Changes for version 0.2.5 - 2014-11-16

  • This release localizes $! (ERRNO) for internal operations that change it, as suggested by Felipe Gasper. For the same operations, it also localizes $^E (extended OS error). Library files:
  • Localize $! and $^E for internal operations that change them. Tests:
  • Check that bare test blocks leave $!, %!, and $^E unchanged, but that blocks that modify $! and $^E still do so. Also:
  • Added Module::Build to the configure_requires.
  • Fix emacs mode line on t/14-leaks.t.
  • Better comments in lib/Test/Trap/


Trap exit codes, exceptions, output, etc.
Backend for building test traps
Output layer backend using PerlIO::scalar
"Safe" output layer backend using File::Temp
Output layer backend using File::Temp