Finance::GeniusTrader::Portfolio - A portfolio
A Portfolio is used to keep track of orders. It can calculate a performance and give useful statistics about what you've done (average trade gain/loss, percentage of winning/losing trades, max draw down, ...).
my $p = Finance::GeniusTrader::Portfolio->new;
Create a portfolio object without any open positions and without any pendings orders (ie an empty portfolio).
Add $order to the list of pending orders.
Discard the order. Usually that means that it hasn't been executed or that it has been cancelled.
$p->new_position($code, $source, $date)
Create a new open position in the portfolio.
$p->apply_order_on_position($position, $order, $price, $date)
Add the given order to the position and modify the money available in the portfolio accordingly.
Move the position from the list of open positions to the historic list. Update the cash with the marged gain.
$p->apply_pending_orders($calc, $i, $source, $pf_manager, [ $cb ])
Check the pending order for the value indicated by $calc, try to execute them on the day $i. It restricts itself to the orders coming from the indicated source. You can pass an optionnal callback for managing specially the position_opened callback. Not giving this arg and leaving to its default value is usually ok.
$p->apply_pending_orders_on_position($position, $calc, $i)
Apply all pending orders on the position, this does include the stop.
$p->update_position_evaluation($position, $calc, $i)
Update the evaluation of the position with data of day $i.
Store the cash level and the evaluation of the portfolio for the indicated date.
Returns the sum of cash available (may return a negative value if "effet de levier" is used).
Returns the evaluation of all the open positions in the portfolio.
Returns the sum of gains (or losses if the number is negative) made with marged positions.
Returns the sum of gains (or losses if the number is negative) made with marged positions.
my($cash, $evaluation, $gains) = $p->get_historic_evaluation($date)
Return the historic information (cash and portfolio evaluation) about the portfolio.
Returns true if an evaluation of the portfolio exists for the given date.
Returns the list of orders that are pending and that have been submitted by the corresponding source. If source argument is missing (or undef), returns all the pending orders.
Returns the list of positions that are open and that have been submitted by the corresponding source. If source argument is missing (or undef), returns all the open positions.
$p->get_position($code, $source)
Return the position (if any) corresponding to $code and $source. This assumes that only one such position exists.
$p->list_history_positions($code, $source)
Return the list of historical positions corresponding to $code and $source.
Set the amount of money available initially on the portfolio.
Defines which broker to use for the calculation of order commissions and annual account charge.
Apply all broker rules and return the amount ask by the broker for the given order.
Analyzes the evolution of the portfolio. Either globally or for each share individually.
Real analysis uses just the information provided. For a global analysis, it needs an initial value for the portfolio.
The informations calculated are :
- global gain/loss (sum & percentage) - number of winning trades - number of loosing trades - average loss (percentage) - average gain (percentage) - max gain in single trade (percentage) - max loss in single trade (percentage) - max global gain - max global loss - max draw down (biggest cumulated loss after a new high) (percentage)