Finance::GeniusTrader::DB::pg - Access to PostgreSQL database of quotes
This module is used to retry quotes from a Postgresql database. By default, the database is supposed to be running on localhost and the only authentication done is the standard Unix one.
You can put some configuration items in ~/.gt/options to indicate where the database is.
- DB::pg::dbname : the name of the database ("cours" by default)
- DB::pg::dbhost : the host of the database ("" = localhost by default)
- DB::pg::dbuser : the user account on the database
- DB::pg::dbpasswd : the password of the user account
Disconnects from the database.
$db->get_prices($code, $timeframe)
Returns a Finance::GeniusTrader::Prices object containing all known prices for the symbol $code.
$db->get_last_prices($code, $limit, $timeframe)
Returns a Finance::GeniusTrader::Prices object containing the $limit last known prices for the symbol $code.
Returns the name of the stock designated by $code.