Finance::GeniusTrader::Indicators::Wilders - Wilder's smoothing (aka wells wilders moving average)


Wilder's smoothing is using simple averages for the initial calculation. For the subsequent average calculations, he drops 1/14th of the previous average value and adds 1/nth of the new value. This is the "classic" exponential average, in which the smoothing factor is 1/n, instead of the "modern" exponential average, in which the smoothing factor is 2/(n+1).

Wilders(i) = (1/n) * Close(i) + (1 - 1/n) * Wilders(i-1)


Period (default 14)

The first argument is the period used to calculed the average.

Other data input

The second argument is optional. It can be used to specify an other stream of input data for the average instead of the close prices. This is usually an indicator, including I:Prices.



If you need a 30 days Wilders of the opening prices you can write the following line:

Finance::GeniusTrader::Indicators::Wilders->new([30, "{I:Prices OPEN}"])

A 10 days Wilders of the RSI could be created with :

Finance::GeniusTrader::Indicators::Wilders->new([10, "{I:RSI}"])