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Script::Toolbox - Framework for the daily business scripts


  use Script::Toolbox qw(:all);
  use Script::Toolbox qw(Log Exit Usage Table Open Dir File)

  $e = Script::Toolbox->new();
  # logging 
  Log( "log message" );           # log to STDERR
  Log( "log message", 'STDERR' ); # log to STDERR
  Log( "log message", 'STDOUT' ); # log to STDOUT
  Log( "log message", '/tmp/x' ); # log to /tmp/x
  Log( "log message", new IO::File "/tmp/XXX" # log to /tmp/XXX

  Script::Toolbox->new({logdir=>{mod=>'=s',desc=>'Log directory',
  Log( "log message" ); # log to /var/log/<scriptName>.log

  Log( "log message",'syslog','severity','tag' ); # log via syslogd

  # print formatted tables like:
  #   print join "\n", @{$t};

  $t = $e->Table( [ "1;2;3","44;55;66","7.77;8.88;9.99" ] );
  $t = $e->Table( [ "1|2|3","44|55|66","7.77|8.88|9.99" ], '|');
  $t = $e->Table( [ 'This is the title',
           [ '--H1--', '--H2--','--H3--'],
           [ '11:11:11',  33.456, 'cc  ' ],
           [ '12:23:00', 2222222, 3 ],
           [ '11:11', 222, 3333333333333333 ]);
  $t = $e->Table({ 'title' => 'Hash example',
            'head'  => ['Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3'],
            'data'  => [[ '11:11:11',  33.456, 'cc  ' ],
                        [ '12:23:00', 2222222, 3 ],
                        [ '11:11', 222, 3333333333333333 ]]});
  $t = $e->Table({ 'title' => 'Hash with automatic column heads (F1,F2,F3)',
            'data' =>[{'F1'=>'aaaa','F2'=>'bbb','F3'=>'c'},
                      {'F1'=>'dd  ','F2'=>'ee ','F3'=>'f'}]});

  # command line options

  $file = tb->GetOpt('file'); # depricated, use the following
  $file = tb->{'file'};

  $old  = tb->SetOpt('newFile');

  Usage(); # print a usage message for all options
           # if available print also the POD

  Usage('This is additional text for the usage');

  # Directory handling
  $arrRef = Dir('/tmp' );            # all except . and ..
  $arrRef = Dir('/tmp', '.*patt' );  # all matching patt
  $arrRef = Dir('/tmp', '!.*patt' ); # all not matching patt

  # File handling
  $arrRef = File('path/to/file'); # read file into array

  File( "> path/to/file", 'override the old content' );
  File( "path/to/file", 'append this to the file' );
  File( "path/to/file", $arrRef ); # append array elements 
  File( "path/to/file", $hashRef); # append as key:value lines

  $fileHandle = TmpFile(); # open new temporary file
  $arrRef = TmpFile($fileHandle) # read temp whole file

  # Miscelleanous
  Exit( 1, "Exit message" ); # exit with returncode 1, 
                             # write exit message via Log()

  $fh = Open( "> /tmp/xx" ); # return an IO::File object with
                             # /tmp/xx opened for write 
                             # die with logfile entry if failed


  This module should be a "swiss army knife" for the daily tasks.
  The main goals are command line processing, automatic usage
  messages, signal catching (with logging), simple logging, 
  simple data formatting, simple directory and file processing.


Exit(1,'The reason for the exit.')

Exit the script with return value 1. Write the message into the log file via Log().

Log('The message', [channel])

Add a timestamp and write the log message to the channel. The channel may be 'STDERR' (default), 'STDOUT', '/path/to/logfile' or an IO::File object. Without a channel and using the command line option -logdir </path/to/log> the log file will be created under "/path/to/log/<scriptName>.log". ScriptName is the basename of the perl script using;


Table can be used for formatting simple data structures into equal spaced tables. Table knows the folloing input data structures:

  • Array of CSV lines. Default separator is ';'

  • Array of arrays. If the first array element is a SCALAR value, we assume it is the title and the second array element has the column headers. Otherwise default title and headers will be generated.

  • A hash with the keys 'title', 'head' and 'data'. 'title' points to a SCALAR value, 'head' points to a array of scalars. 'data' points to an array of arrays or an array of hashes.

    In case of array of hashes, the column heads will be initialized from the keys of the hash in the first array element. The order of the columns is the order of the sorted keys of the hash in the first array element.


This function read the file content into an array. Return a reference to this array or undef if file is not readable.


This function list the directory into an array (without . and ..). Return a reference to this array or undef if directory not readable.


The signals SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGQUIT and SIGTERM will be catched by Script::Toolbox and logged as "program aborted by signal SIG$sig."


None by default. Can export Open,Log,Exit,Table,Usage,Dir or :all.


IO::File, Fatal, Script::Toolbox::Util, Script::Toolbox::Util::Open, Script::Toolbox::Util::Formatter


Matthias Eckardt, <>


Copyright 2002 by Matthias Eckardt, eckardt & braun GmbH

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 189:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 199:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'