalent IDs in GO and CCO.

cco_x.x.tar.gz Archives from CCO.

onto-perl-x.y.tar.gz CCO API version x.y

onto-perl-latest.tar.gz CCO API: latest version

ChangeLog.txt Description about the changes in CCO.

Remark ======

The CCO is provided "as-is". The current version of CCO is experimental. Major changes are expected until version 1.0. Please visit contantly this repository for checking up-to-date versions of the ontology.

Any comments, suggestions can be addressed to:

Erick Antezana <>
Computational Biology Division


Erick Antezana, <>


Copyright (C) 2006 by erant

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.7 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.