Changes for version 0.14

  • fixed mix up of long and lat in in Geo::Coder::Many::Bing thx to stpra123 for reporting
  • previously Geo::Coder::Many::Google had been returning precision of 1.0 for all requests (what a wonderful world that would be) Now determines precision based on response
  • previously Geo::Coder::Many::OSM had been returning precision of undef for all requests (what a terrible world that would be) Now determines precision based on response
  • both of the above use Geo::Coder::Many::Util::determine_precision_from_bbox which use Geo::Distance::XS
  • new tests
  • submitted by co-maintainer EDF
  • corresponds to Lokku internal revision 39083


Module to tie together multiple Geo::Coder::* modules
Plugin for the Bing geocoder
Base plugin class
Plugin for the google maps geocoder
Plugin for the Multimap geocoder
OpenStreetMap Nominatim plugin for Geo::Coder::Many
Yahoo PlaceFinder plugin for Geo::Coder::Many
standard geocoder response container object
Abstract base class for schedulers.
Scheduler that times out bad geocoders
Scheduler base class which ensures uniqueness
Weighted Round Robin scheduler (default)