Changes for version 0.14
- fixed mix up of long and lat in in Geo::Coder::Many::Bing thx to stpra123 for reporting
- previously Geo::Coder::Many::Google had been returning precision of 1.0 for all requests (what a wonderful world that would be) Now determines precision based on response
- previously Geo::Coder::Many::OSM had been returning precision of undef for all requests (what a terrible world that would be) Now determines precision based on response
- both of the above use Geo::Coder::Many::Util::determine_precision_from_bbox which use Geo::Distance::XS
- new tests
- submitted by co-maintainer EDF
- corresponds to Lokku internal revision 39083
Module to tie together multiple Geo::Coder::* modules
Plugin for the Bing geocoder
Base plugin class
Plugin for the google maps geocoder
Plugin for the Multimap geocoder
OpenStreetMap Nominatim plugin for Geo::Coder::Many
Yahoo PlaceFinder plugin for Geo::Coder::Many
standard geocoder response container object
Abstract base class for schedulers.
Ordered list scheduler
Scheduler that times out bad geocoders
Scheduler base class which ensures uniqueness
Weighted Round Robin scheduler (default)
Weighted random scheduler