Changes for version 0.03 - 2011-01-30

  • BREAK COMPATIBILITY. Now, in your template, the content of the loaded page must be called "%frame_center%" where you have "%body%"
    • BREAK COMPATIBILITY. Now, in your template, if you want debug debug information, you need to add "%frame_debug%" instead of "%debug%"
    • Add a sample folder with examples css and js for debug frame layout.
    • Add module dump in debug module
    • Now all frames have visibility of the title of the center page.
    • BREAK COMPATIBILITY. The config parameters for frames template path has now called frame_top_file, frame_right_file and so on.
    • Now base template has visibility on all framework template parameters.
    • BREAK COMPATIBILITY. Change the parameter name in config.yaml to set a pseudoframes website or not. Name changes from italian "cornice" into "frames".


A Web framework


in lib/Puzzle/
in lib/Puzzle/
in lib/Puzzle/
in lib/Puzzle/
in lib/Puzzle/
in lib/Puzzle/DBIx/
in lib/Puzzle/DBIx/
in lib/Puzzle/DBIx/
in lib/Puzzle/
in lib/Puzzle/Lang/
in lib/Puzzle/Lang/
in lib/Puzzle/
in lib/Puzzle/
in lib/Puzzle/
in lib/Puzzle/
in lib/Puzzle/
in lib/Puzzle/Sendmail/
in lib/Puzzle/
in lib/Puzzle/Session/
in lib/Puzzle/Session/
in lib/Puzzle/
in lib/Puzzle/