Analyzer - Shell
The command help shows you a comprehensive summary of the available commands:
anashell> help
By typing set without a parameter it will show you the current settings:
anashell> set Settings: expert => 1 code => 13000 system => Systems::Generic {S:Generic:CrossOverUp {I:SMA 20} {I:SMA 60}} {S:Generic:CrossOverDown {I:SMA 20} {I:SMA 60}} broker => InteractiveBrokers first => auto tf => OneTrade full => 0 last => auto mm [0] => Basic cs => OppositeSignal
Most of the settings are very easy to understand:
expert => 1
If set to 1 every command that can't be interpreted by the internal
parser is interpreted by perl.
code => 13000
The code :)
system => Systems::Generic {S:Generic:CrossOverUp {I:SMA 20} {I:SMA 60}}
{S:Generic:CrossOverDown {I:SMA 20} {I:SMA 60}}
The System to test
broker => InteractiveBrokers
The broker
first => auto
last => auto
Can be set to a date; auto results in the same settings as in
tf => OneTrade
mm [0] => Basic
cs => OppositeSignal
Tradefilters, Money-Management and Closing-Strategies
full => 0
Test the full history?
For our backtest we want to test the full history so we use:
anashell> set full 1
And we add one more closing-strategy by using the following command:
anashell> set +cs Stop::KeepRunUp 10
(set cs[1] Xxxxx would have changed the second array element) After this we start the backtest...
anashell> btest Tested ... ok in 104 seconds
...and view the result:
anashell> report report_summary.ash
By using the HTML::Mason-framework you can generate every report you want...
Now we can save the system to a directory
anashell> save TEST /tmp Saved TEST in /tmp...
So that we can load it the next time we start a session:
anashell> load TEST /tmp Loaded Portfolio TEST...
If we don't know the name of our system we can list all systems in the directory:
anashell> list /tmp ==> SY:Generic {S:Generic:CrossOverUp {I:SMA 20 {I:Prices CLOSE}} {I:SMA 60 {I:Prices CLOSE}}} {S:Generic:CrossOverDown {I:SMA 20 {I:Prices CLOSE}} {I:SMA 60 {I:Prices CLOSE}}}|TF:OneTrade 50|CS:OppositeSignal|CS:Stop:KeepRunUp 10 --> 13000
Now let's do some analysis on the backtest:
First I would like to know the costs for each trade
anashell> calc_array {A:OpenDate} {A:Costs} Number OpenDate[] Costs[] [ 0] 1993-05-13 20.76 [ 1] 1993-07-01 22.65 [...] [ 34] 2002-01-17 20.3
But we can also calculate the average cost of one trade:
anashell> calc {A:Avg {A:Costs}} 20.1568571428571
- you see it is the same as using an indicator...
Now let's do some graphics (make sure you have R ( installed):
anashell> @gain = calc_array("{A:NetGain}") anashell> r_hist( \@gain )
You can also have a look at the distribution of the gains over time:
anashell> r_bar( \@gain )
Or we create a second array and see if there is a correlation between the Duration of a trade and its gain...
anashell> @duration = calc_array("{A:Duration}") r_corr( \@duration, \@gain )
Now let's leave the program and save the history for the next session:
anashell> bye Exiting Olf's Analyzer... Save settings? [Y/n]: Y
This module needs Term::ReadLine to process the interactive commands.