The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

# prereq tests
my %mods = (
'DBIx::Class' => 0,
'Mojolicious::Plugin::Restify::OtherActions' => 0,
'Mojolicious::Plugin::DBIC' => 0,
'DBD::SQLite' => 0,
while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %mods ) {
eval "use $k $v";
delete $mods{$k} unless ($@);
plan skip_all => "Install ["
. join( ', ', keys(%mods) )
. "] to run this test"
if ( keys %mods );
sub baz {
shift->render_json( { a => 1 } );
sub bac {
my $c = shift;
$c->render_json( { a => $c->param('opt') } );
# TABLE: test
data_type => "integer",
extra => { unsigned => 1 },
is_auto_increment => 1,
is_nullable => 0,
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 0, size => 50 },
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 50 },
$INC{'Test/Skel/Schema/Result/'} = 1; # module is already loaded.
# DB Schema
# it not possible to call load_namespaces here, manual registration
my $class = 'Test::Skel::Schema::Result::Test';
__PACKAGE__->register_class( 'test', $class->new );
$INC{'Test/Skel/'} = 1; # module is already loaded.
package main;
use Mojo::Base -strict;
use Mojo::File 'path';
use lib;
my $site = path(__FILE__)->sibling('site');
my $lib = $site->child('lib')->to_string;
my $www = $site->child('www')->to_string;
my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Skel');
push @{ $t->app->renderer->paths }, $www;
my $app = $t->app;
my $r = $app->routes;
'DBIC' => {
schema => {
'Test::Skel::Schema' => 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:'
# create table test
$app->schema->deploy( { add_drop_table => 1 } );
# load restify
my $rest = $r->under('/rest')->to( namespace => 'Test::Skel', cb => sub { 1 } );
collection_method_map => {
get => 'list',
post => 'create',
put => 'listupdate'
my @ids;
# add a record and got id
push @ids,
$t->post_ok( '/rest/test' => json => { fld => 'value0' } )->status_is(200)
->json_is( '/fld' => 'value0' )->tx->res->json->{id};
# get id
$t->get_ok( "/rest/test/" . $ids[0] )->status_is(200)
->json_is( '/id' => $ids[0] );
# patch a record
$t->patch_ok( "/rest/test/" . $ids[0] => json => { fld => 'value00' } )
->status_is(200)->json_is( '/id' => $ids[0] );
# get patched record
$t->get_ok( "/rest/test/" . $ids[0] )->status_is(200)
->json_is( '/fld' => 'value00' );
# add a field
$t->patch_ok( "/rest/test/" . $ids[0] => json => { fld1 => 'abcdef' } )
->status_is(200)->json_is( '/id' => $ids[0] );
# get patched record
$t->get_ok( "/rest/test/" . $ids[0] )->status_is(200)
->json_is( '/fld' => 'value00' )->json_is( '/fld1' => 'abcdef' );
# update/replace record
$t->put_ok( "/rest/test/" . $ids[0] => json => { fld => 'value0' } )
->status_is(200)->json_is( '/id' => $ids[0] );
# get patched record
$t->get_ok( "/rest/test/" . $ids[0] )->status_is(200)
->json_is( '/fld' => 'value0' )->json_is( '/fld1', undef );
# multiple add - listupdate
my @m_adds;
push @m_adds, { fld => "value$_" } foreach ( 1 .. 49 );
my $added = $t->put_ok( '/rest/test' => json => \@m_adds )->status_is(200)
->json_is( '/0/fld' => 'value1' )->tx->res->json;
push @ids, $_->{id} foreach (@$added);
# get 10th-element using filters - q[]
$t->get_ok( "/rest/test?q[id]=" . $ids[10] )->status_is(200)
->json_is( '/0/fld' => 'value10' );
$t->get_ok( "/rest/test?q[fld]=" . 'value10' )->status_is(200)
->json_is( '/0/fld' => 'value10' );
# get value2, value20-value29 - qre[]
$t->get_ok( "/rest/test?qre[fld]=" . 'value2%' )->status_is(200)
->json_is( '/9/fld' => 'value28' );
# get first 3 elements of value20-value29 - limit
$t->get_ok( "/rest/test?limit=3&qre[fld]=" . 'value2%' )->status_is(200)
->json_hasnt('/3')->json_is( '/2/fld' => 'value21' );
# get 3 page 2, as above but with page - page
$t->get_ok( "/rest/test?page=2&limit=3&qre[fld]=" . 'value2%' )->status_is(200)
->json_hasnt('/3')->json_is( '/2/fld' => 'value24' );
# sort 1 (default)
$t->get_ok( "/rest/test?sort[fld]=1&skip=3&limit=3&qre[fld]=" . 'value2%' )
->status_is(200)->json_hasnt('/3')->json_is( '/2/fld' => 'value24' );
# sort -1
$t->get_ok( "/rest/test?sort[fld]=-1&skip=3&limit=3&qre[fld]=" . 'value2%' )
->status_is(200)->json_hasnt('/3')->json_is( '/2/fld' => 'value24' );
# with_count
"/rest/test?rc=1&sort[fld]=-1&skip=3&limit=3&qre[fld]=" . 'value2%' )
->status_is(200)->json_is( '/count' => 11 )
->json_is( '/recs/2/fld' => 'value24' );
# delete ids
$t->delete_ok("/rest/test/$_")->status_is(204) foreach (@ids);
# call list
# call list failed because it aspect a record with _id => list
# call alternative methods
$t->get_ok("/rest/test/list/baz")->status_is(200)->json_is( '/a' => 1 );
# with parameters
$t->get_ok("/rest/test/list/bac/2")->status_is(200)->json_is( '/a' => 2 );