XML::Xalan::Transformer - Perl interface to XalanTransformer class


use XML::Xalan::Transformer;

my $tr = new XML::Xalan::Transformer;

Compiling a stylesheet file:

my $compiled = $tr->compile_stylesheet_file("foo.xsl");

Compiling a stylesheet string:

my $compiled = $tr->compile_stylesheet_string(<<"XSLT");
<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
  <xsl:template match="doc">
    <out><xsl:value-of select="."/></out>

Parsing an XML file:

my $parsed = $tr->parse_file("foo.xml");

Parsing an XML string:

my $parsed = $tr->parse_string(<<"XML");
<?xml version="1.0"?>

Performing a transformation and storing the result into a destination file:

$tr->transform_to_file($src_file, $xsl_file, $dest_file) 
  or die $tr->errstr;

$tr->transform_to_file($parsed, $xsl_file, $dest_file)
  or die $tr->errstr;

$tr->transform_to_file($parsed, $compiled, $dest_file)
  or die $tr->errstr;

Performing a transformation and returning the result:

my $res = $tr->transform_to_data($src_file, $xsl_file);
die $tr->errstr unless defined $res;      # error checking

my $res = $tr->transform_to_data($parsed, $xsl_file);
my $res = $tr->transform_to_data($parsed, $compiled);


Interface to the XalanTransformer class.



Constructor, with no argument. Returns an XML::Xalan::Transformer object.

my $tr = new XML::Xalan::Transformer;

Compiles a stylesheet file and returns an XML::Xalan::CompiledStylesheet object.

my $compiled = $tr->compile_stylesheet("foo.xsl");

Compiles a stylesheet string and returns an XML::Xalan::CompiledStylesheet object.

my $compiled = $tr->compile_stylesheet_string(<<"XSLT");
<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
  <xsl:template match="doc">
    <out><xsl:value-of select="."/></out>

Parses an XML file and returns an XML::Xalan::ParsedSource object.

my $parsed = $tr->parse_file("foo.xml");

Parses an XML string and returns an XML::Xalan::ParsedSource object.

my $parsed = $tr->parse_string(<<"XML");
<?xml version="1.0"?>
$tr->transform_to_file($source, $xsl, $dest)

Transforms a source into a specified file. Returns undef on failure. $source could be an XML::Xalan::ParsedSource object or an XML file. $xsl could be an XML::Xalan::CompiledStylesheet object or an XSL file.

$tr->transform_to_file("foo.xml", "foo.xsl", "bar.xml");
$tr->transform_to_data($source, $xsl)

Transforms a source and returns the result. $source could be an XML::Xalan::ParsedSource object or an XML file. $xsl could be an XML::Xalan::CompiledStylesheet object or an XSL file.


my $result = $tr->transform_to_data("foo.xml", "foo.xsl");
$tr->transform_to_handler($source, $xsl, *FH, $handler)

Transforms a source and pass the result to a callback handler. $xsl could be an XML::Xalan::CompiledStylesheet object or an XSL file.

If $xsl is an XML::Xalan::CompiledStylesheet object, then $source must be an XML::Xalan::ParsedSource object.


$out_handler = sub {
    my ($ctx, $mesg);
    print $ctx $mesg;
    $xmlfile, $xslfile, 
    *STDERR, $out_handler);

Removes $compiled_stylesheet from memory.


Removes $parsed_source from memory.

$tr->set_stylesheet_param($key, $val)

Set an XSLT parameter, $key is the param name and val is the assigned value. Returns nothing.

$tr->set_stylesheet_param("id", 777);
$tr->set_stylesheet_param("user", "'johndoe'");
my $res = $tr->transform_to_file($source, $xsl, $dest);
$tr->install_external_function($namespace, $function_name, $function)

Install a user defined function as an extension. Example:

my $namespace = "";
my $func_name = "square-root";
my $func = sub {
   my @args = @_;
   if (@args != 1) {
       warn "square-root accepts exactly one arg!";
       return undef;
   return POSIX::sqrt($args[0]);

$tr->install_external_function($namespace, $func_name, $func);
my $res = $tr->transform_to_file($source, $xsl, $dest);

The function to install must return a scalar. In case of fatal error, don't die(), but you should return undef.

Take a look at Xalan/t/08external.t for more usage variations.


Returns current error string.


XML::Xalan::Transformer is an interface to XalanTransformer class, a C++ class which internally keeps a list of compiled stylesheet objects and another list of parsed source objects. Upon an XalanTransformer object destruction, those lists are iterated and each element of them is deleted. Deleting an element which is no longer exist causes a segfault, thereby I do not provide destructors for XML::Xalan::CompiledStylesheet and XML::Xalan::ParsedSource, since these will conflict with one from XML::Xalan::Transformer.

As a consequence, if you write a code which runs an XML::Xalan::Transformer object for a long time and using either compiled stylesheet or parsed source, be careful to call the appropriate destroy_stylesheet() or destroy_parsed_source() to remove it from the internal list (thus, from the memory) once it's no longer used. Otherwise, the memory used will be accumulated regardless the objects are already out of scope, and the wasted allocated memory will be freed only when the XML::Xalan::Transformer object runs out of scope.

For example:

my $tr = new XML::Xalan::Transformer;
my $compiled = $tr->compile_stylesheet_file($stylesheet);
my $res = $tr->transform_to_file($source, $compiled, $dest);

# $compiled will be used for another stylesheet, then 
# it's necessary to destroy it explicitly first:

# now it's safe to use for another stylesheet
$compiled = $tr->compile_stylesheet_file($another_stylesheet);


set_stylesheet_param() should accept a hash ref instead, so several parameters can be passed at once.


Edwin Pratomo,