fqdb - Manage quote databases
fqdb [options] command
This script is the command-line interface to the Finance::QuoteDB module.
createdb Creates a new database
addstock Add stocks to database
delstock Remove stocks from a database
updatedb Updates a database
backpopulate Retrieves history quotes and put them in the database
dumpquotes Retrieves and outputs quotes from the database
dumpstocks Retrieves and outputs stock symbols and info from the database
GTWriteConfig Writes a config file for usage with Geniustrader
-h --help Shows help
--dsn Which database to use. Defaults to 'dbi:SQLite:fqdb.db'.
format = 'dbi:$dbType:dbname=$dbname;host=$host;port=$port'
--dsnuser Username if needed for dsn
--dsnpassword Password if needed for dsn
--market Market from which stocks should be treated
--stocks Stock list (comma separated) use [] to specify your own ID
--startdate startdate for usage with backpopulate and getquote defaults to '1900-01-01'
--enddate enddate for usage with backpopulate and getquote defaults to '' (today)
--overwrite indicates if updates should overwrite previously saved data.
Defaults to yes. Only works for backpopulate for now...
--configFile Name of file to create as configuration file.
-v --version Returns version number of Finance::QuoteDB
fqdb createdb --dsn='dbi:SQLite:quotes.db'
fqdb createdb --dsn='dbi:SQLite:dbname=quotes.db'
Creates a new database in the current directory called quotes.db of type SQLite.
fqdb updatedb --dsn='dbi:SQLite:quotes.db'
Updates the database quotes.db with new quotes if available.
Copyright 2008 Erik Colson, all rights reserved.
This file is part of Finance::QuoteDB.
Finance::QuoteDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Finance::QuoteDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Finance::QuoteDB. If not, see <>.